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Everything posted by jff

  1. Nothing from Echo. Weird since at least three different members of the band have gone on record about how neglected that record has been. I'd like to see some of the Hypnotic Eye material live. There's some excellent material on there. Very strong playing from Mike Campbell
  2. The inductees don't even get tickets to bring their families, and they might not even get in free themselves, so it's no surprise they don't get any say over anything other than their acceptance speeches and live performances.
  3. We're five episodes into 13 Reasons Why. It's really starting to build up a head of steam, and I suspect it's going to thoroughly gut me before it's all over.
  4. I am, to be honest. Maybe jaded isn't the right word. More like overwhelmed by everything I most strongly oppose, to the point of severe fatigue.
  5. Looks like we just bombed the shit out of Afghanistan. http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/13/politics/afghanistan-isis-moab-bomb/index.html
  6. Spin Doctors I must have seen them five times. Never intentionally. They always seemed to be on multi-band bills at a certain point in my life. Really awful band.
  7. While lounging at the country club, no less.
  8. Looks like maybe Geddy Lee is going to play with Yes, after all. Does this air on basic cable?
  9. They probably mean it wasn't available as a commercial release that you could buy.
  10. Steve Bannon has been removed from his position on the National Security Council. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/327403-trump-removes-bannon-from-national-security-council-report
  11. And Mike Ness is the biggest crybaby I've ever seen. I saw someone jump on their stage and steal his trucker cap . A totally unacceptable dick move, to be sure, But Ness responded by ending the show immediately (and before they had played any of the songs people actually knew and liked), which punished several hundred perfectly well behaved fans.
  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
  13. I think I'll go with the DR-05. Sounds like it solves the exact problem I'm dealing with. I have a Tascam digital 8-track (not something I want to bring to band practices), so I have some familiarity with how their interface works. Should be a natural fit.
  14. The one time I played at Lounge Ax, the same thing happened, minus Jeff. Jeff wasn't there, but Sue and Spencer were. This was in 1997, so Spencer was a toddler, but sure enough, he wound up on my drum seat and started playing away.
  15. I agree. I'd rather he get immunity and spill the beans than not get immunity and take the 5th. As it is now, it looks like immunity might still be available to him, but authorities aren't ready to have that discussion.
  16. The media has been reporting it for hours. Not surprising that Spicer would ignore it. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/michael-flynn-immunity-turned-down-rejected-senate-intel-committee-trump-russia-a7660696.html
  17. I'm sorry about your dad, and I hope he's better soon. If Brian Wilson is still doing the Pet Sounds show, I would recommend it. I saw him a few months ago, and while Brian is a bit scattered and his (phenomenal) band does all the heavy lifting, it's still a marvelous show. I was on a high for days afterwards.
  18. The whole idea of mechanical pencils is pretty bizarre, Everything about them is needlessly more difficult and expensive than simply using a regular pencil. That hasn't stopped me from always thinking they're pretty neat, though.
  19. What qualifies as vintage in the mechanical pencil market? I have a Spongebob Squarepants mechanical pencil, and a Cross pencil I got as a high school graduation gift in 1991. Do either of those count?
  20. That would be awesome, but I think they walked that back, and Geddy is just going to induct them.
  21. For me, that'd be BMX riding, skateboarding, deadheading, collecting baseball cards, throwing Chinese stars at trees, building tree forts, tinkering with my dad's woodworking tools, tennis, swimming. I don't really do any of that stuff anymore, though some of it would probably still be fun.
  22. Visiting all 50 states. I'm up to 42. I've never really thought of it as a hobby, but I suppose that's exactly what it is. Next stop Michigan in June! Playing drums and guitar. For the last few years, I've favored guitar, but I've been in a drum phase lately, and as a result my guitar playing has gone down the tubes. I recently realized I prefer pencils to pens when I'm at work, and now I have the beginnings of a pretty good pencil collection. That ties in with my interest in travel, and also my wife's obsession with hotel pens (she has one from Peru from over a decade ago that still w
  23. Back in the '90s, my buddy and I found out that Chuck would play anywhere as long as you covered his airfare, gave him $5,000 (or whatever the fee was) and provided a backing band. We did some math and determined that we could make that happen at the local bar that we happened to be sitting in if we charged $20 a ticket, and WE could be the backup band. That would have been so great, but by the next day we had sobered up and forgot all about it. Sort of like the time we had a gig at a dive bar the same night Willie Nelson was playing across town at Six Flags, and we figured we could get
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