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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Hope three posts on the same topic in a row won't set off the aman/bobbob alarms. I really love Bruce's work from his 'Domestic Bliss' period (i.e. Human Touch/Lucky Town). The production was way to '80's' on Human Touch, but some of theses songs are as good as ANYTHING Bruce has EVER written. This is one of the best songs ever written about 'grown up' love. Mister Trouble come walkin' this way Year gone by feels like one long day But I'm alive and I'm feelin' all right Well I run that hard road outta heartbreak city Built a roadside carnival out of hurt and self-pity It was all wrong
  2. Where the road is dark and the seed is sowed Where the gun is cocked and the bullet's cold Where the miles are marked in the blood and gold I'll meet you further on up the road Got on my dead man's suit and my smilin' skull ring My lucky graveyard boots and song to sing I got a song to sing, keep me out of the cold And I'll meet you further on up the road. Further on up the road Further on up the road Where the way dark and the night is cold One sunny mornin' we'll rise I know And I'll meet you further on up the road. Now I been out in the desert, just doin' my time Searchin' through the
  3. I certainly hope you've destroyed all evidence of The Clash from you CD Collection. Of course, I can't tell if you are being ironic, cliqueish or insufferably 'pure'.
  4. The greatest lost track of all time: The Late Greats' "Turpentine" You can't hear it on the radio You can't hear it anywhere you go The best band will never get signed K-Settes starring Butcher's Blind Are so good, you won't ever know They never even played a show You can't hear 'em on the radio The greatest singer in rock and roll Would have to be Romeo His vocal chords are made of gold He just looks a little too old The greatest lost track of all time: The Late Greats' "Turpentine" I can't hear it on the radio I don't hear it anywhere I go The best song will never ge
  5. On behalf of the denizens of the Lone Star State, let me say
  6. smile when you day that partner...
  7. House got too crowded clothes got too tight And I don't know just where I'm going tonight Out where the sky's been cleared by a good hard rain There's somebody callin' my secret name I'm going down to Lucky Town Going down to Lucky Town I wanna lose these blues I've found Down in Lucky Town Down in Lucky Town Had a coat of fine leather and snakeskin boots But that coat always had a tread hangin' loose Well I pulled it one night and to my surprise It led me right past your house and on over the rise I'm going down to Lucky Town Down to Lucky Town I'm gonna lose these blues I've found Down
  8. In fact, if I were in your shoes, I might have somebody start my car for me for a couple of weeks (you know how those Chicagoans get). Already done sirrah...and burned onto my Ipod. Smarminess in not very appealing.
  9. I wouldn't imagine Blood Meridian being an Oprah book club choice...
  10. Don't think that's gonna happen pal. I wouldn't be expecting a Xmas card from Jeff and Sue this year.
  11. All the hubub over a song that is not commercially available in a commercial that never mentions the band directly or by inference. I got an kick out of it and I managed to tell the people I was watching the Cavs game with all about Wilco. I hope Jeff and the boys make a fucking MINT on this. Jesus frickin christ...I hope the glass house I live in is safe...how about YOU?
  12. I am a bit of a geek...on my forthcoming mulit-hour/time zone spanning trip, I have already staked out a couple of reads: Armor --- John Steakley (a great sci-fi book. a bit of a reinterpretation of Heinlein's Starship Troopers...and featuring my namesake) Blood Meridian --- Cormac McCarthy (a really tough book)
  13. A really nasty bit by the writers. We can either infer that Jack was so fucked up he didn't remember his dad was dead, or Jack's leaving the island caused all kinds of ripples in time. Rattlesnake in the mailbox it was. But I wonder if we are going to have the time period between the call and the arrival first up next year, or is the action going to revolve around the possible now. It's all on Jack, whatever occurs. Locke and Ben tried to warn him that what he thought he wanted (re: leaving the island) was a bad thing. Ben says everybody will be killed. Locke showed an extraordinary level
  14. One last thing or two here: Why isn't Kate in prison (assuming this is a flash forward)? There's going to be a couple of hours before the new others show up to 'rescue' the losties. Will Locke remove himself from the group (the old others will need a new leader). What will become of Dez? Sawyer has built up a lot of negative karma...shooting Tom was uncalled for, even if he did kidnap Walt.
  15. I think Ben may well have been telling the truth all along...The Others are the good guys protecting the island and its secret(s). Must be a hell of a secret...something a lot more than healing powers for cranky old, bald headed collections managers of box companies. However, Jack and Kate were not killed by the others (as Ben predicted/feared); but what of the others? I wonder if we will have flashbacks from the characters off the island, or flash forwards from the losties as they meet the new 'others'. I think the people on the boat are either Dharma or people wanting to exploit somethi
  16. I doubt Locke left the island...It was somebody Kate would not have wanted to attend a funeral for. i am guessing maybe Ben. This ties well with Desmond's mega flashback. They weren't meant to leave the island... I was halfway expecting the code to shut down the jammer to be THE numbers. I wonder if the mysterious virus/disease will come into play. And by the way...the spoiler I posted from Lostfan108 was dead on/
  17. Let me be the first to say.... HOLY SHIT
  18. Just remember...there are three more seasons.
  19. Hmmph... I shop at a large retail outlet because of several plain and simple facts: I am the father of two teenagers. I already word 60 hours a week. Buying a cd from Best Buy who views it as a loss leader saves me money. Plus...I am not overly fond of baby seals.
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