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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Damn, how did we all miss this? Good save, Drew!!!! I hope you don't have one of these already, I hate giving duplicate gifts.
  2. I'm only 1/4 of the way through it, but I find I'm relaying portions of every story to whoever I happen to be near at the time. "Val Kilmer is a Scientologist!" I love Klosterman; Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs is phenomenal.
  3. Also my favorite record of all time, and I'm SUPER excited about the remastering! Now if we can just get a Pretty Hate Machine remaster, my remastering wish list will be complete.
  4. It was between TT's and the Bowery. Since my husband hates driving anywhere around Boston, NYC won out. Also it's closer to the weekend. Maybe we'll take an impromptu road trip to Philly, too. We've done it before! I'm actually hoping they'll add a Northampton show the day after Boston. That one would win by a landslide.
  5. I got one of those kits for Christmas last year. Are you telling me my husband succumbed to a beautiful Israeli woman? Incidentally, his nail was noticeably shiny for MONTHS after that demo. And I've never used the kit because I don't care about my nails either. I have the gift of strong and long nails even though I don't do anything to help them along.
  6. This thread is incredibly interesting. My family all immigrated in the late 1800s so as far as I know I don't have any ties to the US back that far. I love reading these stories, keep them coming!
  7. I think I'm pretty savvy when it comes to digital crap and I can't even begin to imagine how long it took him to put that together. He just finished a new video that blows my mind even more. It's on the front page of his MySpace page. We were very close until he moved away to Portland. We were in bands together (LONG LIVE THE VOMIT PUNX!) and we all lived together for a few years when I was in college. He's completely self taught. Crazy.
  8. I just realized one of my closest friends from high school made an incrediby cool video for them about a year ago. Wild Mountain Nation I hadn't heard of the band back then so I didn't put it together.
  9. We don't have tickets yet, and I'm not sure we're going. $40 a piece is pretty steep the week before Christmas. No, they make yellow Legos. Actually there are multicultural figures in the larger preschool sets.
  10. http://www.formatmag.com/features/lego-hip-hop-album-covers/ I think Gang Starr might be my favorite.
  11. Fixed? It's a dual storyline between modern day and 100 years ago. The stories intertwine throughout the movie. Oh, and how could I forget, Henry Winkler!
  12. In theory I would love to go, but in reality I don't want to be stuck outside on my feet for 12 hours in January and not see a damn thing. But how amazing is this?! DC is having to completely overhaul their normal procedures to accommodate the hordes of people coming to be a part of this historic event!
  13. I absolutely love this movie and watch it every time it's on, which is quite a lot these days. Just watched this again: A highly under-discussed movie with a killer cast. Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight, Dule Hill, Patricia Arquette.....and even Shia LeBouf is good.
  14. I *cough* can't seem to find my copy....
  15. It's not worth it. Take your $2 scented candle from your Secret Santa and be happy you won't be forced to interact with anyone for another year.
  16. Wow, that's beautiful. I'd like to have that hanging in my house. I'd also like to have Jason hangin' in my house.
  17. That's awesome!!!! I hope you can make it over there!
  18. Awsome Sarah! I can't wait to hear what you think of the new material!
  19. DEL THE FUNKY HOMOSAPIEN $10-15,000 That's a lot of dough to hear Mister Dobalina and 15 songs you've never heard of. And from the WTF files.... HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS $100,000
  20. Your choice of phrasing really cracked me up.
  21. Me too. He acted like he cured cancer and should be praised. I just finished watching Season One of The State for the gajillionth time.
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