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Everything posted by jff

  1. No doubt. I remember hearing "The Ox" for the first time. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
  2. Fair enough. I'll bet the concept of a rotating drumset started as a joke, and the guys laughed their asses off the first time they saw it rotate into place.
  3. That's amazing. Is that video from a show, or from some sort of dress rehearsal? It doesn't look like there are anough people there for it to be a real show.
  4. Obviously you haven't seen it in action.
  5. Hmm, there's no entry for "chucky" at SpeakJamaican.com, but a "chuck" is a full size truck. I doubt Tosh was talking about trucks. http://www.speakjamaican.com/glossary/
  6. I've decided to use one of my electric guitars for slide playing. What are some good (somewhat) all-purpose tunings for slide? Right now I have it tuned to open A, but I understand D and G are more common slide tunings. Any other tips for a slide guitar novice?
  7. The only thing keeping The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society off my list of flawless albums is the baby voice on "Phenominal Cat."
  8. Prince is cool, and I like his music, but I didn't think he had ten albums. I've never even heard of most of this stuff.
  9. I read several years ago that Alex wasn't into the keyboards because it stole the sonic frequency range that is typically occupied by guitars. His contributions got buried during that era.
  10. Neil still uses electronic drums. His drums are set up on a rotating drum riser. He has a full electronic kit behind him, which rotates into place for certain songs, or certain portions of his drum solo. Here's his kit from a recent tour, with electronic drums in front:
  11. Hmm, I wonder what'd be cheaper...getting a Holy Grail pedal or getting the reverb on my amp fixed.
  12. You're probably right. I'm sure there'll be lots of good bonus material. Even though they skipped a lot, I can't think of anything in the film that they could have cut to make room for things that were left out.
  13. Yeah, once they got to 2112 they started fast-forwarding through, or ignoring, a lot of albums. I would have liked for them to cover the A Farewell to Kings album, but it was only mentioned as a footnote to Hemispheres. Roll The Bones would have been worth inclusion if for no other reason than the fact that it has rapping on it. My interest in Rush lies mostly in their early career, so I found the film satisfying overall. The film sort of followed the same pacing as a lot of music biographies I've read, in that a lot of time was spent on early stuff, and then they find themselves with 4
  14. Yeah, I love that guy. It's too bad he retired from playing drums.
  15. The Rush documentary was really well done. Tons of great footage I've never seen. The footage of Alex Lifeson as a teenager debating with his parents about staying in school vs. playing full time in a band...how is it possible that a multi-camera video of such an event exists? Some of the stuff they dug up for this documentary is just crazy.
  16. I like Paul's Boutique, but I like Ill Communication and Check Your Head better. AWOL is a super weak link on Paul's Boutique. For Zep, it's Houses of the Holy for me.
  17. Mr. Heartbreak's list seems to be closest to what I'd come up with. 1) Mothers of Invention – Freak Out! 2) Pink Floyd - Piper at the Gates of Dawn 3) Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced? 4) Brian Eno - Here Come the Warm Jets 5) Polvo - Cor Crane Secret 6) Television - Marquee Moon 7) Cream - Fresh Cream 8) fIREHOSE - Ragin' Full On 9) The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground and Nico 10) Captain Beefheart - Safe as Milk 11) XTC - White Music 13) Talking Heads - Talking Heads '77 14) Feelies - Crazy Rhythms 15) King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King 16) Jeff Beck -
  18. Bowie's face is finally starting to age. He still appears to be in top physical shape, though. I heard he had been ill, or had some sort of highly treatable cancer a couple years ago, but I can't confirm that. I'd love for him to do another rock album. He's one of my all time favorites.
  19. That's too bad about Pete. He seems like a really cool guy, based on that blog. The Kinks did some great albums after Pete left the band, but my favorite Kinks era will probably always be the run of albums he plays on. I got into '60s music in the '80s as a young teen by listening to my mom's copy of Kinks Size and Meet the Beatles. Kinks Size isn't one of my favorite Kinks albums, but it cements the Kinks permanently as one of the most important bands in my life.
  20. I do too. If it weren't for Maxwell's Silver Hammer I would consider Abbey Road a flawless album. Many of my favorite albums have one stinker.
  21. Breeders - Pod Beatles - Rubber Soul I doubt I'd be able to come up with any more than that.
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