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Everything posted by jff

  1. $5,000-ish, according to ebay.
  2. This is a good place to eat during your stay in Aguas Calientes: A lot of people come into town on he morning train and leave on the evening train. If you can swing it, you should spend the night in Aguas Calientes and go to Machu Picchu first thing in the morning. You'll practically have the place to yourself for the first couple hours before the train shows up with all the tourists. At least, that's how it was during our visit. This will guarantee you have the opportunity to climb Wanya Picchu before they stop letting people climb. You might even be able to get to Machu Picchu i
  3. One of my least favorite: Animal Collective: My Girls One of my favorites: Taken by Trees: My Boys
  4. I went two years ago. We spent two days in Cuzco before taking the train to Aguas Calientes. Altitude sickness was only a problem for me after a day trip in the sacred valley around Cuzco which included a trip to the highest point in the area (the village of Chinchero). I was feverish and exhausted, and had trouble sleeping. My wife had trouble right away, but went too a pharmacy and was sold cheap medicine which helped a lot (try that in America). Machu Picchu is actually at a significantly lower altitude than Cuzco, so it was sort of a relief being there. Hiking Wayna Picchu was a
  5. Maybe I should have said 30+ year old bands that were notorious junkies.
  6. I can never see the name Mason Jennings without thinking it's the Classical Gas guy. I never realized until today that Bowie is the only guitarist credited on this album (with the exception of Alan Parker on one song).
  7. I love the first album. ZZ Top...good call. I didn't realize they started in '69. So that's just about it for 30+ year old bands with intact lineups.
  8. I'm almost done reading Slash's book. Lots of good stories, and a good bit of Aerosmith content. I'd rather see Aerosmith call it quits than to carry on with new members. There aren't many bands (are there ANY others?) that have been around as long as them that still has the original lineup.
  9. I reject the idea that the physical medium will die, but if the album were to die it would be a very sad day. Almost all of the recorded music I like works best when listened to in the form of an album.
  10. This would be perfect if it weren't for the soprano sax. Fortunately, there are long stretches where the soprano sits out.
  11. He said it, but that doesn't mean it's not nonsense.
  12. Cool. Hopefully they won't jack the price tag before I get around to buying one.
  13. I finally got around to looking at my bar code. It's not scratched out and no other marks have been made on the box to indicate that it is a cutout.
  14. Hmm. I could've sworn he's holding a Bean in the Europe '72 cd booklet. I must be thinking of some other photos I've seen. Looks like Garcia was a Strat guy on that tour.
  15. Shellac was on Dogs 101 on Animal Planet the other night. The episode was about Italian Greyhouds, and the drummer has one. They showed the band practicing while the dog was playing and running around in their practice space. It was cute.
  16. Indeed. I think that was his main guitar for Europe '72.
  17. Haven't read it yet, but here it is: http://www.avclub.com/articles/jim-orourke,34979/
  18. No idea. I'd be surprised if he didn't own one. For those who may not know, this is what a Travis Bean guitar looks like. It's most distinguishing physical characteristic is the hollow T shape on the headstock.
  19. Dammit all. It's official. I am whiter that Alan Thicke (circa that magazine cover, anyway).
  20. Those boxes include the original albums, plus five or six discs worth of studio sessions, so yes and no. Are these other boxes that have been named made up entirely of unreleased material? I find that extremely hard to believe. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the rules of this thread.
  21. Miles Davis: Complete On the Corner Sessions Miles Davis: Complete Jack Johnson Sessions
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