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Everything posted by jff

  1. That hadn't occurred to me. Were they using plastic crates when the bottles were glass?
  2. jff

    Deeper Down

    I like the version on the album, and I think it works well in that context, but having seen the video from Craig Ferguson I can see why so many people don't care for the song. Cool drumming aside, there isn't much there. It doesn't help that I'm not all that into Nels on lapsteel. For my tastes Wilco overuses him in that role.
  3. jff

    Deeper Down

    Interesting. How much time passed between their appearances? Was it back to back nights?
  4. jff

    Deeper Down

    I just saw that. I noticed that Nels' Jazzmaster and Jeff's SG were on stage. Do bands play extra songs on his show that don't get aired? Or does Craig Ferguson give bands more than one song?
  5. I noticed this, too. The milk crates at the restaurant where I used to work (in the '90s)were slightly too small to fit records. You could put records in there, but it would bend them and crease the covers. I can imagine theft of the milk crates by record lovers created a fairly significant loss for the milk industry. Maybe the milk industry decreased the size of milk jugs, allowing them to make the milk crates slightly smaller. Naturally, this, in turn, led to the creation of a new product line of fake milk crates available from Target and Wal Mart. Win-win-lose.
  6. Milk crates are pretty good for storage of LPs, but liquor boxes are better for moving them. Liquor boxes are usually pretty heavy duty, and some of them are tall enough that you can tape the top flap closed. And they're free at most liquor stores. I've moved my records many times this way and they've never sufferend any damage.
  7. Despite his IQ and Autism, he knows that Xs for eyes means you're dead. He also did a good job expressing the anger of the shooter just by drawing a V shape over the eyes.
  8. I was only able to play 2 through 10. Someone want to PM me what #1 was?
  9. 5/10 I got #s 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 correct. Would've got #3, but that fill has been used in many, many songs and I'm not certain which one is the version they used.
  10. jff

    Deeper Down

    Deeper Down, to my ears, is easily and clearly one of the best songs on the album. Top three, without a doubt.
  11. I wouldn't try to attempt the conversion (like you, I'd rather just buy a Dano...they look cooler anyway), but I'd think you could just get a top loading bridge/saddle and a 12 string neck, nut & tuner set and you'd be in business. Some widening of the neck slot would probably be required, which may or may not cause problems. Fairly small project in terms of labor.
  12. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    Here's another one: http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=36350
  13. It could have been a lot worse. For instance, the mom could've yelled "don't drop the soap" to her son when they put him in the police car?
  14. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/music/la-et-nashville-flood-20100514,0,7376955.story Priceless musical instruments are silent victims of Nashville flooding Facility that stored equipment for country stars such as Taylor Swift, Brad Paisley, Keith Urban and Vince Gill, and housed instruments belonging to Jimi Hendrix, the Who's Peter Townshend and Johnny Cash, spent six days under nine feet of water. May 13, 2010 | 8:29 p.m. As symbolically devastating as the recent flooding in Nashville was to the home of the historic Grand Ole Opry House, the toll on another building little
  15. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    The latest issue of Guitar Player has an interview with Nels.
  16. And a mix cd with a bunch of Guided By Voices, King Crimson and Mahavishnu Orchestra tracks that a friend gave me last night.
  17. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    Check out the email I just got from Jeff Gauthier/Cryptogramophone: "Dear Jeffrey, Congratulations. Nels Cline , sitting in his hotel room in Aukland New Zealand surrounded by strange furry beasts, pointed at the screen and chose YOUR NAME out of the 20 or so correct answers to our absurdly simple question. This means YOU WIN one of each of Nels’ titles on Cryptogramophone, a T-shirt AND a Tote bag! Please send us your full name, address, and T-shirt size and we’ll get these items off to you early next week. Thanks for playing along with us. Come back to www.crypto.tv and vi
  18. I like this concept. She played a house show/fundraiser for a dog rescue organization that my neighbor co-owns. So although the article makes it sould like she's focusing on Europe, she's already brought this type of performing to the states. http://www.potcake.org/Jett.html
  19. I'll donate $1 to you if you promise to keep the same avatar forever. I could watch that all day. I've never tried the donate money for music thing. In my experience (which includes tapes and cds but not downloads), one way or another the majority of the copies wind up being given away for free no matter how much you try to charge. Usually after the band breaks up.
  20. What's this all about? I hate that album cover, but maybe the music is good.
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