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Everything posted by jff

  1. I prefer Kluson style open-slot tuners because I find it easier to change strings on guitars that have them. You trim the string to the proper length and then stuff the end down into the tuning post and start winding, which eliminates sharp, pokey string ends from protruding from the tuning post. I also like the way they look. I don't know if they are better at keeping a guitar in tune than other types of tuners.
  2. Riley, you mentioned that you have several other acoustics and a Strat. Maybe you could thin out your collection and trade two or three guitars for a Jazzmaster at some point?
  3. I would not do the trade. All guitars are different. It could take you the rest of your life to find another acoustic that is right for you.
  4. Glad you enjoyed it. Sounds like your visit was fairly recent (since the aquarium is pretty new). There's definitely more for visiters to do in Atlanta now than any time I can remember.
  5. I guess those perceptions never really die. I've been to DC a bunch of times over the last ten years and never felt unsafe at any time of the day. I did see some rough areas on the way out of town heading towards Annapolis, but all cities have areas like that.
  6. As an Atlantan, I'm curious to hear what you did or saw in Atlanta that earned it a spot on your list.
  7. I keep hearing great things about Richmond. I'll have to go there someday. I defintiely would not consder DC underrated.
  8. DC Boston Austin Miami (You couldn't pay me enough to live there, though) San Francisco Annapols Madison
  9. Thanks for all that info, A. I'll probably read through it several times before I decide if I want to start a refinishing project.
  10. I guess that reveals my lack of knowledge. I didn't know the different tuners required different hole sizes. I've been considering stripping the Candy Apple Red poly finish off my Muddy Waters Tele. How involved is that process? (My dad has a wood shop and is an experienced woodworker, so although I'm pretty clueless at least I'd have a safety net). Also, what is the simplest method for applying the nitro finish? Edit: One more question...Is that pickguard mint green or white?
  11. Wow, that's a beauty. Great job! The only thing I would have done differently is to put Kluson open slot tuners on there...I love those things.
  12. Yeah, that's the obvious one. It'd be cool to see them do something like "Rock and Roll Stew" or "Light Up or Leave Me Alone".
  13. I'm pretty sure he also plays it on the first Singers album. It's on a really pretty ballad ("Slipped Away" is the song title if I remember correctly). They opened with it when they played in Atlanta, and Nels was using the baritone for that tune.
  14. This begs the question: When Winwood joins the Heartbreakers on stage, which Traffic song will the play?
  15. I heard Impossible Germany yesterday at Burlington Coat Factory.
  16. Despite listening to Marquee Moon probably 1,000 times over the last 10 years, I've only recently discovered how minimalistic many of the rhythm guitar parts are. I wish more bands would learn how powerful and full you can sound as a band when some of the band is playing very little.
  17. Under the Radar...Most Anticipated Albums. Seems like a contradiction to me.
  18. I used to be in a band with a guy who played a Sheraton. It was a nice sounding guitar. I think it will suit your needs very well. Congratulations on finding a good replacement.
  19. Play them Interstellar Space Revisited and say "this is their guitarist".
  20. Any of the Nels Cline Singers albums would be an ideal starting point. Almost every Nels Cline album that I've heard contains material that is accessible (I'm assuming "accessible" in this context means something along the lines of "listener friendly") and material that is definitely not accessible. A couple more to consider are "Destroy All Nels Cline" and "The Inkling".
  21. Totally. Some of the songs are duds, but Echo is better than Wildflowers and I'm taking that opinion to my grave.
  22. A lot of people feel that way. I know a guy who has been going to one or more concert a week since the late '60s. I once asked him what were the best shows he'd ever seen. He wasn't specific, but he said of his top five shows, the Kinks occupied at least three spots.
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