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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Ministry does cover songs. Wow, this is pretty bad, but I'm hoping it was supposed to be since it was released on April Fool's Day. I'm not a big Ministry fan but I do enjoy listening to industrial thrash every once in a while. I don't think I'll be taking this one out again any time soon though!
  2. I agree. I wouldn't even have noticed the differences if I hadn't just finished re-reading the book a couple months ago. I'm on to the 4th book now, and I have to say I can't wait for the third movie, "The Dawn Treader". The book is really going to translate well into an adventure movie.
  3. Don't forget God and blind faith!
  4. The first one was way more of a kid's movie than this one, you're right. I think it would have been really hard to adapt the book for a younger audience though. FYI, in the book there is no attack on the castle. A major plot point in the movie, wouldn't you say? Plus, the kids don't even meet up with Caspian until the end of the book, right before the battle.
  5. How did you like Prince Caspian? I loved it, even if it strayed pretty far from the book. I think it needed to though, since the course of events in the book would have made for a very long and boring middle for the movie. I can't wait for Wall-E. I think he's going to be this generation's ET.
  6. Is that a Carson Ellis illustration? I'm still working my way through the Chronicles Of Narnia books. I haven't read them since I was very young.
  7. I can't do 5, and these are in chronological order because I can't put them in order by favorite: Don't Let's Start Ana Ng Particle Man I Palindrome I She's Actual Size All of Fingertips (especially "Please Pass The Milk" and "Aren't You The Guy Who Hit Me In The Eye") The Statue Got Me High Why Does The Sun Shine And damnit, I don't have my iPod here at work today. I want to listen to Apollo 18 now!
  8. Oh geez, I don't think I can possibly compile a top 5. There are so many!!!
  9. I can't wait to see what people will try pass for carry on luggage now. Planes will be delayed because of people trying to shove their golf clubs in the overhead compartments.
  10. Send me all the purple ones and we'll call it even.
  11. I know about those, they still make them and I LOVE them.
  12. An aside.... I had no idea the Wonka Candy Company used to make Scrumdidlyumptious bars and Oompas!!!
  13. Have you gone to the funeral home with the mini golf course in the basement yet? Since it's in your town, I expect to be reading a blog report in the future.
  14. Oh great, now I'm going to spend the next six months of my life on the Tick Tock Toys website.
  15. Which you probably assumed related to some personal story of how when Craig was in Texas he stumbled across a bag of mixed nuts on the ground, and chose to only partake of the peanuts, after which he gave the rest of the nuts to a homeless man with a sign that said "Will Work For Peanuts", apologizing that he had not read the man's sign before eating all the peanuts. Sounds like another Craig Finn storytelling masterpiece!
  16. Every time I read the title I sing to myself...."Sequestered In Memphis" sung to the tune of "I'm walking in Memphis".
  17. Tom Waits is the coolest man alive. Thanks for posting this.
  18. Me too, and I spent the next 90 minutes really, really hoping I was wrong.
  19. I don't know how someone could start off so strong and continuously get worse and worse. Although, I did enjoy Signs more than Unbreakable. But The Village was wretched and I didn't make it more than 1/2 hour into Lady In The Water.
  20. My hopes are so high for The Dark Knight that I will surely be let down, but that's the one I'm most looking forward to now that I've seen Iron Man and Prince Caspian, both excellent films.
  21. This just means his workers are more tech savvy than he is and know how to hack their mail program so it doesn't send the email they created at 3pm until the middle of the night.
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