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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. That's a great idea. I don't have any "rare" veggies that I can get seeds from this year, but maybe after I buy some for next year I can start trading in the future. The weather report was calling for the potential of hail on Saturday, so I spent a long time rigging up a cover for my veggies and moving all the potted ones underneath a table. I also secured tarps over my beautiful hosta plants since last year they were destroyed by a 10 minute hailstorm. Of course, since I was proactive this time, we didn't get any hail, just heavy rain, and water quickly formed pools on top of the cover
  2. I didn't notice that, but I imagine they had to try and fit a lot into this last episode that probably would have been spaced out over a longer season had the writers' strike not happened.
  3. If I kept a box of worms in the kitchen my freakishly humanesque cat would figure out how to open it in 2 minutes. What kind of compost setup do you have, Bilbo?
  4. Ahhhh, good plan, except next year he probably wouldn't be willing to build those new raised beds. Here's another good website I found: 163 Things You Can Compost Who knew you could throw in old t-shirts?
  5. My husband acted the same way when I told him I was buying garlic online at midnight.
  6. That's great! I'm going to start composting this year, maybe I'll throw in some worms for good measure. I was so happy to see some earthworms in the raised bed yesterday. It didn't take them long to find the good soil. Have you checked out gardenweb.com? It's brimming with useful information about anything you can possibly think of. In addition to many many FAQs there is also a fantastic forum with people ready to answer any question you might have. It has been invaluable in my learning quest.
  7. For the first time, this year I put together a 4'X8' raised bed and am growing some organic vegetables. Or, i should say, attempting to grow some organic vegetables. I've been doing a lot of reading, but I suspect it's really a trial and error process, since zone, weather and soil conditions vary from garden to garden. I've learned some "what not to do" info that will have to be employed next year since I've already done it. It's a massive experiment and I will be happy if I get one type of crop to produce something. Next year I want to create raised beds around the perimeter of my patio
  8. My husband and I flew to London in 2000 for their week of reunion shows. So yeah, I'm kind of a fan. I've been fortunate enough to meet most of my Brit Pop heroes over the last 10 years, which is totally cool, and I know Miles, the singer for The Wonder Stuff.
  9. "Weekend at Bernie's: The Baby Years"
  10. Great! Someone new to bore with my Stuffies stories!! I think quarter will be more than happy to pass the torch.
  11. That was a fantastic episode. I got choked up twice....Sun screaming for Jin and Desmond's reunion with Penny. The only tearjerker that topped those was Desmond's phone call to Penny earlier this season. I was bawling for that one. So we finally know how the Oceanic Six became the Oceanic Six. I was confused when Des and the pilot survived the chopper crash, I thought for sure they were both toast since they were in the front seats. But I was very surprised that Penny agreed to keep the secret and let the Six pretend to wash up on another island. I guess she's fully aware now that her
  12. What?? Aw, Peter, keep in touch. We will meet someday.
  13. I win! Definitely Sir Stewart and El Famous overall, ction and Reni in the punk rock category, and quarter23cd (at least until he went and got all jam-ified on me).
  14. My friend's new book, "All Known Metal Bands", has been touted "the best bathroom book ever" in Rolling Stone's "Top 10 Best of TV, Books & Web" Woot!
  15. I love this movie. So sue me.
  16. I wish I had another way to get to work, but when you've got a 1/2 hour commute by car to another town, and you aren't in an area with good mass transit, you're pretty much stuck with the car. No one I work with even lives near me, so I can't car pool.
  17. I like that I don't have to sit on the floor in the A queue anymore, that's for sure. But some people don't know how to count or put themselves in the proper place in line. I just flew to FL this weekend and had to take a lady by the hand to show her where she was supposed to line up (she was trying to cut in front of me and I wasn't having that!!!) But their process has always made boarding go a LOT faster than other airlines. I love it.
  18. I *heart* Southwest. Even despite the possibility their planes may fall apart in midair. Where else do you get singing flight attendants?
  19. It's like a Griffin and Sabine resurrection! "Mikael and Reynold: An Extraordinary Companionship"
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