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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Sure, just look at Tony Bourdain. He picked it up pretty quickly.
  2. I had a modest veggie garden this year, but the bugs ate most of my squash plants. So I drowned them with Raid, because killing bugs doesn't count. Actually, I can't bring myself to kill bugs, so I picked them off one by one and threw them in my neighbor's yard, and bought some bug netting for next year's garden. Ikol, I'm so sorry I veered this thing so far off track.
  3. 100% agreed. I believe there would be no war if we made the leaders fight it out amongst themselves.
  4. Put that venison burger down, right now. I can see you.
  5. As far as hunting for food as necessity for survival, as in you have no access to anything else, I'm OK with that. But when there are already animals that were killed for food sitting in stores, that were raised for that reason alone, I don't condone going out and killing one that is minding its own business in its own habitat. I realize the logistics of hunting for population control, I do. But in my heart of hearts, I feel that we created these problems by introducing non-native species of animals, and demolishing the habitats of others, forcing population booms and migration into "incon
  6. Well I was being a little facetious, , but I am 100% against hunting, and I see being harmed by a wild animal as a risk you take when you go out into the wilderness, their habitat. Do I want to be mauled by a bear? No. Are the odds overwhelming that I will be mauled by a bear? No. I realize there is a difference between hunting and self defense, though. But I don't walk around with a gun just in case I'm attacked by a person, a much more likely scenario than being attacked by a bear. Oh, and they do sell Bear Spray, a pepper spray type substance. That's what my mother in law takes wi
  7. Then we should be hiking with tranquilizer guns, not real ones. It is their natural habitat, after all, and they are just walking around in their "neighborhood". If you spook them they're just going to try to defend themselves and possibly their own family.
  8. You missed a few. "No Child Left Behind"
  9. OMG, he has arrived. Levi Poor kid, I feel for him.
  10. There's your first topic of conversation with Al the next time you're in CT. He loves The Cult.
  11. Thanks for posting this....very illuminating. It's a good thing when leaders revise their positions based on new facts and evidence, it means they're paying attention and are willing to grow and change their minds when new information comes to light. But some of these "flip-flops" took place in a matter of a couple of weeks, and even a couple of days. That shows an obvious intent to say whatever is necessary to get people on his side. What's great about this article is that it has links to everything, backing up the claims. It's scary to think that if he switches opinions so easily on
  12. I'm here to wish Tracy a happy birthday, even though this thread is dedicated to someone I don't know named viaroy.
  13. I find the timing of the increased "talk about our potential to increase the supply" a tad convenient.
  14. I said it was a noble thing to do, not the reason anyone does it.
  15. No love for the big rig they're leaving for their honeymoon (read: chicken delivery) in? Or the beer bouquet?
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