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Everything posted by jff

  1. Yes, this was back in the day when they first became a known commodity.
  2. A creeper came up behind me and fondled my ass. At first I thought someone was just trying to pass behind me in a tight crowd. But then it got weird and by the time I turned around to put a stop to things all I could see was a sad old man slipping back into the crowd. That was either at a Deee-Lite or a Dread Zeppelin concert. Can't remember with certainty. I guess this thread just got a little dark. Don't worry, though. It was more pathetic than damaging.
  3. It's exactly what I don't want from music. Bleakness is fine, but if there's no balance I check out.
  4. Big Star - Third. As a big fan of the first two Big Star albums, I've been revisiting this album for years hoping I will eventually hear whatever it is that everyone raves about, but aside from a couple songs it still isn't registering. And some of it I actually find repellant (Holocaust, for example. I never want to hear that again.) I've given it more than a fair shot, and now I give up. If anyone wants my copy it'll be on Amazon Marketplace by the end of the day.
  5. Gotta say I'm surprised no Democrats flipped and voted for Devos. They usually cave. At least that's a win of some sort.
  6. I normally couldn't give two shits about football, and I guess I still don't, but I was really hoping Atlanta was going to be a joyous place this week.
  7. Removing the Johnson amendment will make this kind of partisan behavior more common, at which point there definitely will be a backlash and, hopefully, repercussions. At the very least, these fuckers will need to start paying taxes like the rest of us.
  8. My hope is that, if the Johnson amendment is removed, it will ultimately hurt the churches who choose to become partisan, and religion in general, more than it harms democracy. But one this is for absolute certain either way: It will harm democracy.
  9. Threatening Mexico with military intervention. I wish I was Canadian.
  10. Rick Steves wrote them a $50,000 check last week.
  11. Just ordered the new Cate Le Bon EP. I'm looking forward to that,
  12. He probably spent a whole tour's worth of earnings on that. As far as I know, he isn't credited as a writer on any of their songs, so his income was primarily from live performances.
  13. So sad. He must have been in unthinkable turmoil to have done that with his wife in the condo. I hope somewhere deep in his heart he knew how much joy he gave to music fans around the world. He said on his blog several years ago that he didn't have a lot of money, so that aspect of the story is not surprising to me, and even less surprising since the ABB stopped touring. I wish he had known there was a different way.
  14. Crashing (on Netflix). From the writer/creator of the excellent Fleabag. Easy binge watch at six 23 minute episodes. Slightly unsatisfying ending, but an enjoyable show all in all.
  15. I should add Fly Ashtray: We Buy Everything You Have to my list. Excellent album.
  16. Hoping for new records by Ex Hex, Hospitality, Black Gang Crew (an old Nels/Mike Watt record that's never been released), anything Bill Dolan plays on (amazing guitarist from Five Style, Heroic Doses, and others), Omni, Alabama Shakes.
  17. This is absolutely false. We just got done experiencing what you (or not you, but Lost Highway) say we're going to experience in the future. It'd be folly not to look at the past and examine what we just went through and try to figure out how to never let it happen again.
  18. I've read this, too. No idea if it holds water, but I'll keep my TV on SyFy or something the whole day.
  19. Why do y'all keep talking in the future tense about this? We just experienced it with the Bernie or Bust/Never Hillary crowd. This is not something that might happen in the future. It happened, and it occurred without pause over the course of the entire primary and general election.
  20. Yeah. I've seen videos of him playing a more traditional setup. I suspect the stripped down kit was a statement in itself. Kicking up more dust with two drums than any of the overwrought, glammed up show-biz cowboy hat acts and their convoy of semi trucks full of gear.
  21. Desiring that led to the situation we have now. I don't like ideological purity. But I also don't like Booker's BS excuse for his vote. He should have explained the nuance, rather than making up some nonsense.
  22. That drummer plays like he gets his cymbals for free.
  23. I'm not a progressive, and I think Booker's career in politics is threatened over this. The reason Booker is the only one who took heat for this, which the opinion piece above completely ignores, is that Booker has seen by many over the last several years as one of the bright young hopes for the D party, unlike the rest of the Ds who voted as he did.
  24. Looks like Sturgill was not joking when he said he was coming to burn down the entire country music industry.
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