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Everything posted by jff

  1. Yeah, I remember going to one with my aunt and my grandmother in MA, just north of Boston. My grandmother died in 1983.
  2. Papa Gino's. I haven't seen one of those in decades.
  3. You must live in non-Waffle House state.
  4. I can see how that would be a pet peeve. But having a pet peeve is not the same as giving advice.
  5. People who write checks at the grocery store.
  6. Running the lawnmower too close to the dead tree stump at the bottom of my front hill, awakening a raging yellowjacket nest, but only finding out about it thanks to a few stings on the hand, then being forced to run in terror away from the entire swarm up the long steep hill, being stung repeatedly by numerous yellowjackets all the while, and into the house, which they follow me into and continue stinging me for several more minutes. God I hate that.
  7. I've been trying to get my wife to learn some drum beats. No luck so far.
  8. A band I hadn't played with since the '90s got together last weekend for a jam. My wife was THRILLED that, FINALLY, I was going to play at someone else's house. It was probably the best day she's had in months.
  9. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    Still waiting on my pre-order. Hopefully I'll get it sooner than the release date. In the meantime, here's a review of Initiate from this week's Downtown Music Gallery newsletter: NELS CLINE SINGERS With DEVIN HOFF/SCOTT AMENDOLA - Initiate: Studio/Live [2 CD set] (Cryptogramophone 143; USA) Featuring Nels Cline on electric & acoustic guitars & effects, Devin Hoff on contrabass & bass guitar and Scott Amendola on drums, percussion, mbira & electronics. Our good friend and fave guitar hero, Nels Cline, is on a roll with three fabulous discs in the past month (April
  10. My wife is married to one. What kind of help are you looking for?
  11. PBS practically had this showing on a loop for a while there. For me, the "My Back Pages" was the high and low point of the concert. High because George Harrison sang his verse so wonderfully, low because Eric Clapton screwed up the lyrics. Is next year really 50 years? That's incredible.
  12. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    Thanks! I apologize if it's not permissable to copy/paste, or if the following is sort of a spoiler, but this passage is so, so great! SCOTT: "We were playing a gig, with another guitar player who shall remain nameless, and this guy was conducting the gig. And for the whole night, anytime we started anything, he would just kill it. Just as it started getting good, this guy would cut it off! It was really weird, and everybody started to get frustrated. So it's getting towards the end of the gig, and Nels and I start getting into it; it's just going. And then this guys moves to cut it off, b
  13. Every time you post on this thread, I see at least one album I consider very good or great. In this case, it's Pere Ubu. Well done, sir.
  14. My local bike shop sells Haro, Jamis and Fuji bikes. Aside from Fuji, I'm not familiar with these brands. Are these good bikes? Naturally, I'd like to support my local shop, if possible, but I also want the best bike for the money. http://www.bikewaysoftucker.com/index.php
  15. Who knows? We tried to get some people to be quiet at a recent show, and their response was that one of the people in their group was recently in the hospital and she was telling them all about it. Oh, well in that case...excuse ME for butting into your conversation.
  16. It really is. I can't bring myself to read that article yet. Just hearing about him not having insurance immediately put a sunken feeling in my stomach.
  17. That's an amazing setlist. I saw him in 1993. I remember he opend with Drive My Car. I can't remember all that many specific songs* (aside from the obvious), but I remember the set was pretty heavy with Beatles and Wings songs. I saw Ringo on his last go-round, too. He put on a fun show. He had Greg Lake, Sheila E., Ian Hunter and Howard Jones in his group. Very odd group of people, but they played great together. Seeing Ringo play a King Crimson song was pretty bizarre. Anyway, Ringo's touring this summer, and he's worth seeing. Looks like he has Edgar Winter, Rick Derringer and
  18. Cool, $425 is exactly within my budget. The Trek looks perfect. Seems like the last time I wet to a bike shop I was kind of shocked by the prices, but it might've been a higher end shop, and was also pre-economic meltdown.
  19. I used to ride a Raliegh mountain bike to work, but then it got hit by a car and went through a period of neglect. For the past several years, I've been riding my wife's Mongoose mountain bike, for exercise or short errands. Now that it's bike riding weather again, I should probaly get my own bike. Hopefully something lighter and designed for street riding/exercise in a moderately hilly area, but I'd also like it to be durable because there are a few road obstacles that I like to jump (not massive air, or anything, just a foot or two off the ground.) Any suggestions in the under $500 r
  20. Is Loufest in any way related to Captain Lou Albano?
  21. I'm not 100% sure about THIS photo, but I know he has a picture of Kristin McMenamy on at least one of his guitars. http://www.radolgc.com/kristenmcmenamy/
  22. I'd probably try the McPatatas, were it not for my boycott of all McDonald's products from my diet as a result of my aggressive opposition to the McSalad Shaker.
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