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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. I did too. I just can't pull it off this year. Totally worth it.
  2. I just pulled up 8 for Friday and then 8 for Saturday. And if I lived anywhere near Chicago, I would be all over this. This will be a wonderful couple of nights and I envy anybody close enough to do this.
  3. Should that CMW date read "March" (not May)?
  4. Canadian skiier Ashleigh McIvor is truly deserving of the gold.
  5. This is such a wonderful it's a small world happily ever after story. Congratulations.
  6. By my count 8 songs performed in Ottawa that weren't played in Montreal so that was good. Not nearly the energy of the Montreal show but that was to be expected. The National Arts Centre really isn't made for a rock show and so a lot of people chose to sit for a long time, most noticeably the first 5 rows or so. The good thing was that the standers by and large didn't bother the sitters and the sitters mostly left the standers alone. Given the rather lacklustre crowd, Jeff and the band seemed to be in a pretty good mood. Poor Places /Reservations was a real highlight for me. He killed it
  7. Thanks. Looks like you put it over the top!
  8. The temperature on Wilcoworld today is 34 degrees - in Ottawa! (That's about a 2 on the celcius scale) I really hope the Ottawa audience doesn't disappoint, especially after Montreal, which was a great crowd and clearly delighted the band. Mikael held up a "10" sign af the end of the night, which I believe was his rating of the audience. Looking forward (hopefully) to Magazine Called Sunset.
  9. In other words, "this is really stupid but we won the friggin' gold and had a ball afterwards, and if it will make you feel any better, we're sorry. Happy now?" Great apology.
  10. During the broadcast, they kept cutting to members of the men's team, who appeared to have had their ability for emotional response surgically removed. If you are looking for good celebration pics, check here: http://www.nj.com/olympics/index.ssf/2010/02/canadian_womens_hockey_celebra.html
  11. And the 18 year old is from Quebec, where the drinking age is 11
  12. I think the first thing they teach you at media school is that when somebody asks you a question you don't really have an answer for, say an investigation is underway. Unless their motive is to use this to eliminate women's hockey from the Olympics.
  13. There is a place in Ottawa that has taken poutine upscale and makes a lobster poutine. It gets away from the "chip truck" spirit of poutine but is crazy good.
  14. Poutine is french fries covered in gravy and cheese curds. It’s more of a Quebecois/francophone thing - you should have no trouble finding poutine in either Montreal or Ottawa. Unhealthy and delicious. Thanks for the review. Maybe we'll see you Saturday or Monday - safe driving.
  15. I would think any team that watched that first period against Russia would not be looking forward to facing Canada. They just rolled over a team that many had picked as the favourites.
  16. Canada just got a silver in women's snowball fighting.
  17. Olympic lesson #6 - if your name is Tessa Virtue, you are bound to win. Good on them! Turns out the french love John Denver as much as they love Jerry Lewis.
  18. The Hold Steady recently put the finishing touches on ‘Heaven Is Whenever,’ their new album set for release May 4th on Vagrant Records and May 3rd on Rough Trade in the UK and EU. The album was produced by Dean Baltulonis, who engineered the band’s ‘Almost Killed Me’ and produced ‘Separation Sunday,’ and was recorded at Dreamland Recording Studios in Upstate NY and Wild Arctic Studios in Queens, NY, with mixing also happening at Wild Arctic. Singer Craig Finn says ’Heaven Is Whenever’ is about “embracing suffering and finding reward in our everyday lives.” Piano and keys take a backseat to
  19. It wasn't that long ago that the province of Ontario did away with grade 13.
  20. I was in Vancouver recently and Japadog was the first place that ever served me a hot dog with seaweed on it.
  21. Since Franz Nicolay has left the band, it's looking like the rationale for the small clubs in close proximity to NYC may be to break in a new keyboard player. Or not. I'm in for Syracuse. I've never been to the Westcott (or any other venue in Syracuse for that matter). But for anybody planning a trip, I got the Renaissance Hotel for $57 plus taxes on Priceline.
  22. I have to agree with your “to each their own” comment. I’ve seen all three acts including Bruce in his prime and The Who still pretty close to their prime. I think who wipes the floor with whom is totally a personal preference thing – all three are (or at least were) superb live. All I am saying is give Prince a chance.
  23. Since I seem to no longer be getting mail from THS, you are officially my new best friend. THANKS!!!
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