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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. "There are forces at work here beyond our understanding!"
  2. I'm making a prediction that McCain's lost puppy stage wandering will play a part in SNL this week.
  3. Nah, he ain't no Marky Mark. One of the peripheral Funky Bunch members, maybe. DJ T, perhaps. Yeah, look it up. I know the names of the Funky Bunch. Scottie Gee was my man.
  4. I think the reason I found it so funny was because it was absurd and random. Samberg's mediocre impression only made me laugh harder.
  5. I was hysterical every time "Bert" walked around and made all those cymbal crashes and horn honks.
  6. Jesus Christ, Brian, that's fucked up. Vibes to you and the kids.....did they evacuate?
  7. I thought there was something wrong with me for laughing so damn hard at that skit. Now I know I was right.
  8. That's right. There was a recent interview where he talks about that.
  9. I saw Jenny last night in New Haven. She sounded fantastic, but my experience was ruined by the obnoxious, stinking, drunk asshole sitting next to me and his 3 obnoxious, stinking, drunk asshole friends. And Jenny only played for about an hour and ten minutes, which kind of sucked. I think I would have been more bummed about that if I didn't want to get away from my next seat neighbor so badly. She pretty much split the set half and half between Rabbit Fur Coat and Acid Tongue. "Fernando" was the closer and it rocked. It was a good show, but in comparison to the other time I saw her, wh
  10. You mean that thing that Howie Mandel does?
  11. Anyone else think that new Oliver Stone film looks like a 2 hour SNL skit?
  12. I don't care how many educated people pronounce it "nucular". It's not spelled that way. It's not pronouncing a vowel two different ways, it's transposing letters. And it has irritated me for 8 years.
  13. I was pretty sure it was going to go this way. She's extremely good at speaking to the American public in a "down home" kind of way, and she's holding her own because she has been studying this shit night and day instead of appearing in public. I think unless she makes a huge blunder this will be declared a draw. I can't believe she said she wouldn't answer questions the way Biden or Ifell want her to. Way to set the stage in advance in case people try to point it out later on. And yeah, "Senator OBiden".
  14. Goddamnit, it's not NUCULAR!!!!! I thought I was almost finished having to hear a moron mispronounce that word!
  15. Are all you people taking part in the Palin Drinking Game hammered yet? You've got to be pretty close already.
  16. Where the hell is Mary Poppins? And Bedknobs and Broomsticks??
  17. Thanks....I don't entirely trust Wikipedia as a source...not enough to use it as an argument, anyway. I'll start plowing through the external links though!
  18. Where can I learn more about the Weathermen dude who my uncle thinks is going to secretly run the country after Obama is elected? I don't know much about him other than they were on a committee together a long time ago. Did Obama accept the nomination from the guy's house like my uncle says?
  19. I lost my father 5 years ago, and I think of him every day. Seeing my mom have to come to terms with the loneliness after losing her best friend has been difficult to bear sometimes. When I was diagnosed with a serious illness, I stayed strong because my father reassured me as only a father can that he would take care of me. When he passed away less than a year later it was devastating on so many levels. My grandfather passed away 9 months after my dad, and after battling cancer for many many years I believe he began to give up the fight after he lost his son. Then my mom's father passed
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