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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Wow, why haven't I heard of these guys before??? Love it, love it!
  2. Awesome pic!!! Hey, we're cosmically connected or something.
  3. I wouldn't say fabricated, I would say "spun". I'm sure all the events in the article happened. I don't doubt he went to the hospital, I don't doubt the guy was arrested because I saw the cops coming in as we were leaving. Right after it happened we were all pointing at the guy to make sure security didn't lose him in the crowd. But the whole dehydration thing, and the "get some rest" comments are pretty funny. Also, I was off to the side with some friends, but my husband was in front, directly in front of KRS. It didn't seem like that big a deal. I mean, it was a shitty thing to do an
  4. He's so freakin' good live. We've seen him 6 or 7 times.
  5. I was at the show, and the guy who threw the bottle was standing right in front of me. One in a million shot. I was standing on a table and the guy was on the floor in front of me. All of a sudden I saw a bottle fly at the stage at my eye level. The guy was so short he couldn't even see very well to get a good aim. I have to say that I was surprised to read this bulletin, since KRS didn't even flinch when he was hit, and in fact caught the bottle before it even fell to the ground. His hand may very well have been fractured, since the bottle flew directly at him and hit him pretty hard,
  6. Marky Mark was actually a decent rapper, and the music was pretty good too. Unfortunately, it was good because they ripped off so many cuts from other rap songs. When I was 12 I didn't realize it, but now that I'm big into old school hip hop I'm still noticing little things in those songs that I recognize from Marky Mark songs.
  7. I make no apologies for breaking out this kind of music every once in a while. It takes me back to a time when all I had to worry about was how I was going to pay for my next New Kids button.
  8. A little off topic.... My friend Dan has a book coming out in a couple weeks called All Known Metal Bands. McSweeney's is releasing it.
  9. Loving my 2nd row score even more now!!!
  10. Ken, I'm starting a petition to persuade you to come around more frequently. You can settle all of the inane arguments between people who think they know everything! Welcome to VC!
  11. But you like the US one? It's the same show, same cast of characters, same basic plot lines.....
  12. That's because the first few episodes were remakes of the near perfect British version of the show, something that was very irritating to those of us who watched and loved the originals! But the American version really did come into its own eventually. It's a great show.
  13. In 1992 I painted my own James poster (the cover of the S/T album) because I couldn't find any James merch in the US. I still have it, as a matter of fact. Maker, if you had MTV and watched 120 Minutes back then, you would have seen a lot more of them, way before Laid came out. And also, EMF had way more than Unbelievable! Of course, it all sounded pretty much the same. They did do a pretty great cover of Search and Destroy.
  14. I haven't picked it up yet, but I'm looking forward to hearing it!
  15. Hey, look at it this way, if you haven't made them by now there probably isn't much hope anyway.
  16. Don't blame me, I didn't know who they were until last year!!!
  17. Funny, I don't find Tenacious D amusing in the least, but I love FotC.
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