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Everything posted by jff

  1. Me too. The lottery is tonight. If I win, I'll be buying a place there.
  2. Great seats! Sounds like the pit will be full of actual fans, and not rich jackasses trying to impress their dates. I'm in row K, I think. Not bad. My tickets arrived yesterday.
  3. FYI: You might already know this, but Pit seats at the Fox in Atlanta is triple digits...row AAA through EEE, or whatever the last pit row is. I had CCC at the Fox for Pearl Jam in 1994, but I sold them to a broker so I could fund a trip to Ohio to see the Grateful Dead. I have not yet received my Fox tickets. Not too worried yet, but I'd sure rather have them pinned to my bulletin board than floating in ticket-limbo.
  4. I'm a little disappointed that I missed this. Looks like something out of Blades of Glory. http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/Aboriginal-leaders-Russian-ice-dancers-routine?urn=oly,221290 Sorry for the bad link...it's supposed to lead to these guys:
  5. Interesting. I did not know that. Is this a fairly recent thing? My bandmate has a USA Tele, but it has a poly finish. Uh, nevermind...I just realized you're referring to vintage reissues. I'm pretty sure his tele is a '90s American Standard.
  6. I just started reading Dewey. OMG it is SO funny! But, yeah, that was not up there with The Onion's best work. "Dad Rock" joke. That's what? Ten years old?
  7. Yeah, I could, but that wasn't the offer I made. The offer I made still stands, and I'm still good for. If you know of a charity that sends underpriviledged kids to curling camp, name it and I'll send them $100 in your name. That was, and is, the offer.
  8. I'm not sure what the blank post means.
  9. Is Walker's Point a charity that sends underpriviledged kids to curling camp? I didn't see anything about curling on that website.
  10. It only occurred to me after the offer was made that the offer contained a pretty slimy escape clause. I'm still good for it, though, if a charity can be indentified.
  11. Well, I'll be damned. Assuming he really did break his hip... Curling is my favorite olympic event. Now, we need to find a charity that sends underpriviledged kids to curling camp.
  12. Maybe my posts are coming across more seriously than they're intended. Although my offer, as stated, is 100% for real.
  13. I'm not interested in proof. I'm sure someone has sustained a real injury at some point. It IS ice, rocks and sticks, after all. I just want to see video of it. Musculoskeletal repetitive stress injuries don't count. Nor do photos of blisters that are less severe than I get from 15 minutes of raking leaves. My charitible offer is genuine, and is valid until the end of the closing ceremonies.
  14. I'm stipulating it now. If you can provide the video, I will declare curling my favorite olympic sport, and I will donate $100 in your name to a charity that sends underpriviledged kids to curling camp.
  15. I 'm only stating my opinion, not passing some sort of mandate. Fair enough. Someone please post a youtube link to someone getting hurt during a curling match.
  16. I hate it as an olympic event, and I believe I explained why. I'm sure it's a moderately enjoyable game, like horseshoes and croqeut, neither of which should have any place in the olympics.
  17. It'd be nice if instead of making pre-worn guitars, they'd just make new guitars, painted like new, with the same type of paint the use on the road worn series. Paint that will wear in time/with use, unlike the plastic they use on most of their guitars which will still look like new in 1,000 years.
  18. Curling = ice shuffleboard. Horrible event. Why isn't darts in the olympics? Or billiards? Or bowling? All olympic events should have at least a slight possibility of bodily injury.
  19. Cool, thanks for the link. I guess I remembered it as the end of a set because everyone leaving the stage except for Micky and Bill is sort of like the end of a set, in a way. Also, it was at a Dead show (15+ years ago) so I reserve the right not to remember exact specifics. Commenters on that link seem to think weir was angry. I didn't pick up on that, but my focus was usually on Jerry, Phil or Micky. That was a great show for me. I was with a bandmate and at the time we covered Bertha and it was the only time I ever saw them play that tune. We drove up from Atlanta with no ticket
  20. Hopefully Watt will find the time somewhere in all this Stooges activity to release the numerous albums he's recorded over the last few years.
  21. I have no idea why he left the stage. I didn't pick up on any technical difficulties, or any other clues. Maybe he wasn't feeling well.
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