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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I've seen them once before in a small club and they blew the doors off the place. I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do for this.
  2. And this is where it is! Old Emigrant Savings Bank photos Should be really cool!
  3. Even in CT we had near hurricane force winds and record rainfall because of Ike.
  4. Merged and closed....follow this link...
  5. Did anyone else notice that Food Network dude sitting next to Shatner during the monologue? I thought he was going to be part of the sketch, but he must have just been there as an audience member.
  6. I thought it was okay, although I'd hate to hear what he would have sounded like if he didn't have that pitch correcting filter on his voice.
  7. It's on the official SNL site. I felt like my grandmother when I was watching him. "PULL UP YOUR PANTS!"
  8. Did Palin show interest in being on Oprah in the first place? Seems to me that she'd want to stay as far away from that scene as possible if she's barely willing to be interviewed at all. In any case, now they can safely use this "snub" against Obama in one convoluted way or another.
  9. Who really cares about James Hetfield's deep lyrical musings, anyway?
  10. I just listened to this yesterday, and he is clearly the weak spot. The music is total vintage Metallica though.
  11. Over and over and over and over........
  12. Shoot, I missed it by 1 minute! Happy belated birthday, Dunja! To go along with Donna's cake....
  13. What a ridiculous thing to say. Haven't you ever "worked on" anything with other people as a group? Would you then say since you weren't able to take sole credit for it that you "didn't really do anything"? I sure hope all those people that "worked on" building my car and making it safe to drive actually did something.
  14. I got as far as "pray for our natural gas pipeline" and had to turn it off.
  15. Breaking News: George Bush Secretly Vietnamese?
  16. We are overrun with tomatoes too, and pretty much from only 2 plants. These self watering containers are amazing. The two plants growing in one SWC are about 5 times the size and 10 times as prolific as the 2 plants in regular pots. I'm going to build a few more homemade versions for next year. They obviously work!
  17. I'll concede that it's more humane than slaughterhouses, but that doesn't make it necessary, which is my problem with it. And again, SORRY!!
  18. Hey, she just added a show in New Haven at the Shubert on 10/5. Tix on sale now. I just got 6th row center.
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