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Everything posted by jff

  1. Having read through this thread, it appears that you bring the following to the household: Chair Table Car Stereo Pan And here is what your roommate brings to the household: Plate Rug
  2. According to the Deep Tracks DJ on XM, Dave says he hasn't spoken to Ray in months and Ray has not mentioned anything about a Kinks reunion to him.
  3. My gear is the same as I posted before, except I got rid of the Wurlitzer and the Behringer amp and have added a Taylor 414 acoustic, an Ampeg Reverberocket R112 and a Traynor YVC20WR.
  4. Yeah right. Your luthier fixed it as soon as you walked out the door and has been playing it ever since.
  5. You missed 30 minutes of Kings of Leon and 1.5 Roky songs.
  6. I saw it in Atlanta. Didn't he open with "You're Gonna Miss Me"? That's an Elevators song. Thanks for the info about those other tunes. I'm not as familiar with his post-Elevators work.
  7. Here's a lengthy and sort of technical analysis of the LOUDER IS BETTER phenomenon using Rush's "Vapor Trails" as an example. http://www.prorec.com/Articles/tabid/109/E...47/Default.aspx Over the Limit Location: BlogsProRec ArticlesRip Rowan Posted by: Rip Rowan Saturday, August 31, 2002 4:00 PM I
  8. I have not tried one of these, but the dual pickguards would seem to suggest that it is not primarily intended to be a finger-picker guitar.
  9. One of my high school buddies had a LZ picture disc bootleg of that. Coolest record I ever saw.
  10. It's funny how many people are willing to give their life for their country, but when you ask them to give some of their money for it...
  11. Everyone who is wealthy is a hard worker and everyone who is poor is a lazy drunk?
  12. jff

    Jeff Bass

    Nice work. Thanks.
  13. jff

    Jeff Bass

    I wouldn't be surprised if that's the exact same bass.
  14. jff

    Jeff Bass

    Any pics of John playing guitar/singing?
  15. I don't agree that people vote for their own best interests. Are lower taxes really someone's "best" interest? That's what a great number of people have consistently used as the basis for their voting choices.
  16. Do volume pedals give you an overdriven sound at a lower volume...like an attenuator? Or are they just foot controlled volume knobs? Sorry, that's probably a dumb question, but I have no experience with volume pedals.
  17. Maybe they figure since their fans have stuck with them through consistently lackluster live performances and an album that is 99% production tricks/1% songcraft they can get away with anything.
  18. It's pretty lame that you can complete the hand crank and rolling log portions of The Eliminator faster if you fall off than if you actually complete the task. There should be a penalty for falling off that's tougher than simply climbing out of the pit and moving on.
  19. And sometimes it has excellent photography. Yeah, I check it out, too. I don't know if I'd say I "follow" it, though, since I had not heard of this incident.
  20. I can't remember where I read that, but I think his concern was that those logos would trap the music into a particular time period associated with whatever slogans or logos people were wearing, when I guess they're going for something that feels timeless.
  21. Peru. The dollar still has value there. I just got back and can't believe how incredible it was.
  22. I read that, too. But I also remember reading something about Jeff saying the DVD showed too many audience members with dumb slogans and product logos on their t-shirts.
  23. I mean if you line up a dozen Gibson L-00 guitars, some are going to be as close to perfect as you can get and some are probably going to have some problems (scratches and dings, poor fret work, imperfect setup, sloppy glue joints, etc.) that should have been caught upon final inspection before being shipped to the authorized dealer. To be fair, the things I've read about Gibson's quality control were primarily in reference to their electric guitars...specifically, Les Pauls. I don't know if the complaints apply to their acoustic guitars, but it's worth considering before spending $5k on
  24. I don't know for sure that I've ever played that exact model, but the Gibson acoustics I've tried out in the last year or two have been the nicest guitars I've ever played. They sound like a dream. Unfortunately, I've read on guitar forums that Gibson has a reputation for inconsistent quality control. For this reason, I'd bring your brother, or someone who is an experienced guitarist, with you to check out the guitar before you spend $5,000.
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