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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I pretty much agree with this. Although I think it is pretty obvious that this kind of follows the maxim "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. There is(are) The Beatles, then everybody else.
  2. I'm not talking about it. I'm playing the game of talking about you talking about it.
  3. By the way...how cool is it that Hugh Douglas is a Whovian.
  4. Wilco has never done a concept album...they have done theme albums. (And, if truth be told, BEING THERE and SUMMERTEETH are pretty disjointed in terms of style)
  5. So...I'm guessing you didn't care for THE WHITE ALBUM or REVOLVER. Not to overly lecture, but how about giving it a listen first...
  6. That's what I love about you SS, you have a complete and total grasp of the obvious. (If you've ever seen a stinkbomb thrown into a group of people than you can appreciate just how wrong it is and just how FUNNY it is also.)
  7. I'll go even further: Not only do I like A Ghost is Born better than I like YHF, I think it is one ot the top ten records of the 2000's. Even with the drone.
  8. Can't be...we don't have musicaner on this board.
  9. You say " people freaking out over being misled into thinking they've found a lead on downloading an album illegally for free before its commercial release date." I say stinkbomb. However, I did laugh out loud several times in all the bruhaha. So...Job well done Jules.
  10. Geez...go away for a few hours and Jules starts throwing stink bombs into the room...
  11. The more I listen to it, I am struck by the groove. I am really beginning to be put off by the retro keyboard sounds.
  12. I'll own up to this. Even though the rest of the Wilco canon exceeds AM, I'll tell you what. I prefer AM to Trace. Period.
  13. That's pretty much the story I heard. THE RIVER is Bruce's WHITE AtLBUM. Except the gloriously conflicting emotions and styles are all his. That and the fact that there's nothing on the River as annoying, challenging, maddening and polarizing as Revolution 9. I haven't heard this, but I wouldn't be surprised if his obsessive recording on THE RIVER and two years later on BORN IN THE USA didn't chase Steve off. The serach for perfection can be hard on a collaborator. I found the purported first version of BORN IN THE USA (you know how those things go) that has the original 10 minute version
  14. A long life with great accomplishments, acclaim from his peers and a woderful legacy of song. All, in all, not a bad way to go.
  15. I am exactly the same way. I haven't downloaded a record off a torrent site in over 10 years. (Not to say I don't download live shows). If I appreciate a band enough to jump through hoops to steal their music, then I can certainly spare the bucks to buy their product.
  16. Julian is older that John was when he was murdered.
  17. It's not last because of any perceived lack of quality...it simply suffers from the first album syndrome. I love AM, but I love the rest of the Wilco canon that much more.
  18. Well...Sue has been known to make an appearance every now and then. Maybe the douches need to be worried.
  19. If memory serves me, this came from a proposed November 1979 release. I'm not remembering the expressed whys and wherefores as to why this wasn't released. It certainly has a different feel to it and doesn't have the chaotic, rambling mixtures of songs that make THE RIVER so charming. The rockabilly version of "You can look" was rolled on the Tunnel of Love Express tour. There is a lot of lore about this material...but it is best experienced by listening to it.
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