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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I am really hesitant to chide somebody over a heartfelt opinion, but I must admit I am puzzled at your reaction. What have you been watching all these years? Chase has shown us that it isn't about Goodfella style gangsterism totally. The show has always been about Tony's descent into the evil of 'this this of ours'. At the beginning he may have had a conscience...some regrets. But by the end he is left with the banality of his family life juxtaposed with the violence and evil of his 'professional life'. We didn't know what was going to happen right up to the black screen. I ain't drinking
  2. The ending scene was simply classic...tension builds with each passing minute. Is somebody going to shoot him? The guy at the counter? The two black guys coming in? This is Tony's life. Even in the most mundane of family moments there is an element of fear, of dread. And then it all simply goes to black. This isn't/wasn't your dad's gangster series.
  3. You have no idea what awful baseball is. I have been a Texas Rangers fan since 1972. This year is a total and unmitigated clusterfuck.
  4. Now I will assume that you are making a really bad joke here and not give rein to my inner (and outer) demons and get into an irration e-squabble with you. I will not get into any personal issues/experiences/tragedies/traumas here, but if you aren't joking...GAME ON.
  5. I'd say basically...get over it. It's been a LONG time since Llewelyn Fawr.
  6. Scooter Libby is frantically searching for Paris' phone number...
  7. Hey there mister can you tell me What happened to the seeds I've sown Can you give me a reason, sir, as to why they've never grown They've just blown around from town to town Back out on these fields Where they fall from my hand Back into the dirt of this hard land Well me and my sister From Germantown we did ride We made our bed, sir From the rock on the mountainside We been blowin' around from town to town Lookin' for a place to stand Where the sun burst through the clouds and fall like a circle A circle of fire down on this hard land Now even the rain it don't come 'round Don't come 'ro
  8. I tell you why I tend to take exception to this in a more serious fashion: it tends to put a 'slumming' aspect to the enjoyment of this music. I would imagine you would be hard pressed to guess my politics, but the thought that 'alt country' is safe for Democrats is too exclusive and toney. I find it akin to saying 'alt country music is for the rich suburbanites who think country music is too corny'. Neither captures the cultural essence of the music. It is a return to the roots of where country, gospel, blues and vaudeville came together. 'Alt-Country' is about the more grown up aspects of
  9. Nah...it ain't about politics just as it's no longer about the South. Country Music was originally the rural white's blues: The blending of the Scots Irish folk tradition with the music from across the tracks. You listen to Jimmy Rodgers and Hank Williams then listen to Muddy Waters and Elmore James. These guys shared a life of hard work and poverty. Patterson Hood has said it best: To the fucking rich man all poor people look the same.
  10. lol And Basically Gram Parsons was a very traditional country artist in his solo works. I was gonna try for a serious attempt to arrive at a consensus on a name, but I have been here long enough to know what I would happen. But from now on...it will be refered to as crowmusic.
  11. When I used try to describe Alt Country to people, I called it roots rock with (sometimes) traditional country instrumentation (i.e. steel guitars, mandolins, and violins). Or maybe, rock songs sung in an unironic fashion with a southern drawl We've really gone through some interesting attempts to describe this thing: Country Rock Southern Rock Cow Punk Alt Country Ya'll ternative I suggest we come up with our own name for the genre...I suggest Crowmusic
  12. I gotta tell you...anything that liberal democrats AND conservative republicans universally despise is probably a GOOD solution. Basically there is no political center anymore.
  13. One can only imagine the confusion of the new members of the board who joined with the release of the new record. I laugh. Babyarm
  14. Sooner or later, everyone has to confront the darkness on the edge of town ********************************************** I hold you in my arms as the band plays What are those words whispered baby just as you turn away I saw you last night out on the edge of town I wanna read your mind To know just what I've got in this new thing I've found So tell me what I see when I look in your eyes Is that you baby or just a brilliant disguise I heard somebody call your name from underneath our willow I saw something tucked in shame underneath your pillow Well I've tried so hard baby but I just can't s
  15. ...Kinda harsh, provocatively worded and probably won't make many friends around here; but it certainly isn't incorrect.
  16. Capo di Tutti Capo CAn i be the consigliere?
  17. Last one...couldn't even remember who 'Mustang' Sally was
  18. I never read it in a book I never saw it on a show but I heard it in the alley on a weird radio if you want a drink of water you got to get it from a well if you want to get to heaven you got to raise a little hell I never felt it in my feet I never felt it in my soul but I heard it the alley now it's in my rock and roll if you want to know a secret you got to promise not to tell if you want to get to heaven you got to raise a little hell I never thought it'd be so easy I never though it'd be so fun but I heard it in the alley now I got it on the run if you want to see an angel you got to
  19. Llama 7000 battery Jonny Polonsky Tab Benoit Dwight Twilley Band
  20. I know this isn't BEST place to express my love of Springsteen's work, but the newsgroup sites are fucking zoos. The noise to signal ratio there is intolerable. So... A lot of folks had complained that Countin' on a Miracle as too anthemic and the repetition of the chorus at the end was evocative of 80's rock... However, consider it as placed on the record before Empty Sky. Springsteen manages to catch the entire mood of the weeks and months followint 9/11 in these two songs. It's a fairytale so tragic There's no prince to break the spell I don't believe in magic But for you I will,
  21. Not a big fan of his using it as a 911 elegy...was much more evocative and emotional as an epitaph for his adopted hometown.
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