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Everything posted by jff

  1. Yes. It's also another example of a song bass players always want to jam on, but which goes nowhere. Exactly like Dazed and Confused, in that sense.
  2. Jane's Addiction...the band with the song every bass player always wants to play, but which annoys the shit out of all drummers.
  3. Os Mutantes is a non-English speaking band that should be in.
  4. He actually has a bunch of great tunes, but the real reason he's in the HoF is because he was present for the most famous and tragic event in rock and roll history.
  5. Does Jane's Addiction deserve it? They produced very little noteworthy music and have been coasting for 10+ times longer than they were relevant. Are they getting credit as a band for Lollapalooza? Credit for that should go solely to Perry Ferrell (and whoever his business partners were) and not the band.
  6. Let them try it. I'm sure Clinton's team has already put together a strategy to deal with this exact scenario.
  7. I trust Wilco, and just about everything on that list that I'm familiar with, I like. Big Thief, Richard Thompson, Steve Gunn, and others. I'll have to check out the artists I'm not familiar with. ...and people say it's hard to find good new music these days. GMAFB.
  8. I find this entirely believable, but not for the reasons Michelle Bachman states. Trump fans committing sexual assault on women as retaliation for Hillary Clinton becoming president (which will be largely because of women voters) seems plausible. I will even go so far as to say that it's highly likely.
  9. We have the same problem, and it's so bad we decided to sign back up for basic cable for the first time in years. It's the only way we're able to watch TV in real time.
  10. I saw a video of Heart of the Sunrise, and it was quite good. Funny to see Wakeman STILL wearing capes.
  11. Also worthy of noting that Billy Bush was on the clock. They weren't in a locker room. I don't mean to let Bush off the hook, but his job was to sit there and be chummy with Trump until it was time for them go on air, or do whatever business it was that brought Trump to Access Hollywood. Bush probably would have been fired if he had challenged Trump when he was making those statements.
  12. Libertarians shoot themselves in the foot by constantly going after the presidency. Libertarians should try to fill as many state and local positions as possible and implement their policies at that level. If their policies bring positive results, use that as leverage in races for higher offices. Third party success can only come from bottom up.
  13. Frankly, I think it's a good thing that people like Jeff Sessions, and others are digging in their heels and doubling down in favor of Trump. If they don't believe walking up to a woman and grabbing her by the vagina is sexual assault, what DO they think is sexual assault? Ultimately, this will be their downfall and that will be good for all of us.
  14. If by "you guys" you mean some of the the fringe GOP, then that is a valid point. But the way this conversation, and similar conversations elsewhere, have been going, it seems as if folks are asking why this is the final straw for people in general. The truth is, virtually all Democrats and a large number of Republicans have been outraged by Trump's earlier statements about Mexicans, Muslims, women, etc. Enough so that Clinton, entirely rightly, called some of his supporters a basket of deplorables. That has been a pretty high profile piece of news since she said it. So, to suggest there h
  15. You honestly don't see a difference between name calling (being impolite) and describing an action (committing a sex crime)? The difference is not baffling at all.
  16. "Others on social media suggested Drudge go to Florida himself." I agree. Drudge should go Florida himself. He should go Florida himself long and hard.
  17. Fair enough. I still don't see how a popular vote win for Trump is possible unless something drastic happens.
  18. Is it known to be true that rural voters show up in higher percentages than urban or suburban voters?
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