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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. That's part of the inherent humor in the bit. Nobody acknowledges the insanity of the moment...
  2. Killer performance on Letterman tonight
  3. I think shows supporting this record could be epic...They may finally be able to drive a stake through the heart of the alt-country label that still hangs on in some circles.
  4. After listening to the stream, I gotta wonder what you were hearing.
  5. I love the new song. Love the distorted bass (John out front here!), love the retro keyboard lines, love the acoustic guitar and drums intro, love the crunchy guitar lead. It has a really retro sound, like somebody took the 2011 band and put them in the hot tub time machine. I don't expect that Wilco will become a houshold name (they might get the cover of the Rolling Stone, but that stopped being relevant in 2001). They will get some appearances on Letterman, Leno and Kimmel. They will get the usual ink from what passed for the music press these days. We might see a few more new faces arou
  6. This is definitely one that screams to be played live. I think Jeff and the boys should dispel any ennui that some fans seem to be experiencing. Love the future/retro sound. Pignose Bass, Farfisa organ. If the whole record has this kinda groove, I won't be disappointed.
  7. Yeah...and you took the easy way out Really? Really?
  8. The metric system and Euros make my head hurt
  9. LIke I saidl East Texas...it gets in your blood. LOL He's probably not insane. He is a professor and author in residence at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches.
  10. Joe Lansdale is from my neck of the woods. East Texas has a way of getting into your head, into your soul, into you blood...lots of folks never leave there.
  11. I have gotten on a Lee Child kick. Really enjoy the Reacher novels. Now reading: Just got through with this one...it was magnificent
  12. Try hard as I may, I cannot get into this one. Radiohead seems like they are on a campaign to see just how unmusical they can be and still get people to come on that journey.
  13. Probably because it is the birthplace of the inestimable Everett Dirkson.
  14. However, for those of us not familiar with Chicago and/or Illinois, we heard it as "Peking".
  15. BT as a double cd WAS a gimmick. And it has cost Jeff financially ever since it was released.
  16. You know...I was thinking of mentioning John as the sidekick. However, I think the real sidekick, emotional foil is Glenn.
  17. Wow...there is just so much out of whack there. Leroy a collaborator?Bennett yeah. Nels...I mean...geez. But then again, it's a nice litle shout out.
  18. Double album. Back in the day, the amount of music on a 2 lp release (vinyl) would comfortably fit on a single cd in most cases. I wonder if this is going to be a 2 cd release a la Being There (which could have easily been converted to a single cd or if it is going to be a goat choking, 2 hour + release. If it is going to be a full 2 cd release, then Jeff will have done more than a yeoman's job on getting songs written. IF this band had more input and collaboration, imagine the amount of material that could be produced.
  19. Don't think twice...just another day in paradise.
  20. You made the proper decision here. I can talk about my son all I want. He is the light of my life. You probably should limit your wit to taking me on.
  21. Having a nice quiet moment with this one
  22. Jay was not John to Jeff's Paul. He was more like Van Dyke Parks to Brian Wilson.
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