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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Here's to the babies in a brand new world Here's to the beauty of the stars Here's to the travellers on the open road Here's to the dreamers in the bars Here's to the teachers in the crowded rooms Here's to the workers in the fields Here's to the preachers of the sacred words Here's to the drivers at the wheel Here's to you my little loves With blessings from above Now let the day begin Here's to you my little loves With blessings from above Now let the day begin,let the day begin Here's to the winners of the human race Here's to the losers inthe game Here's to the soldiers of the bitt
  2. You really got me going here TTL... I really loved the Call back in the day. Michael Been was the most passionate lyricist/vocalist of the day...
  3. Garth Hudson... 'I don't htink there are any Russians... There ain't no Yanks Just corporate criminals playing with tanks...'
  4. Court sentences rape victim A Saudi court sentenced a woman who had been gang raped to six months in jail and 200 lashes
  5. I keep waiting for treehugging j nick to show up and berate ya'll for being gluttinous in the face of millions of hungry people in america...
  6. Never woulda happened if they had sold one of their boring fucking songs to Toyota for a commercial
  7. I am really enjoying people overlooking the Jayhawks...the fat man is gonna surprise some more folks...
  8. It doesn't even matter if he is convicted in a court of law. He has been convicted by the media and public opinion.
  9. Nice...Barry Bonds goes to jail for steroid abuse and perjury. Guess he should have killed a blonde white woman (worked for Phil and O.J.)
  10. Unless it's the 24 year old red head next door...
  11. So...any ideas about what the watch represents?
  12. God...what I wouldn't give to see you in about 20 years...
  13. I went to a school with a guy we called 'Whammo'. And there was a 'Potsy', a 'Jelly'...
  14. ...in other words...MAKING A LIVING. There are multiple ways to hear this song...(the self preciousness of the Indie crowd or the killing culture of commecialism) The greatest lost track of all time: The Late Greats' "Turpentine" You can't hear it on the radio You can't hear it anywhere you go The best band will never get signed K-Settes starring Butcher's Blind Are so good, you won't ever know They never even played a show You can't hear 'em on the radio The greatest singer in rock and roll Would have to be Romeo His vocal chords are made of gold He just looks a little to
  15. Does A-rod, someone who can swing a bat and catch a ball deserve a better life than the vast majority of people, me, I don
  16. Ok... Interesting picture of the Korean peninsula. What does it represent and what is its significance in this ass whip of a thread?
  17. Boy (pronounced boyee) Flash and of course...Crow
  18. I'd like to know just how one fucks his/her bicycle?
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