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Everything posted by jff

  1. I know there are Minnesotans here. Who do you have on deck to replace Franken?
  2. jff


    I still haven't listened to anything from this lineup. I got to see them a bunch of times going back to the Al Anderson days, and they were still great through the Johnny Spampinato years. Then once Tom Ardolino died they fell off my radar. I need to give this new version a chance before it's too late.
  3. John McLaughlin & Jimmy Herring. It's gonna be a guitargasm.
  4. I've only heard a few minutes of Ultimate Painting, but I liked it. I'll check out Soundway. You and I seem to be the only Cate Le Bon fans here, so I trust your opinion.
  5. Yeah, I realized that last night when I saw the Trouble In Mind FB page. Someone a few years ago told me their records are cheap, so I bought a Paperhead record on a whim and liked it. Omni is a local band I like, so I would support them regardless of label. But I need to check out more Trouble in Mind bands based on liking those two.
  6. My wife saw this show when she was visiting Indianapolis last week and said it was really good. So we're going to see her in Atlanta in February. I can't remember the last time my wife wanted to go back for a second show of a tour, so I'd say that speaks pretty highly.
  7. The Paperhead - Chew Omni - Multi-Task
  8. So, Al Franken's punishment, according to you, is that he should never be able to hold any kind of job ever again?
  9. I can't remember what I've heard from this year, but I think I just added three to the list yesterday: Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings - Soul of a Woman Angel Olsen - Phases King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard w/ the Mild High Club - Sketches of Brunswick East
  10. You're right, but in my case, I'm not clever enough to do that.
  11. And the guy they owe so much money to that it will eventually end their band: C. Montgomery Burns.
  12. Yo forgot Third Degree Burns, Sun Burns, and Carpet Burns.
  13. Not OK, but we should all be able to agree that a person who does something terrible once, realizes they did something terrible, apologizes with sincerity, never does it again, and fights for the victims of said behavior is a much better person than someone who repeats a terrible act many times over a long period of time, accuses their victims of wrongdoing to deflect from their own behavior, and doesn't apologize or admit guilt. The first person is much more redeemable than the second, and that counts for a lot. Having said that, we don't know the extent of Franken's or Moore's acts, so I'
  14. Crap, I forgot and only caught the last half of the last song (Spiders), which was wild.
  15. Good tip. There definitely were some segments that seemed like they'd be better with video.
  16. https://www.apmpodcasts.org/thwod/2017/11/jeff-tweedy-didnt-want-to-take-his-doctor-on-tour-because-the-doctor-was-terrible/ Jeff discusses anxiety, depression, migraines, his guitar and record collection, and other topics. I haven't heard the whole thing yet, but so far it's really good. Jeff has always had a straightforward and clear way of speaking about topics that many among us tend to make overly complicated. I've always admired that about him.
  17. Rubber bullets should be the only ammo available for anything other than hunting rifles and handguns.
  18. The playing was fine. He's definitely one of my favorite bassists. But on this video he plays lots of sustained notes, which isn't something he does anymore, at least not that I've noticed. He has much more of a thumpy sound now. You hear the note and then it's gone...very McCartney-ish. That's been his primary sound since at least as far back as Summerteeth.
  19. I like this song, but I think they made the right choice by putting It's Just That Simple on the record. It might be that the genre is much more crowded now than it was when AM came out, but Myrna Lee sound a little...I'm trying not to say generic, because that word has negative connotations...but textbook alt-country to me. Maybe I wouldn't have though that at the time. As an aside, the video of I Must Be High on that Paste link is interesting in that John's bass sound is completely different than how he has sounded in a long, long time.
  20. I don't mean to disparage any of the singers in any way. They all sing just fine. I'm just more into them for what they can do instrumentally.
  21. I like it best when none of them sing. That goes for DTB and TTB.
  22. Ultimately though, who gives a shit? It amounts to absolutely nothing.
  23. This has to be the biggest non-story of the entire campaign. Brazile was wrong to give her the questions, if she indeed did do that. But Clinton was not helped, and didn't need to be helped, by this action. However one might feel about Clinton, if we're honest, we can all agree that she was beyond prepared to answer any question that could have been asked in the debates. The lady knows her shit backwards and forwards. That's not debatable.
  24. I heard something about that. I wouldn't be surprised if the Loft has some cool basses that Geddy wants to include in his book. But I'll bet the real reason he was in Chicago was for a baseball game, and the trip to the Loft was a way to write the whole trip off as a business expense.
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