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Everything posted by G_willy

  1. needs to be more Upright Citizens Brigade on there. the Little Donnie foundation deserves a spot
  2. awesome, I'm going to check em out... go ahead and toast this thread then
  3. http://muxtape.com/ You can create an account and create your own custom made mixtapes to send to your friends. I would be really interested in some of the mixtapes created by some of the fellow VCers. - have fun
  4. you base what music festivals you go to by whether or not wilco is playing there.
  5. Grant William = G_willy its been my online alias since day one. I have heard some pretty interesting interpretations of it.
  6. I just recently dabbled in a bottle called Lucid, from what I have read they just recently lifted the ban on absinthe this year. Heres an article on it: http://www.liquorsnob.com/archives/2007/05..._in_the_usa.php my buddy and I had a couple of flasks filled with it and walked around an outdoor art gallery... it was a lot of fun. I was feeling drunk / loopy after a while. No freakouts, no visuals, lots and lots of fun.
  7. let me know how that pans out for you.
  8. My 24 hour flu-kicking remedy: half-gallon of Orange Juice, Dayquill, Nightquill... SLEEP! I think people would kick colds/flu much faster if they can just take the time to let there body rest.
  9. Interesting story... I wonder about the integrity of it.
  10. If only I had 300 dollars....
  11. part 3 is up. I hope that they continue to put these up considering there isn't any new comedy on TV these days...
  12. So far their are 2 episodes of this... I hope they plan on making more. Basically the premise is that they record someone really drunk trying to explain an event in history. Then they have actors (Micheal Cerra and Jack Black) act out the story thats told. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/68f23e244b enjoy
  13. wisconsin is currently at around 40 degrees with ice/rain. We are expected to get 7 inches of snow tonight with temperatures reaching -20. I LOVE THE MIDWEST!
  14. They said in the keynote that as long as you have a broadband connection that movies (including HD movies) will start playing the stream within 30 seconds. You don't have to wait for the whole movie to download just enough to where you don't overlap it. I think apple has done a great job with the movie and television industry. Paying 4 bucks to download a movie to my ipod for a day is worth it. Ive been a long time pirate just b/c I am broke but I am willing to pay if for convenience and quality.
  15. yea I have a feeling that after seeing this macbook air... I might have a little bit more added to my credit debt.
  16. for anyone who wants live updates of it: http://www.engadget.com/2008/01/15/live-fr...eynote/#keynote ...I am trying to resist and waiting until later today when they are releasing the video
  17. ok you are right... it now starts in
  18. starts in >15 mins :dancing
  19. sidenote, I was looking through Spins top 40 albums of 2007 and Sky Blue Sky wasn't even on there... weak
  20. yea... I need to see that Zeppelin is playing Bonnaroo from a credible source before I start freaking out about going to it.
  21. I got this one on Ebay and the silver on white screenprint rocks!
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