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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Kate. Animals do know when something is affecting their loved ones; I'm glad Em has Kerry to lean on for comfort. Sometimes a pet can be a child's closest confidant.
  2. It was definitely more of a biopic than a western. After seeing it I think it was misrepresented when it was advertised. Maybe because it came out at the same time as 3:10 To Yuma it didn't have its own identity. I would definitely watch it again. I found myself thinking about it long after it was over.
  3. New video on Yahoo "Falling Down" with Bowie on backing vocals. Her voice is just awful. I'm all for people trying new things, but if she wasn't already famous there's no way she would have gotten a record deal. She looks fantastic, but is that really surprising?
  4. We used "Dream A Little Dream" by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. But then we cut the cake to "The Cheesecake Song" by King Missle to gain back our punk rock cred.
  5. It was looooong, and certainly not an action packed flick, but I really enjoyed it. I thought Casey Affleck gave a great performance, and Brad Pitt was surprisingly believable. Some of the cinematography was gorgeous. And damnit, Bob Ford was a coward.
  6. Oh, Dunja, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know what you mean about having those visuals burned into your eyes. The images stick with me a lot longer than the emotions. But in time, those horrible images will be replaced by wonderful memories until you just don't see the bad things as much anymore. Many vibes coming to you and your family.
  7. I did walk out on Wilco once at the Roseland in NYC. We got there late and the place was incredibly crowded. We were stuck standing in the back, and in the middle of around 50 people who apparently paid the cover charge to yell to each other.
  8. When I see shows in New Haven they always talk about Yale and make comments about how the audience must be really smart, or sometimes even infer that the audience is spoiled. I always want to yell out that we aren't all from Yale, some of us actually travel more than 20 feet to get to the show!!
  9. We both love music. He's introduced me to countless things, and I have done the same for him. We go to shows of all kinds together. As we were walking in to the KRS One show together the other night he mentioned that he tried to get one of his friends to come (HUGE hip hop fan, among a ton of other genres) but ever since he got married 4 years ago he hasn't been to a single show. We both feel very sad for him and very lucky that we have each other.
  10. That's wild! Pavarotti scares the crap out of me. (Hey, I finally found something to put in the blasphemy thread!!!)
  11. Oooooooooohhhhhhhh. I've heard of that show but never seen it.
  12. I have no idea what the hell you guys are talking about!
  13. This popped up on Shuffle on my way home from work today. Although I've heard it many times, today it touched me pretty deeply. I think the combination of my friend Brian's son being born this week and another friend gushing about his 1 year old daughter today made me hear the lyrics more clearly than ever before. Silver Piles Of Smiles
  14. I've seen Thurston do his solo thing before, and although it's "interesting" it definitely wasn't cut out for a formal setting like the Calvin. We heard the last song before we sat down, and it was just feedback and slamming on the guitar. I really like Thurston, and I appreciate what he does, but it wasn't a good fit for a Lou Reed show.
  15. Why would he yell at my camera? I'm Sticking With You was especially odd since the keyboard player sang it!
  16. My Pictures I'm stealing a review from a local paper because it's more accurate than I would have been. We got to our seats just as Thurston Moore was taking a bow, so I didn't know about the booing. All in all it was a really good show. Lou played a very eclectic mix of songs. The reviewer was correct, he seemed to be in a good mood.
  17. To the OP, James Taylor lives near me and I know several people who have been in his company. I can tell you that every single one of them thought he was a stuck up douchebag with a false sense of entitlement. So don't feel so bad.
  18. Eh. Not good enough!!! After Milo's B-Side from the last EP is any indication, I don't think he'll be back on stage any time soon.
  19. He does show a slight resemblance to that Suri kid. The hair, at least!
  20. Yay! He's a good looking bloke already. Thank you for finally going public, I was just about to steal your thunder and tell everyone myself!
  21. Orange is my favorite too. I can only take him in small doses though. I love the Tony Bourdain theme!
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