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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Not to be flippant...but I have changed my mind about internet pornograpy and the general exploitation of women. Not that I ever was a proponant of exploiting women, but I never took an active stand against it. I have changed my about the house of cards that our economic system has become. I have changed my mind about losing weight.
  2. My favorite records are VERY different from what I consider the greatest records and my favorites constantly change. I'll name as many as I damn well please...and I'll count CD releases. These are the current faves and subject to change at the whim of ME. 1. Bruce Springsteen --- Born to Run 2. Bruce Springsteen --- The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle 3. The Beatles --- Revolver 4. The Beatles --- Abbey Road 5. Big Star --- Big Star/#1 Record 6. Elvis Costello --- This Year's Model 7. Wilco --- Summerteeth 8. Wilco --- Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 9. Bob Dylan --- Highway
  3. I would unequivocably say "YES!!!" I had similar doubts and concerns about taking my 13 year old son to the show at the Palladium in Dallas. I will repost my recap of an evening that my son and I will long remember... I picked D-man up from football practice at 5:00. He was talking a mile a minute (sure sign he was excited). I was excited too, but this ain't my first rodeo. I've been going to shows for well over 30 years. But, this would be my first Wilco show and the first time in a LONG time where I was going to a mid-sized venue with General Admission. With my claustrophobia...well,
  4. My friend 'Dancin' Joe' hooked me up with a copy in August of 01. He said it was more of the 'noise shit'. I appreciated it right away and it grew to iconic status (for me) with repeated listens.
  5. We already had a post on this... It's Analogman's Birthday!!!!
  6. Before we get all Karl Marxy and Kurt Englesy, remember one thing: Corporations don't pay taxes. Stockholders do. Stockholders, who include plutocrats, pension funds and your grandmother. Are excess profits good? Probably not as bad as the huge bonuses that the corporate executives will pay themselves. Now back to the grandstanding.
  7. LOL I said the EXACT same thing to D-man after his first show (which just so happened to be a Wilco show): THE SHOW AIN'T OVER UNTIL THE HOUSE LIGHT COME UP Made me look like a freaking genius.
  8. Fake encore...yeah...those suck; however, might as well complain about the volume. It is simply a given these days. I wonder what band first decided to do a 'fake' encore?
  9. Now we're getting into Art Bell kinda shit...
  10. Charlie felt he had no other options given Desmond's vision.
  11. Eh...I think it is worth a new post to see the cool picture of Mr. Page.
  12. This is a love it or hate it movie. I think it lived up to MY expectations. It doesn't spoon feed you answers to the obvious questions (and for the benefit of those who haven't seen it, I won't go it to great detail) and I definitely like being challenged a bit.
  13. There are certain songs that move it on down the line every time you hear it... Go All the Way
  14. I'll be sure to pass those sentiments along to Downtown. I am sure she will be amused (NOT).
  15. Last weekend, Downtown and I were meeting some friends at Jason's Deli then heading over to see Colverfield. As we were waiting for Toby and "All the Young Girls Love", What Light came over the sound system. "That's Wilco..." "Really? I thought they were some kinda hard rock band. That's not bad." Not exactly a ringing endorsement. Downtown loves Styx and Barry Manilow. I'm in love with a A Philistine.
  16. Dion is certainly under rated. If he hadn't gotten a nasty heroin addiction in the day, he could be a heavy giant even to this day.
  17. That's the real deal my friend. We always cut and run and pay the price later. This time, we can't afford to. We just need to do it the right way and not acquire a new piece to the American empire.
  18. In a nutshell, you captured my concerns...that and he may have a lot of Chicago politics baggage floating around.
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