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Everything posted by jff

  1. It's cool that Wilco will actually USE guitars like this on the road. Usually when bands have valuable or historic guitars (like ZZ Top or the Stones), they will retire them for various reasons and lock them away in secured vaults.
  2. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    I can relate. The first time I saw Nels was with Mike Watt, touring in support of "Ball-Hog or Tugboat" with Watt's two drummer lineup (one of which was Michael Preussner, from the Nels Cline Trio). That must've been 1994, or something. I had never seen or heard guitar playing like that. I still haven't. It blew my mind. It even blew my wife's mind, and she is NOT impressed by guitar pyrotechnics. Something about his playing transcends all the wankery and finger gymnastics.
  3. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    Best link I've seen in weeks. Can't wait for part 2. Looks like I'm going to have to travel this year for a Singers show. I haven't seen them since they toured for "Instrumentals." Never been to Colorado or Pennsylvania...what better reason to visit?
  4. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    Thanks for the link! I'm hoping to get my pre-ordered cd today or tomorrow...wishful thinking maybe? I'm going to try to wait until I get my cd to listen to all of it, but I listened to two randomly selected tracks (You Noticed & Fly Fly). You Noticed manages to sound like Nels and his guys while also sounding significantly different than anything I've heard on their earlier releases. This cd is going to be badass.
  5. I've never intentionally listened to them. The guitarist from the current lineup of the MTB was in a band from my area. My band and his were arch rivals, naturally, being teenagers and all. We shared a bill once at a local high school dance. They thought we sucked, and we felt likewise. Ah, stupid youth. Anyway, for that reason, I've been meaning to check out some Marshall Tucker.
  6. Hopefully I'll remember to use that drum beat when I get together with the guys tomorrow.
  7. Anyone else as psyched as I am for "Initiate"? There's a pre-order bundle deal with a cool looking shirt and a tote bag. I only ordered the cd, as I know I'd never use the tote bag. Hopefully the shirt is available on it's own.
  8. Yeah, it looks exactly the same. I have the non-usb version, and I absolutely love it. Best piece of stereo equipment I've ever owned. Looks like the non-usb version is still pretty easy to find online. I wouldn't hesitiate to buy another one, depite it being discontinued.
  9. Oh, my mistake. Notice that Mike is hidden behind a piano during the concerts. Tweedy has is set up in such a way that he never even has to see him unless he turns around and cranes his neck. I swear when I saw their bus pull up to the Fox in Atlanta, the roadies opened the trailer and Mike stumbled out looking groggy.
  10. That just means hes only happy in the studio. And weren't Nels and Pat on another continent when Tweedy recoded the basic tracks? The only logical conclusion is that Jeff Tweedy doesn't like being around Nels and Pat. You can plainly see that he keeps those guys on the far ends of the stage, as far away from him as possible.
  11. jff

    Set Lists

    Of the six shows Ive seen*, going back to 2003, the only songs they've played EVERY time are: I Am Trying to Break Your Heart I'm the Man who Loves You. Songs I've only seen once: Kicking Television Monday Cars Can't Escape Candyfloss Reservations Side with the Seeds The Lonely 1 (That's not even close to a complete list, but is all I can devote the time to finding right now) I'm not going to do a more in depth analysis than that, but there is a lot of variation among these shows. Far more variation than any other band I can think of that I've seen multiple times with a similar amout
  12. jff

    Set Lists

    I just found it a minute ago. Thanks! Looking at the lists now.
  13. jff

    Set Lists

    That's amazing. I've never taken a close look at John's rig, but I know a lot of bands have backup heads or combo amps in place onstage, turned on, ready to go. Did the crew carry a replacement one out from behind the scenes?
  14. jff

    Set Lists

    Jeez, calm down. Is there a Wilco setlist database? I'd like to get the lists from each show I've seen.
  15. Well, ever since I've owned it, it's never been on a stage, and has only left my house once for a couple days at a studio. I don't know what the previous owner did with it, but it was in pristine physical condition when I got it. One of these days I'll get some new tubes and see what happens.
  16. jff

    Set Lists

    Maybe so. While at lunch, it occurred to me that I'm probably thinking this way as a result of the audience chatter in my section. Every time a song would end, if there was any pause at all in the music, the chatting would flare up and would last at least halfway through the song. The guitar switch-outs are pretty seamless and the band and crew do an impressive job of keeping it all straight, but it does (or did) create just enough of a window of opportunity for yet another chapter in the never-ending conversation to begin. At least, that's how it was at that show, in my immediate area
  17. I wasn't at that show, but I saw them at the Val Air in Iowa during the post-Jay/pre-Nels era. It was the only time I've ever seen an audience member ask some talkers to shut up and the talkers politely obliged. It was absolutely amazing to see.
  18. jff

    Set Lists

    I think I defined reckless abandon, for the limited purposes of this increasingly tedious exchange, pretty clearly. Nothing that happened on stage in Atlanta fits that definition...not that it was a bad show, it just wasn't particularly spontaneous (that's your cue to nit-pick my use of the word spontaneous ). I can't speak for other shows as I wasn't at any of them.
  19. jff

    Set Lists

    Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd live long enough to see a forum thread veer off topic. Every Wilco show I've seen has had a drastically different setlist, but I only get to see them once a year, or so.
  20. jff

    Set Lists

    Oh, well in that case... tee hee. Good one! Simply saying "look at this ridiculous comment" is kind of an empty and hostile way of "clearly disagreeing"...wouldn't you agree? Especially when the "ridiculous" comment was an opinion. By saying I didn't see the "real purpose" behind changing guitars for every song, I'm going to stand behind that comment. Real being the key. As a guitarist, I know that ALTWYS and Theologians (just to name two) would sound and feel very different on a Tele or Strat rather than an SG, but I see no reason why you couldn't play, say, I'm a Wheel con
  21. jff

    Set Lists

    Not always. At the Atlanta show, Tweedy's tech brought out the wrong guitar at one point and Tweedy sent him back to get the right one.
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