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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Friggin' awesome. Colbert....Colbert....Colbert....Colbert will love you baby.
  2. Wow, hi Jeff!!!! Haven't seen you in ages! (this is Jen peelangoo, by the way) If we are counting by inches, I've got you beat...I could touch Jeff's shoes at the Poughkeepsie show. And the Iriving Plaza show too.
  3. Betty White Calls Sarah Palin a Crazy Bitch and Wants To F Obama
  4. This is a fantastic little montage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH2iufUU1f4...t_n_133562.html
  5. And I think most people, no matter who they're voting for, agree with you. That's why it's especially shocking to hear someone HOPING she runs for president.
  6. I just had the pleasure of hearing two people talking politics in my photo studio. Guy #1: So, do you think Palin's going to go to Hollywood after this election is over? Guy #2: She can't do that when she's sitting in the White House. Guy #1: Do you still think they're going to win? Guy #2: I think they have a good chance. Guy #1: But if they don't, do you think Palin will run for president next time? Guy #2: I certainly hope so. I hope you'll do the right thing on Tuesday. Now, even though I'm most definitely an Obama supporter, if someone tells me they're voting for McCain because they
  7. Come on, he was hot! He's Face, for cripes sake.
  8. I don't even count him as a human being at this point. Besides, I'm sure he claims to be from whatever state he's visiting at the time.
  9. Come back to CT! We've got Giordano, and Rowland, and.......okay, stay in Ohio.
  10. More on the Joe The Foreign Policy Expert interview with Fox News: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/28/f...d_n_138674.html Hiliarious.
  11. That comment seemed like a slip of the tongue to me.
  12. Pretty predictable, nothing really new. Did I miss an earlier announcement that he's now talking about tax cuts for anyone making less than $200K? That was the one thing that seemed different from what he's been saying recently.
  13. I'm excited for the Cars shorts! Thanks for the heads up!
  14. Don't worry about Joe, he's got his singing career to fall back on.
  15. Even Joe the Plumber is coming back to bite McCain in the ass. http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_...ns-top-sur.html That guy is such a pile of crap. He makes an insane statement and then when he's asked to back it up, by FOX NEWS, no less, he has no clue what he's talking about and tries to cover it up by telling the viewers they need to go out and find their own answers and not listen to his opinion. Then why the hell are you speaking at campaign engagements?!? Ugh, this whole election has made me physically ill. I can't wait for this to end.
  16. I wish more attention would be paid to the idea of Palin redistributing the wealth in her state. Sounds like her definition of socialism to me.
  17. How about a friendly meting with a gross human rights violator with ties to a domestic terrorist act? I don't think either case is damning evidence of the candidates' ties to terrorism, but the pendulum surely swings both ways.
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