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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. LOST DEATHS THIS WEEK. from lostfan108... spoiler space for those who need such 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Info from Lost Fan 108...(been pretty accurate so far...this weeks spoiler will be the acid test) Charlie (been rumored so long I was beginning to think it was a ruse) Mr. Friendly (Tom) Pryce (The dude who watched Sayid when he was chained to the swingset and the leader of the raid) Patchie (This guy has had more ass whippings and death scenes...) Naomi (we hardly knew ye) and one of the two chicks in the underwater hatch (as A-man refers to them...the Sirens)
  2. New Jersey Turnpike ridin' on a wet night 'neath the refinery's glow, out where the great black rivers flow License, registration, I ain't got none but I got a clear conscience 'Bout the things that I done Mister state trooper, please don't stop me Please don't stop me, please don't stop me Maybe you got a kid, maybe you got a pretty wife the only thing that I got's been both'rin' me my whole life Mister state trooper, please don't stop me Please don't stop me, please don't stop me In the wee wee hours your mind gets hazy, radio relay towers lead me to my baby Radio's jammed up with talk s
  3. With the money from her accident She bought herself a mobile home So at least she could get some enjoyment Out of being alone No one could say that she was left up on the shelf It's you and me against the World kid she mumbled to herself When the world falls apart some things stay in place Levi Stubbs' tears run down his face She ran away from home on her mother's best coat She was married before she was even entitled to vote And her husband was one of those blokes The sort that only laughs at his own jokes The sort a war takes away And when there wasn't a war he left anyway Norman Whit
  4. The Wild, The Innocent, The E Street Shuffle Born to Run Darknes on the Edge of Town The River Nebraska Beggar's Banquet Let it Bleed Get Your ya ya's out Sticky Fingers Exile on Main Street After The Gold Rush Harvest Time Fades Away On the Beach Tonight's theNight
  5. pffft... Just more ignorant, arrogant voices expressing uninformed opinions in a loud, obnoxious manner. Liberal, Conservative...makes no difference. Sean Hannity and Randi Rhodes both make my head hurt. Talk radio, whether it be liberal, conservative or sports is a cultural and intellectual wasteland.
  6. Once again a disclaimer: I make no representations to the full accuracy of the spoiler posted three posts above. It may well be a foiler; however, lostfan108 posted an accurate spoiler for GREATEST HITS. I recommend taking it with a grain of salt.
  7. Wilco Alejandro Escovedo Ryan Adams U2 Bruce Springsteen Neil Young Bob Dylan Drive by Truckers The Beatles Radiohead The Bee Gees Pearl Jam 1968-1973 Rolling Stones ...and you will know us by the trail of dead Elvis Costello Led Zepplin ... and that is basically it... I listen to stuff...but nothing really interests me to the degree that I will even remember to post it on an internet fan site.
  8. I let out such a loud guffaw at that last comment the I almost got tossed out of the Angelika theater.
  9. Yeah...it was typical of one of the interest builder recap shows that the LOST producers do at the beginning and the end of each year.
  10. SPOILER ALERT. Taken from Darkufo blogspot. Take this with a grain of salt...however, lostfan108 was spot on with the details about GREATEST HIT SPOILER SPACE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...are you sure you want to read this? 11 12 13 14 15 ...are really sure you want to read this? 16. 17. 18. 19 20 Be prepared to have your jaw hit the table Now...all that being said, looks kinda dicey at certain points....but could be very interesting.
  11. If you guys are really good and are really interested...I will post a like to what looks like a certifiable spoiler for the finale. It looks a lot more accurate that previous ones because the spoiler for this week's episode was spot on. just saying...
  12. Wilco Springsteen World of Warcraft Lost Football
  13. And by the way...for those of you who are wondering if Locke survives... Spoiler space 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 check the casting sheet for the finale
  14. Think this may bode ill for Bernard's survival.
  15. Me...I always love a woman handling a pole.
  16. What happened to him? After my return from my epic Gershon induced snit hiatus I notice he was gone.
  17. Although I am at best a happy observing idiot here, I think Jeff was basically calling "Bullshit" on the story. He's not denying it happened, but obviously feels that Jay is still not coming clean.
  18. Thanks Maddie...good stuff By the way...the photos of Jeff in the article are outstanding.
  19. Geez...why so angry? You'd think I just compared Wilco to the Eagles or something.
  20. I will make the same statement I did when Richard Nixon died: I hope he rests in peace.
  21. Exactamundo Ratings and comparisons are shorthand for people who don't want to take the time to actually check something out for themselves. Idon't trouble myself with them nor do I base decisions on them.
  22. Thanks ever so much. As I struggle with SAD, depression and agoraphobia, I find the little kindnesses mean a lot. I have isolated myself through the years having few close friends and only my immediate family. It's nice to know that these 1's and 0's actually notice.
  23. To what other areas does your snobbery extend? Edit: You guys aren't gonna like it if SBS achieves the level of popularity it deserves. I can promise you that. And it's gonna be fun around here with the Wilco mavens spewing invective and venom at the newbie fans. I can't wait...eveybody loves a trainwreck.
  24. Jeez...let's not get our collective panties in a wad. Consider the audience this review is intended for. An A- review and a comparison to the Eagles of the Glory days is a GOOD THING. We (this board) already know and love the band. We understand the nuances and subtleites. The great unwashed is being given an indication something special is going on in a language they can understand. We may be getting ready to see an influx of new fans. How we treat them will speak loads about us.
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