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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. You sound like Tom Hanks in That Thing You Do.
  2. I definitely think it's easier to do if you work in the graphics field on a computer all day. That's what I do and I didn't have any trouble with it at all, but my husband scored a 39 and he precisely matches automotive and industrial paint colors for a living. But since he does it with physical samples and not on a computer, he couldn't do it well on screen.
  3. They don't look safe, and I would probably never drive one because I would be too freaked out about the lack of a buffer zone, but I believe in reality they are extremely safe cars with superior cabin safety over a lot of other larger cars on the road. I would never feel safe in one though.
  4. I agree with you. But I don't see any threads complaining of people driving too slow or too fast in other cars, that's all. I just don't see why it's important enough to mention it because it happened to be a Smart Car. Because one idiot driver can't go the speed limit, it's time to get rid of all environmentally sensible cars? Obviously he was angry enough to come home and post about it, I just don't understand why.
  5. Cool! Thanksgiving is the worst time possible to travel anyway. Make sure you check the Toad's schedule before you book your flight.
  6. That's kind of not so good, unfortunately. 0 is a perfect score. -Roy G. Biv
  7. Oh. I thought it was all the other cars that created a traffic jam. So the Smart Car was taking up all lanes of traffic then? Sorry, I just don't understand the hostility toward one guy who chose to drive slow. Where are the posts about all the blue hairs who drive 45 on the highway?
  8. Unless I "obtain" a copy from somewhere I'm sure I won't have it for a whie. Congrats on the business!!!! I'm glad you're loving it out there, but you need to come home and visit for more than a few days. We'll go to a show!
  9. FM 100 Hue Color IQ test I got a perfect score. I would be embarrassed if I screwed this up considering I work in the photography/graphics field.
  10. I was passed by a Smart Car going 75 mph this afternoon, so.....are you upset with the slow driver who happened to be driving a Smart Car or are you upset with the 47 slow drivers in 'normal' cars who were gawking at someone minding his own business and happened to be driving a Smart Car?
  11. I liked seeing some of the bonus DVD features during the premiere. How they make the scenes when Hiro stops time, for example.
  12. The details are horrifying. I really hope he pulls through. I wouldn't wish what he's going through on anyone.
  13. I don't know.....he was primarily up there to do some close ups of the band, as they had a second camera up front but it was on a track and they were just running it back and forth to pan the stage, but since he was right in front of me, every time he saw me raise my arm or heard me shout something he spun around and aimed it at me again. I was so flustered! I have a feeling I will look a bit like Elaine Bennis.
  14. -I can't hear anything but ringing out of my right ear today. -I may potentially be totally embarrassed when this show comes out because I was up front in a spot where I thought I was relatively out of the camera zone until a guy with a mobile camera stood 2 feet away from me and filmed me for a looooong time, and during several songs, making me paranoid and (I think) flub some words. I had to make a quick decision....either play it cool and just nod my head, or go all out and sing and jump up and down like a madwoman. I chose the latter. Eventually I'll learn if I made the right decision
  15. Brian Baker has been in Bad Religion for forever. Among a hundred other bands:
  16. Or maybe this: Colin Meloy surrounded by girls. That was a crazy moment...in the middle of the song he stepped off stage between me and my husband just to pose for my camera. I don't know if it's clear, but my back is to the stage and he's in the middle of the audience. I just wish I had something better than my on-board flash. I wasn't expecting to have to use it! Here is the link to a few sets of concert photos I've shot over the years with some of the cats and my house thrown in for good measure: http://homepage.mac.com/visiblerhythm It really sucks that it's getting harder and har
  17. I'll add this one....one of my all time favorites. Lou Reed, this past April.
  18. I hope The Huns used that on an album cover. That is classic!!!
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