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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Yeah, I'm having a hard time because an Ella Fitzgerald compilation is one of my all time favorites. What about live albums, they're still legit right?
  2. $4.29 this morning I'm sure missing my little 35-38 mpg Corolla right now. We were in an accident and it has been at the auto body shop for almost a month. I'm borrowing my mother's gas guzzling '96 Jeep Cherokee. I have doubled the amount of money I'm used to spending on gas by driving that thing.
  3. So far my list couldn't be more all over the place. And I have more newish albums on there than I thought I would. Much editing is necessary though.
  4. The best gifts we received were original works of art, either made by the person who gave it to us or by another artist they knew. However, artwork is so subjective....what you love may not be what they love. We were lucky that our friends have similar tastes to ours. I think the theater tickets are a great idea, as long as you don't think they'll be too busy to use them, in which case they'd probably feel guilty if they don't get to too many shows.
  5. That Levon record is so good. I'm going to put it on right now.
  6. Great job, Sarah! One down, one thousand million to go!
  7. Oh yeah, how could I forget The Cure? Homesick "And my eyes are bursting hearts In a blood-stained sky" A Thousand Hours "For how much longer can I howl into this wind? For how much longer Can I cry like this? A thousand wasted hours a day Just to feel my heart for a second A thousand hours just thrown away Just to feel my heart for a second" Trust "there's no one left in the world that i can hold onto there is really no one left at all" and the absolute killer for me: To Wish Impossible Things "it was the sweetness of your skin it was the hope of all we might have been that filled
  8. To be clear, I'm not frowning on pasteurization, I just didn't realize it had improved significantly enough in the last 5 years to make milk stay fresh 3 times as long as it did before. I'm thinking more along the lines of new chemical additives directly in the milk or fed to the cows producing it.
  9. "It Makes No Difference" ~ The Band Hands down.
  10. Those 3 programs are all Mac native applications that come with every Mac and install automatically with OSX. How are you finding them incompatible with each other? You can read up on everything right here....I think it will help decipher it all: http://www.apple.com/support/osfamily/
  11. Narnia book order Read this, it explains the reasons for the change in order, but it seems most "real" Narnia fans read them in their original order. I think we need to start a petition. I love them too. I read them for the first time when I was 8 or 9 I think.
  12. I need to clarify my answer too, since I was only thinking of food. I don't throw out expired prescriptions because I know they just lose potency over time. But food is another story. I throw it out as soon as it expires. My husband will eat anything in the fridge. If bread is less than 25% mold he'll pick off the moldy bits and eat it anyway. It's funny that you mention this because I was just discussing expiration dates with my mother last night. Has anyone else noticed that the "sell by" date on milk has gone from a week maximum to upwards of a month? What exactly are they doing
  13. That's right, I meant to ask if you had Entourage, not Outlook. Outlook was only available for Macs running OS 9.
  14. Still on the Chronicles Of Narnia. Just finished Book 4: Now on to book 5: I was surprised to learn that the newer editions of the Narnia box set have the books in a different order than they are in my older set. I'm reading them in the order they were originally released, which is also the way the movies will be released. But in the new sets the 6th book comes first, with the 1st moving to 2nd. A couple others are out of order as well. They have reordered them to go chronologically, which doesn't really work because there are references to things you are supposed to learn at
  15. Does your iMac have Outlook? If so the files should be compatible with the ones for your Windows version. I say *should* because Windows apps sometimes seem to conflict with each other even though they were created by the same damn company. Congratulations on your Mac!!
  16. You're right, the Irish side of my family does it too. I'm not a big onion fan, but I make my mom's sauce, which was her mom's sauce, which was essentially her mom's sauce, just updated for the introduction of canned tomato paste and sauce base. The onions just add a bit of chunkiness. I may start using a can of crushed tomatoes instead, just to give it a try. But I love the taste of the sauce so much that I don't really want to mess with it. It's one of those recipes that's like "sprinkle enough sugar to cover the surface of the sauce, then sprinkle enough parsley to cover the sugar....
  17. My whole family swears that is the most important step. And they're Italian, so it has to be right.
  18. The other key to good tomato sauce is a can of paste, browned in the bottom of the pot with olive oil, onions and garlic before you put the crushed tomatoes or regular sauce in. The browning of the paste gives even a quickly made sauce taste like it had been cooking for 10 hours like in the old days. And that is just about the only thing I can offer this thread.
  19. Plenty of people use chemical fertilizers. Or some Roundup to get rid of weeds before they start planting.
  20. I don't particularly like the taste of eggplant, but I'm in love with its appearance enough that I might grow some next year.
  21. But then you'd see that said flower bed is actually an overgrown mess and any vegetables I plant in there are going to look better than its current state.
  22. Well, either I have a bed of flowers that dies in the winter and is covered with snow or I have a bed of veggies that dies in the winter and is covered with snow. But since it's in the front, I'd like it to be somewhat attractive looking in the process.
  23. That is so cool! I was thinking of replacing the ornamental plants in a circular bed in front of our house with edible ones, but I'm not sure what would look attractive. Since it is the front yard I don't want tall stalks or vines running rampant.
  24. My prediction is that the explanation of the numbers will be the very last thing we find out about in the series finale since they are what seem to tie everything in the Losties' universe together. So be sure to check back in this thread 3 or 4 years from now.
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