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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. There's more than enough blame to go around for 9/11. It's really east to look at catastrophic attacks years down the road and see the clues. Same thing happened after Pearl Harbor.
  2. I have that feeling gnawing at the back of my mind too. Jimmy Carter was a candidate who ran on a change agenda also...(c'mon...admit it. Even though Carter has had a wondrous post presidency, he was a disaster)
  3. One word expresses what I feel for Billy Clyde Gillespie's plight at Kentucky: schadenfreude Bastard getting what he deserves for leaving College Station
  4. if you could see my navel...you'd understand
  5. Just saying... Not one much for navel gazing...
  6. Teach a man to build a fire...you keep him warm for a day. Set a man on fire...he'll be warm the rest of his life.
  7. However, there is still massive poverty and hunger in Africa and Bangladesh. These events draw/drew attention to an issue and increase public awareness, but have they really changed anything? There's a certain amount of narcissism in the ARTISTE as the grand savior and savant. Music is important, but Abraham Lincoln and Karl Marx couldn't sing for shit.
  8. I can see the level of discourse from the viral video crowd. Sad
  9. Ahhh... your problems will be solved with a year or two with private sector employment. The public sector would drive you fucking mad
  10. Words can only offer so much comfort, but they are all I/we have. Even though I only know you from a message board for a band that I have fondness for, I feel the deepest sympathy possible for your loss. Death is never a relief. Try to remember the good times. My condolences to you and your family.
  11. Well...at least he could get a trim to take care of the cowlick curls
  12. And One Life to Live (I know...but I was in College at the time) And Silverado...
  13. Wow...that was harsh. But there is a sense of self importance to the idea that music can change anything. Generally, musicians are preaching to the choir. They are continually reinforced that THEIR ideas matter by the media and hangers on; therefore, it comes as a surprise when theire grand pronouncements are met with studied silence. People ususally lose the sense that they are the center of the Universe and their every pronouncement matters at the age of three.
  14. ...feel nostalgic for my youth when music spoke of great possibilities.
  15. I am finding that BORN AGAIN IN THE USA stays in heavy rotation for me. I really like the dynamics of the O'Rourke/Tweedy collaboration. I wish there could be some sort of accomodation where O'Rourke could become a de facto member of Wilco. I have a feeling that Nels may not be a permanent addition to Wilco. If/when he leaves, my excitement would be renewed with an addition of O'Rourke.
  16. Political observation. With Romney out of the race on the GOP side, McCain is going to have 6 months of attacking Obama and Clinton and shoring up the conservative base. The Democrats are going to undergo a bloodletting here as Obama and Clinton will go at each other tooth and nail until the convention. Is it possible that McCain can win now? I think there are divisions showing up in the Democratic base that should be troubling to any political observer (i.e. the race question...specifically the hispanic vs. black dynamic). What looked like a cake walk now looks interesting.
  17. In the immortal words of Scoobie Do...Ruh Roh McNamee has evidence on Clemens Brian McNamee has turned over physical evidence that Roger Clemens' former trainer believes will show the seven-time Cy Young Award winner used performance-enhancing drugs, McNamee's attorneys told The New York Daily News. In the report, an anonymous source close to McNamee said the former trainer gave the Justice Department's BALCO investigators vials with traces of steroids and growth hormone, as well as bloodstained syringes and gauze pads. McNamee's attorneys told the newspaper he has turned over t
  18. I would do it in a New York Minute...but they probably aren't interested in reaching my demographic.
  19. Punching the dolphin...spanking the monkey...choking the chicken..
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