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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. That's as good news as you can hope for, Mart. I'm so glad to hear that she'll be able to stay in her home. I think that makes things tremendously easier for everyone including Dottie to deal with. Continued vibes for strength to you all.
  2. Wow, that really blows. I liked her.
  3. And I love you even more for this comment. Mr Peel has seen Swiz and says they were a great live band.
  4. This is the greatest thread ever. Welcome to VC, TM! (We of course will all be calling you TM forever.) And ction, Mr. Peel is partial to Swiz.
  5. I know, I know. I've already ordered a pair since yesterday.
  6. Ugh. Screw you guys. I can't mail order shoes, I need to try them on. My feet are pretty big...sometimes I take a 9 and sometimes a 9 1/2. Most shoes I try on in stores are uncomfortable. It's a curse. I discovered these this summer. Ugg flip flops with what I'd like to think is teddy bear fur lining the inside of the straps. SO comfortable, no rubbing. I own these Converse. VERY comfy. Oh, I've also been contemplating a pair of slip on Converse.
  7. Ummmmm, well, he's had many many ups and downs. He went back on the ventilator and has been deteriorating again. Everyone up here wishes his wife would let him go but understands how difficult it can be to make that decision. Now, even in his fragile state, the VA hospital he's been going to for years is demanding that he be transferred from the local hospital he's currently in to their hospital or else they're going to stop paying for the care he's receiving. The poor guy is on life support with tubes in every place a tube can go. Now he has to suffer the added stress of transport. It's
  8. That's what I was gonna say! I call it "The Baby Docking Station".
  9. Right. The first episode started 4 months after the big season finale so they need to set up the story line to gradually reveal why some of the characters have changed so much. I enjoyed last night's episode too. I wasn't expecting the British warrior dude to come back to life! I really thought Hiro was supposed to take over that role. But maybe now we're going to learn of a bloodline starting with him and ending with Claire.
  10. You've got as many vibes as I can generate. I'm sending them out to your whole family. Take care of each other.
  11. The only logical explanation for their name is Boston's Duck Tours. But even with that connection it's still a horrible name.
  12. I saw them a bunch of times when they first started. They were always sharing shows with another Boston band called The Ducky Boys. Pretty much everyone I knew at the time said the Dropkick Murphys were okay but the Ducky Boys were really going places. WTF did we know.
  13. I didn't dislike it but I wasn't excited like I was last season. I'm think I know where Hiro's story is going, and I love his character, so I'm psyched for that line to continue. I'm also looking forward to the return of Ali Larter's character. I'm pretty sure things will pick up.
  14. Kick some serious boo-tay, Kate!!!
  15. Wow, 10 minutes after I wrote that, I got a call from my mom to tell me he's off the ventilator! He's still considered critical and they're still going to do some kind of tracheotomy to put in an airway in case he has to go back on it so they can bypass his mouth, but here's hoping he won't need it! Still cautiously optimistic......
  16. Thanks for asking! He's still in critical condition but continues to do a little better each day. They took him out of sedation for almost 2 days but he's still on the ventilator. They're slowly turning it down to the point that it's almost off, but it causes his breathing to be too labored so then they turn it up again. But every time they do that, they turn it up less and less, so he is improving. It is still very far from being good, and no one is getting their hopes up too high. After all this time it would be quite a fall if we believed he was going to recuperate 100%. I guess you
  17. Happy birthday, shweethaaaaaaawt! May you have a first class day, my friend.
  18. Probably, but who would watch a 3275 part series that included every American town and city?
  19. Well the whole documentary is based on 4 American cities, not an overall look at how the entire US was affected, let alone other countries.
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