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Everything posted by Artifice

  1. More accessible. More forgettable. I still like them though. I love the title track. My first listen for the rest.
  2. Look, i don't know you, and I'm sure you're a super sweet, well intentioned person, but that whole rant-that-you-preceded-by-saying-you-weren't-going-to-rant-anymore read like a big fat ole "waaaah, I don't want to read anything contrary to my preformed opinion". It's kinda annoying. FWIW, I gave you pretty realistic numbers. I went down this same path with my wife, over the course of about 6 mos, and determined the following back then (when gas was cheaper, no less) - the best deal on cars for mileage and footprint were: 1. A slightly used 32 mpg Corolla 2. A slightly used VW Jetta TD
  3. I saw a loaded red prius for $31k @ carmax last week, next to a loaded navigator for $17k. Albeit, the Navigator was a year older, but do you have any idea how many miles you'd have to drive in the Prius to justify the price difference? We'll assume gas is $3.75/gal. A 2006 Lincoln Navigator gets about 14 MPG in mixed driving. A 2007 prius gets about 46 mpg in mixed driving. To drive 100,000 miles in the Navigator will cost you about: [(100k/14)*3.75]=$26,785.71 To drive 100,000 miles in the Prius will cost you about: [(100k/46)*$3.75]=$8,152.17 + $14,000 price difference = $22,152.1
  4. Broken Social Scene - Superconnected Frantic, gorgeous, brilliant... flawless.
  5. The Cure @ The Dean Dome around '93 I think. Soundman had the keyboardist cranked up to 11. I've never experienced waterboarding, but imagine that single piano note in from the edge of the deep green sea at ear splitting level to be a close approximation. I pulled the ripcord. Went to see The Pixies open for U2 on '92 arena tour. Bailed on U2, not because I hate them, but because some newb sitting in front of me was bad tripping on his first go. Tripping at a U2 show? Also, one of my best friends slept through most of Lollapalooza '94, but that was after he had flown over to the show fr
  6. A guy with your user name who listens to Neil Young? I didn't see that coming.
  7. Queen City Music Note: The Americana & The Milestone are closed, I believe. I had just manually listed links to the event calenders for every major venue in town, then accidentally closed the window before I posted it (doh). Luckily, this site has most of the links towards the bottom. You just missed The Whigs @ The Visulite (8/16). The Double Door Inn has been open for 35 years. Neighborhood Theater is in trendy NoDa and is the other likely indie destination. Evening Muse is a small, local-only indie place (too small to land name bands). Also: Amos' South End & Tremont Music Hall, t
  8. Well not actually. Actually, I'm just tearing through playlists on my PC, and came to the Star demos that I just recently found on Tanya Donnelly's website. Star Demos Had a really nice moment just now, listening to White Belly. Holy crap, but that one is raw, and in a good way. Really love how that sounds. Anyway, carry on...
  9. 71.5", male, and though I stand to inherit a treasure trove of 60's and 70's vinyl (heavy on the Dylan, Beatles, and classic rock standards) from my pa, I currently only own one vinyl long playing record: ..still in its original shrink wrap, and framed on my wall. When the world ends, I'm gonna take it down and put it on my dad's 70's yamaha turntable while I toast a decent, if bloody run for the human race.
  10. Did this already: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...c=32830&hl=
  11. Net margins for vertically integrated oligopoly controlled baseline resources for which this is no readily available substitute are almost 100% discretionary. Said simply, beyond the basic cost to produce (uninflated cost of goods sold), the company's spending/expensing is more of an issue of management preference rather than actual need. So the tried and true talking point comparing Exxon's net margin to other companies is irrelevant as it is apples to oranges. What's more, these companies can selectively charge expenses to point of process divisions, thereby creating the sometimes fiction
  12. One vote for no standout album yet this year. None of the stuff listed is offensive, but I have yet to have any of it stay in my CD player/iPod playlist for more than a week. Maybe it's because I am busy or distracted, but I usually find time for music I love. Lotta likes this year, but no 2nd or 3rd dates. Still waiting to have my hair blown back.
  13. His voice was still okay in Atlanta in 06, but, like previously said, what they sound like barely matters. It's just about the most fun you're gonna have, and it didn't require chemicals. They're simply a must-see-at-least-once-in-your-life band.
  14. Jack-Ass and Lost Cause are my two favorites, but this thread demands that I revisit my Beck collection.
  15. A couple of chuckles, but ultimately a snoozer.
  16. They just haven't written anything since Yield (decent, not great), that didn't make me yawn in boredom. I like their older stuff. I also liked Into the Wild soundtrack, especially Guaranteed.
  17. :warning - killjoy incoming: I guess I was the only one who was unimpressed. I love the Lips, but they sounded terrible. I think it was the acoustics/sound guy/etc, but I flipped the channels cause it was making me squirm. The others, except Pearl Jam, were even worse. While Pearl Jam was good, none of the singers last night, including Daltrey, could do Roger Daltrey. None of it sounded right. Not looking for a note for note reproduction of the classics, just vocals that aren't so stylistically different. Then again, half of the leads' mics were so low you could barely hear them, like th
  18. Why do you let me stay here is now on the MTV rotation, or so I noticed whilst channel surfing this AM. Beginning of the end.
  19. Talk about different strokes... I rather liked, no, loved their cover of "another one goes by". Now, if they had just written something that good on their own.
  20. They wouldn't be the first. Trying to remember who I saw there 2 years ago.
  21. You cant use a fixed income number to determine wealth, etc. There is far too much income disparity in the U.S. across the same job functions based on geography. I have two friends who are insurance defense attorneys. One makes about $65k in the midwest, and the other guy makes well over $125k in the NE. They literally do the same work for loosely related firms. Any discussion of wealth, imo, should always be centered on discretionary spending power based on a national index, and more importantly, on retained/accumulated wealth. But back to the discussion...
  22. I've been a fan since Girlfriend was released, though not much of one recently. I really don't care for Let's Love. Not much of a hook in that song. I will say, some of the photos on his website make it look like he's dropped a decent amount of weight, which is good. He was getting pretty hefty. Someone even commented on it on his wikipedia entry. Wonder if he saw that? He looks old though. That's not good. Where did our youth go?
  23. My son is 21 months old. The Beijing Olympics commercial, featuring Imagine as the soundtrack, came on... he sat in my lap and started humming along, and then sang the dreamer line. It occurred to me that I'd never played any Beatles for him. I got plumb misty-eyed, I gotta tellya.
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