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Everything posted by jff

  1. Could be because it's more expensive to book a venue in some cities, so they raise or lower prices accordingly so each show earns them roughly the same amount of money. I can see it being more expensive to put on a show at the Fox in Atlanta than at the venue in Nebraska, for example. But this is just a guess. Are their tickets typically the same price for whole tours?
  2. I'll bet before the end of the day we'll find out there were more Russians than that in the meeting. And then tomorrow we'll find out there were even more than we found out about today.
  3. Yeah, we saw the Tabernacle show on night two, and the audience was great. It probably helped that we were on the front row of the balcony. Memphis and Asheville are both tempting, but we have a trip to Badlands in September and my wife is going to Florida later in October, so we probably won't leave town again this year.
  4. The only thing about your run in with the guy at Radiohead that I haven't experienced is that he actually shut up. In my experience, they try to act like they're in the right and I'm the bad guy. My wife and I like to see bands in different cities, and we've noticed better behavior elsewhere, every time, without exception. We were behind some loud talkers at a Wilco show in Des Moines several years ago. Someone next to us asked them to stop talking so much and they apologized and shut up. I've never seen anything like that in Atlanta. Frankly, I think that's the downside of so-called Sou
  5. I might pass. Every time I've seen Wilco at the Fox in Atlanta I was surrounded on all sides by people that wouldn't STFU for two seconds and clearly had no interest in anything the band were playing. I don't know if I can take any more of that.
  6. Any idea how the votes are looking for the repeal? Are the Rs who refused to support the AHCA willing to throw ACA in the garbage entirely? Knowing that they have not been able to come up with a replacement anyone likes in the last seven years?
  7. Damn, that's the fastest I've ever been proven right.
  8. They'll be back. They've done this before.
  9. I don't know, but I think there's a disconnect between Sr. and Jr. about whether there was a threat in the first place. Sr. would probably have withheld them and let the NYT print them, then respond by calling it fake news and fake emails. Then sometime next year when Mueller announces they've been authenticated it would have been ancient history and no opinions would have changed.
  10. Usually this type of bombshell gets released at 5:01 pacific time on a Friday afternoon, when everyone is trying to get their weekend going and most people aren't focused on news. I don't think the threat of NYT publishing these emails caused Jr. to release them now, since they've convinced their base that the NYT is fake news. This is another example of these clowns not having any idea how the game is played.
  11. Neil does Yoda. Is this a parody of the awful Living With War? Also, worst drumming I've ever heard.
  12. Both of your thoughts line up with the one other reaction I've been able to find from when they played in Canada prior to Solid Sound. Hopefully some recordings or video, or an actual album, will show up.
  13. Anyone wan to share their thoughts on the Nels Cline Four? They've done several shows now, but no videos or recordings have appeared that I'm aware of. On paper, this could be the best project Nels has ever put together.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridge_School_Benefit Wish I could have seen John Lee Hooker, Sonic Youth, and Willie Nelson on the '91 show.
  15. I saw a show where Jaimoe was sidelined with a back problem. I forget who sat in for him. Is there any member of the ABB that never missed a show during their tenure? We know Gregg, Dickie, Butch, and Jaimoe all missed shows.
  16. R candidate in Georgia District 6 special election stated out loud on live TV last night "I do not supprt a livable wage." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPkY-dhuI7w
  17. To my knowledge, I've never heard them, but back in the mid-'90s I was working at a restaurant. We had just closed for the night and I was cleaning up my area. There were still a few tables finishing up their meal, which was typical, but about 20 minutes later a guy who looked exactly like what you'd think a circa-1995 Jamiroquai fan would look like (big goofy hat, pointy sideburns that almost but not quite connect to a pencil thin van dyke beardstache) came up to me and handed me a Jamiroquai CD and asked if I'd play it over the house system. I had to say fuck no, we're trying to clean up
  18. They were advertising $60 tickets for this show in Atlanta, but the link for them went nowhere.
  19. There's a Grant Hart documentary on Netflix, or Prime, or something like that. He seems like a severely broken man.
  20. Yes, I could see Pence being challenged in a primary by a GOPer with more charisma. Pence's energy level makes Al Gore look like Keith Moon.
  21. My new prediction is that Trump will manage to hang on until the Dems get congress back. Then he'll get impeached, and Pence will become president. The electorate, tired from the punishing impeachment process, will vote to keep Pence as president in 2020.
  22. Brooklyn Vegan has a nice recap of the Watt/Puppets show. For some reason, I was thinking this was the lineup with the organ player, which is pretty cool, but not as good as his guitar/bass/drum lineups. Knowing he has Tom Watson on guitar again makes this an even more attractive show. Bummer no Atlanta date. http://www.brooklynvegan.com/meat-puppets-mike-watt-grant-hart-played-brooklyn-bowl-pics-setlists/#photogallery-1=37
  23. They played Looking at You, I Fall, and a few others I'm less familiar with. I want to say they played Love Song (which was also in their show), and they played a couple snippets of songs that were just an excuse for Captain Sensible to play extended guitar solos, which he seemed to really enjoy. Captain and Dave both seemed to get a kick out of my wife telling them about having seen the Captain nude on stage back in '89. Dave said "what did you see?" in a sort of flirty way, She still hasn't come down from that.
  24. This record is like Nels Cline's coming out party.
  25. I did. The boss let me leave an hour early, and it was tons of fun. They played a bunch of songs for us that weren't in their show. It was worth it for that alone, but they also gave everyone a bag full of merch. Probably $50 worth of stuff. 7" New Rose picture disc, a t-shirt, poster, zine, and several other little goodies.
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