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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Compilations are a gray area, but I'd err on the side of caution and not publicly provide commercial Wilco songs on a Wilco board. Sorry!
  2. Thanks for this! He's so damn cool I can't stand it.
  3. I'll give you Three Dimes Down, that's a fuckin' good song.
  4. I guess even if we can't agree on BTCD, we can agree on Tim!
  5. Oh yeah, forgot to address that part. How on earth anyone can think those songs are "meh" is beyond my comprehension.
  6. Well, as far as the JD bottles are concerned, Jason had a full sized one a few weeks ago and it was gone by the end of the show (I know because I tried to reach it to take it home with me), and the DBT's one of the same size had 2/3 left, so...... I absolutely get that they're "maturing" or whatever, I just don't happen to like what they've matured into, for the most part. Like I said, if you love the new album you'd love the current setlists and walk away thinking it was a phenomenal show. However, if you're like me and you don't have much love for the new record, 10 songs in a row of mat
  7. 'Don't I Hold You' remains one of my favorite songs of all time.
  8. Holy moly, that's an ugly wreck! Many many vibes to Dunja, Tara, and the whole Pillowy clan.
  9. Don't forget Jason Isbell! Ugh, I hate outdoor festivals in the heat of summer but I think I might make an exception and suck it up this time. I'd go more for the smaller acts though....Isbell, Andrew Bird, Rogue Wave.....
  10. So I saw the Truckers last night....I figured I'd post in this thread since this was where we were talking about the new album and how it would translate live. The show was good. But it wasn't mind blowing like any of the other times I've seen them. They're still a great rock band, but there was absolutely something missing. First of all, the new material still didn't do much for me, even in the live setting. That Crystal Meth song was particularly painful with its reverbed vocals and extended psychedelic breakdown part complete with blacklight effects on their backdrop. Then they went
  11. I remember that! They expected a couple thousand people and ended up with 100,000. That's the day I knew I wouldn't be seeing them in tiny shithole clubs anymore! Did you ever hang out at The Rat? I used to go there quite a bit.
  12. My husband got completely knocked out cold at a Gorilla Biscuits show a couple years ago...I think that was the craziest show I've ever seen, and I've seen my share. I think it was amplified by the fact that it was one of the final CBGB shows. I nearly had my upper arm broken last year at my husband's band's reunion show by a guy who stood on it and used it to push off into a stage dive (I had my arm across the monitor). I had a perfect boot print bruise on my arm. You could actually see the individual treads. It didn't go away for over a month. I remember, in the few seconds the guy wa
  13. Happy birthday Drew! Let loose!
  14. One thing maps can't do is tell me when I'm about to hit traffic or construction. It also can't tell me where there are restaurants in a place I've never been. I also don't have to pull off the road to read a GPS system. Yeah, maps are functional, but a lot of people travel to unfamiliar locations on a daily basis and can really benefit from a GPS system. My husband is in sales and is constantly calling me from the road to get Mapquest directions to a little side street that isn't listed on a map.
  15. I'm looking into the Garmin 360 right now, and I just found a site with awesome prices, in case anyone is interested. buydig.com
  16. Brianne! Where was that online Oregon Trail????? Marble Madness anyone?
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