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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. The way they were setting it up at noon was that the third of the front, or maybe even half the front, on Pat's side is fenced off. So I'm pretty sure your VIP pass will get you in there. If you've been to the site already, it's the "lawn chair section" only they've made it bigger. So unless something has changed since then, get to your VIP seats early and they will be prime prime prime. Right against the rail. And there are fold-up chairs in there. I was thinking this morning they'll probably try and make people in the VIPs stay seated. The funnel is beside the VIPs. In other words,
  2. I've never considered that before but I think you're right. I agree on the leak.
  3. Is this sad and pathetic that I starting a thread on a soundcheck? I'm the only one on the Bluesfest site not doing a job. Cripes, I have Wilco all to myself. Around 10 am, Mikael walks in my general direction. I say "Welcome to our nation's capital". He says "coffee". It's early. About 10:15, I see Jeff. Unprotected. So I apologize for bugging him so early in the morning and ask if he wouldn't mind signing my Wilcobook. And he does, very graciously. Asks my name and everything. So I've got a full set now in the book. About 11 am, the entire band assembles on stage, looking lik
  4. Everything on the main stage is shot by Rogers. They have a big screen there so people at the back can see so the close circut thing is right for sure. They also broadcast a lot of shows from the Bluesfest over the course of the year. I don't know anything about the rights - for example, I don't know if by simply playing Bluesfest you give them the rights to broadcast at a later time. But they are one of the sponsors so a broadcast is a real possibility. I'll keep my eyes peeled for that.
  5. Shame you won't be there; I was thinking I should offer to buy you all the beer you could drink for your setlist reporting above and beyond the call of duty. I am floored by what a great job you do of catching new lyrics first time through and finding effective ways of getting across the "style or feel" of new material. I have been attending Ottawa fest this week and althought the main stage is really giving me the creeps, I will be attending Saturday night and will provide a report. Thanks again for great reports (and thanks to Brianne for the setlist for this one)
  6. from I Heart Music: http://www.iheartmusic.net/serendipity/ind...r.html#extended In addition to lots of discussion about Glenn's latest record, you'll find stuff on the new record, the (not) DVD, previous Wilco drummers, and being Jeff's "paid sidemen". Great interview.
  7. Didn't the TV Personalities write a song about that? RIP you crazy diamond
  8. Great first post. I have to agree, by and large, with most of what you say but in response to above, yes he does/have, and he did it regularly on the "Seeger" tour. Last time I went to Massey Hall and stood up for a Wilco show (how I got to be the mook), Jeff ended up holding a "standing/sitting" vote and sitting won so maybe that had something to do with it too. It will be interesting to see what Ottawa Bluesfest holds. By the time he comes on Saturday night, the place will be packed with the least reserved audience he will have seen in a long time (ie drunken louts). I have seriously
  9. Checked Pollstar this morning for news on a Waits tour and here is the interesting response: This Artist is not on tour right now, but you might be interested in some of these related artists ..... Bob Dylan Beck Wilco Elvis Costello
  10. My opinion hasn't changed since yesterday; total crap way to decide anything
  11. Make it 3 idiots then 'cause I'm with the others. I don't see any comparsion to somebody pitching 15 innings and I don't think it's better than winning on a bullshit call.
  12. Glad to hear any news of new songs, especially something positive.
  13. On a balmy summer's night, the hottest ticket in town was The Who's much-awaited return to Leeds. First things first, if this was the band on the FIRST night of the tour god alone knows how good they'll be by the LAST night because, from the opening chords of Who Are You right through to the closing rush of Won't Get Fooled Again the band were in blistering, breathless form. Wire & Glass, the forthcoming single/mini-opera, was debuted and went down a storm whilst old favourites like Relay were delivered with equal gusto. I feel very lucky to have witnessed such an incendiary performance -
  14. They've done more than enough over the past 10 years or so to make it hard for me to remain a fan. However, they're playing Leeds this weekend (as in Live at Leeds, 30 years ago). I would love a ticket to that.
  15. Yes. (not me; look here: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?act=ST&f=18&t=21885
  16. - Good guess Ottawateeth! Wilco closes main stage Saturday, July 15!!! Also on the bill, July 11 - Son Volt. Calexico on the 7th. Great Lake Swimmers, New Pornographeres, Controller Controller, Hammell on Trial, Mark Kozelek, Bell Orchestre, Roseanne Cash, Fiery Furnaces, Metric, Feist, Broken Social Scene, Elliot Brood. Nuts!!! Lots of other stuff too of course, but some great names this year.
  17. I drove 7 hours alone to see Jeff solo. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
  18. I'm happy you folks out east are happy. Dates like these make sense; recently it seems Wilco doesn't do "tours" so much as play places if that makes any sense. So I don't know if there will be a Canadian tour - but there might. Anyway, there have been 2 shows in Montreal since the latest record and 2 in Toronto. That means they owe Ottawa one visit at least. And some Tweedy solo shows at some summer festivals (Bluesfest, Hillside) would really be fantastic!
  19. As with everybody else who couldn
  20. I had never noticed the "subscription" option. Just to double check since I don
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