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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I somehow ended up with Tahoma as my email font. Don't know how it happened, but I don't feel inclined to changed it.
  2. No. I think they had some ideas for a new record; went to New Zealand for the benenfit show; found themselves in a nice studio; worked with a producer they were comfortable with and had worked with before (but not as a producer); and basically cut a record without two of their key members ( who did overdubs ). I think W(TA) was simply not quite planned as well as it could have been.
  3. Things to consider and scattershooting No Depression came out in 1990 and AM came out in 1995. 21 years into a recording career and 16 years with this band and this is what we get. Wow. That being said, after three listens to the stream, this looks as if it belongs in the pantheon with Summerteeth, A Ghost is Born and Being There. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot belongs to myth and is difficult to consider without its baggage and history. It's a bit like Sargent Pepper in that respect. A Worthy and callenging record that is overwhelmed by its background. Pat desereves kudos for his production on
  4. Jeff and John are Wilco. Jeff said on the Ashes dvd that while he didn't anticipate or want it, the band could absorb a member leaving except for John.
  5. I usually don't do the "sounds like Summerteeth meets A Ghost is Born"; but listening to this in the zoned out state, I was getting a heavy Revolver era Beatles vibe. This one, in my opinion, has a very distinct non-druggy, pyschadelic vibe to it. I'm really digging it and can't wait for the official release. No downloading poor quality rips for me this time.
  6. I think this one will absolutely SLAY live.
  7. Actually, I have really bad hands. So typos are somewhat commonplace. Therefore I am just a tad sensitive about them.
  8. Props to Mike. Can we give props to Pat for some excellent production work?
  9. So, you want to be the typing accuracy policeman? Or the Spelling Policeman? Really?
  10. Probably not. If I were an effective communicator, I would probably call you an asshole. But, as I am not, I will simply note that you were not a part of the conversation and I am wondering why you feel the need to interject yourself into said convesation.
  11. I do have my moments Didn't Elvis Costello say writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Why should I trust the opinion of some dillweed posting an internet blog who probably has no familiarity with the band at all and probably hasn't really even heard the record? All bloggers and journalists are looking to score style points, not make congent, intelligent observations. That's why I love this board...people have honest opinions.
  12. Mea Culpa. I guess we just aren't communicating effectively here.
  13. I was really anticipating not liking One Sunday Morning. Didn't some internet blogghole describe it as an Alt Country Jam. That hipster dismissal was so far off base it would have to be a planned slagoff to be any more off the mark. A bit Dylanesque with some very nice musical touches.
  14. It seems that Wilco has always been able to make the record I needed to hear at the time.
  15. Just what exactly were you expecting? A Sudden metamorphosis into Sigur Ros? I guess it's a matter of desire and taste, but I personally don't want "difficult listening" Pleasurable listening is usually my goal.
  16. Well...farts and kazoos were involved.
  17. Actually, Capital City seems like a progression from Pieholden Suite and Tried and True.
  18. A. I'm not a boy. (As Springsteen said, Mr. I ain't a boy, no I'm a man...) B. I do a lot more things that are revolting than expressing admiration for a band on the BAND'S FAN SITE.
  19. What a journey...it's a helluva long way from A.M. to "The Art of Almost". The breadth of the musical styles and textures on this record are absolutely amazing. Epic? Epic. Yeah...very band has extremes going from "Art of Almost" to "One Sunday Morning". Meh
  20. A bit defensive by Jeff, but I'll guarantee 'somebody' will post about how much they hate LEAVE ME LIKE YOU FOUND ME!
  21. You either just got pwned or falsely accused...either way, I smiled
  22. Over-production? In comparison to YHF? Sky Blue Sky is a band record. A band playing together playing songs. No Pro-tools. Few if any overdubs. Jeff appeared to be reacting to the manner in which his last three records had been recorded with all the emotional wreckage that accompanied them and made a decision to do it all differently.
  23. I wouldn't be so abrasive, but i agree that AGIB is a wonder. As I have stated, I feel this is one of the best records EVER.
  24. This statement can work in SO many circumstances
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