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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Happy birthday, Wendy! Hope you're doing something insanely fun!
  2. I mean what do they claim is the reason? Incorrect information on the registration forms? EDIT: Thanks, Mr. H. I thought that was it, but I wasn't sure.
  3. I don't understand how this is happening. What is their reason for disqualifying these voters?
  4. So it has come out that he isn't a licensed plumber, even though it seems to be required in his city. Has McCain possibly wrecked his business by putting him in the spotlight?
  5. We are actually switching to the paper scantron ballots across the state after we had a mixture of touchscreen and lever booths last time around.
  6. I said this at lunch today, almost word for word.
  7. I was wondering if that remark was actionable. I figure if they find the guy who shouted it he can just say he meant "kill him by winning the election".
  8. All in all, I thought Bob Schieffer did a great job last night. We finally got answers to a few questions that have been prominent in the media and in the minds of voters but were skipped over in the other debates, and he let the conversation flow freely as long as it remained somewhat linked to the original question. We should have skipped over Brokaw and had Schieffer sooner.
  9. Thank you, Obama. Who the hell is PRO ABORTION?!? I take offense to McCain repeatedly using that term instead of Pro Choice.
  10. I actually didn't catch it when he said it because I was too busy finishing his sentence and including "hair" before "transplant" since I heard the same line in the last debate. It was my husband who pointed out he had really said transplants sans hair.
  11. I know it was just a slip of the tongue, but......those gold plated Cadillac plans with their cosmetic surgeries and transplants are so unnecessary. You have no business demanding a Prada liver!
  12. Michael drinking wine: That is sort of an oaky afterbirth.
  13. Was this posted before? http://palinaspresident.com/
  14. I've never voted Republican for president, but I did vote for my Republican governor.
  15. A little late, but damn this made me laugh! Thanks for the new sig, ikol! (in Cantaloupe color, of course)
  16. I did this a few years ago for work....I'm pretty sure I'm INTJ. And yes, my 1500+ CDs are alphabetized.
  17. The Iron Horse is my all time favorite place to see a show. Sounds like a great one!
  18. There are pictures of my family's house is in the Enfield Connecticut book. It was built in 1763 by the first town doctor to give small pox vaccinations. Later it was an inn and played a part in the town's history during Paul Revere's ride.
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