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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. He thought he was the king of america Where they pour coca cola just like vintage wine Actually, I think Elvis Costello does the best verses in the business. Shes been a bad girl. Shes like a chemical. Though you try to stop it, Shes like a narcotic. You wanna torture her. You wanna talk to her. All the things you bought for her, Putting up your temprature.
  2. Don't dis ain't ... it has a long and storied entomology. "...Critics say frequent use of ain
  3. Today is the fifth anniversary of THE life changing event and my epiphany. I feel the need to recognize this, even though I won't share what happened. Thanks
  4. I generally support you observations about the proliferation of posts on the same topic, however sometimes things get lost in the shuffle of a larger post (i.e. my replication of your post about Danny Federici's melanoma). Some things are deemed by posters to be important enough to be re-posted in an attempt to generate more discussion.
  5. Bakran Tribe ---Call Girl 1) Adams Township, Morgan County, Indiana 2) Fredholm alternative 3) Blindside 4) Psophometer 5) Theatre of the Absurd 6) Scottish Second Division 2007-08 7) Durham Area Transit Authority 8) Nederlandse IJshockey Bond 9) Tamil people 10) Pluto and Proserpina 11) Deep Blue Sea 12)Scratch and Grounder Goth Country Power Trio from Honey Grove Texas.
  6. Thank Cod I'm not the only one. "I'm Crow and I'm a popaholic..."
  7. Very nice. If is really refreshing to hear a 'younger' band play this. You guys don't have the 35 years of baggage that many of us carry for this record. It holds up well in retrospect and you guys nail the spirit of the record. I very clearly remember the first time I heard DSoTM. If not a life changing experience, it was certainly an epiphany about the possibilities of Popular music. Pink Floyd was always an interesting band; certainly not virtuosos in the mode of Yes or Emerson or Lake and Palmer (in fact, there was a quote from Roger Waters to the effect that they had a light show be
  8. But Leroy obviously didn't want to continue. Look at the body language in the picture.
  9. 1). My Father in Law is from Iraq 2). My Father owned a radio station when I was growing up 3). I worked as a Prison Guard
  10. It seems like a cute idea, but it might be taken poorly by some artists. "Hey, I stole some music for you, but here's $5. We're cool, right?" Just don't know how that would fly...
  11. Yeah...why should anybody remember this: ... he strongly opposed a constitutional amendment imposing term limits on members of Congress, and supported the Family and Medical Leave Act. He has also voted to ban certain types of assault weapons. In the 1990s he joined the Clinton administration in opposing the 1973 War Powers Resolution, an act restricting the president's authority to engage troops overseas that some GOP lawmakers sought to invoke to protest military operations in Haiti, Somalia and Bosnia. In addition to helping shape U.S. policy in the war on terrorism, Hyde in 2003 ov
  12. Test your reading comprehension... I am aware of the other post... I think the issue at hand is getting lost with the intellectual jousting in the other thread. A Woman is going to be imprisoned and lashed 40 times for naming a Teddy Bear Mohammad. Are you fucking kidding me? Like I said...welcome to the 7th century.
  13. Lest we forget, there are still barbarians in the world. Riots over cartoons, 'honor' rapes...it just gets better and better... Welcome to the 7th Century... Sudan charges teacher for teddy bear name By ALFRED de MONTESQUIOU, Associated Press Writer Sudan charged a British teacher Wednesday with inciting religious hatred after she allowed her students to name a teddy bear Muhammad, an offense that could subject her to 40 lashes, the Justice Ministry said. The charge against Gillian Gibbons was sure to heighten tensions between Sudan and Britain. In London, Foreign Secretary Dav
  14. Fucker needs to get back to work and stop living of his past triumphs.
  15. While you guys congratulate yourselves on how enlightened you are and go about your erudite debate...don't forget the victim here. A Brithsh school teacher trying to educate Sudan's children...makes me sick. Welcome to the 7th century. Sudan charges teacher for teddy bear name By ALFRED de MONTESQUIOU, Associated Press Writer Wed Nov 28, 3:43 PM ET Sudan charged a British teacher Wednesday with inciting religious hatred after she allowed her students to name a teddy bear Muhammad, an offense that could subject her to 40 lashes, the Justice Ministry said. The charge against Gillian G
  16. I sense another 100+page angst fest. IT's a car wreck...but I must admit that these never degenerate into Godwin's law territory. But one thing we all agree on ( I think ), when a teacher's life is threatened for naming a Teddy Bear Mohammad, it's crazy.
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