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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. New album = good news. Who would have guessed that Arcade Fire would be licensing songs to the NFL.
  2. The food essay is great. I'm generally oblivious to stuff anyway, but since in addition I'm nowhere near Chicago, somehow I wasn't aware of his health. That's very sad. I have fond memories of watching him and Gene.
  3. The "Prodigal Son" version of the Winterland show is very very good. The Agora Night is legendary.
  4. All the '78 radio broadcasts are amazing. If you don't already have them, keep an eye out for the Roxy show in LA, the Passaic New Jersey show, and the Winderland show from San Fran.
  5. Looks like that article, along with others, is now available as a torrent: http://jungleland.dnsalias.com/torrents-details.php?id=32905
  6. I have run into (stalked?) all the current members, most more than once. Jeff, Nels, Glenn and John have always been charming. Mikael has been hit and miss, and Pat mostly just miss, although I only ran into him once and I certainly sympathize with the fact that it's not his job to meet me. And he wasn't rude or anything - just preoccupied. They all come across as very down to earth and genuinely appreciative of the support and their success.
  7. http://warrenkinsella.com/ - check the post for January 24.
  8. Off the top of my head it's the Talking Heads at the Horseshoe Tavern. Maybe 100 people.
  9. The Button-Down Mind of Mother Teresa is a good starting point. Really, any of her earlier funny stuff.
  10. Wilcoworld said: Which is great news unless you plan to go to Montreal and Ottawa
  11. In the comments section, Axel (the blog author) says "And you have a mental problem if you think this list is serious".
  12. I didn’t see as many shows as normal this year but these were certainly all memorable: - Bruce Springsteen and E Street Band, November 7, 2009, – entire Wild, Innocent and E Street Shuffle album – in New York New York - Wilco, October 16, Massey Hall - Elvis Costello and Sugarcanes, August 28, Massey Hall - Bruce Springsteen and E Street Band, November 22, 2009 – entire Greetings from Asbury Park album in Buffalo
  13. http://www.hobartpulp.com/website/january/greenfeld.html Fan fiction in the voice of Kobe Bryant by Karl Taro Greenfield One of the things that most fans don't know about NBA superstars, is that we like to meet in the off season and fight to the death. So, this past Saturday, I called LeBron James while I was watching my immense LCD. LeBron answered, "What's up, Mamba?" I kept silent on my end. (I like to intimidate in every area of my life, including when I'm on the phone.) "Kobe, are you there?" Still, my ominous silence. "I can hear you breathing." Damn. "What's up, Bron
  14. Don't give up early. If it says there are no tickets at 10:01, that doesn't mean you won't get a pair at 10:08 or 10:15. Keep trying. And be patient if you do get tickets. It takes forever for them to ship them. I still don't have my Ottawa tickets that I ordered about 2 months ago (luckily the show isn't for over a month). Good luck.
  15. Yeah, best wishes for a great birthday Solace!!!
  16. He pulled it out from time to time on the Magic tour but this was the only performance on the WoaD tour.
  17. Not much point in me writing a full review since it's been done very well already. It wasn't the best show of the tour - I think the show I saw at Madison Square Gardens was "better" and people who saw more shows than me point to other great nights in 2009. But at 3 1/2 hours of music and 34 songs, the show in Buffalo Sunday night might have been the most amazing show of the WOAD tour. And it was clearly the most celebratory show of the tour. An epic night. I laughed. I cried. I sweat (the pit was pretty hot in HSBC). Here's the review from Backstreets: http://www.backstreets.com/s
  18. Yeah, I am planning to go. What are the chances that I'm seeing 2 full albums performed and it's going to be Greetings and WIESS. I'm pretty pumped.
  19. The tour ends next Sunday in Buffalo. The album will be Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ.
  20. When I went to see Kiss at Varsity Stadium, somebody broke into my dad's Plymouth Fury and stole all my 8 track tapes. True story.
  21. cool http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Hold-Steady-Signed-Mixtape-Shirt-Charity-Auction_W0QQitemZ260501296446QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3ca716553e
  22. So official annoncement tomorrow? I hope the press release explains "the pirate" manoeuvre.
  23. I may have the history wrong but I think Davey left on his own, and had some success on his terms, whereas Vini was asked to leave. Having said that, I think Bruce still has a soft spot in his heart for Vini and Vini is still "around" a little bit. If you go to Bruce's site now http://www.brucespringsteen.net/news/index.html he is promoting the Steel Mill reunion http://steelmillretro.com/
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