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Everything posted by jff

  1. I'm glad to be mistaken about this. Somewhere on Friday I saw a track listing that apparently was incorrect. I definitely will pick this up.
  2. I was really psyched to get the new Lost Album, but the track listing I've seen shows several alternate takes which makes it a much less compelling release. It would be a slog to listen to, particularly on vinyl. It's one of the reasons I can't stand the Mosaic releases everyone else seems to love so much. Four or five takes of the same song in a row. Torture. Put all the alternate takes at the end, or on a second disc. So, I might not pick this one up even though I was initially really excited.
  3. That piece has problems. "despite hacked voting machines and gerrymandering - that there is no known mechanism by which our government can deny massive voter turnout." What? Hacked voting machines are precisely how our government can deny massive turnout. They can simply say "it didn't happen and here's the data to prove it. Don't agree? Let's go all the way to the supreme court." Guess how that turns out. "Stop pretending that the worst of what’s happening now is what is going to always happen." Nobody thinks that. What we do know with near certainty, however, is that much of
  4. I think Trump just won his second term.
  5. He certainly could have, but didn't give enough of a shit. He's almost dead anyway, so what does it matter to him if the country turns to hell? He won't have to experience it.
  6. Justice Kennedy just announced his retirement. Unless the democrats can obstruct and stonewall like never before, the supreme court will be consistently hard right for the rest of our lives.
  7. That's bizarre. He plays Atlanta at least once every year, and Atlanta gets skipped by lots of bands since (this is my assumption) we're not as close to neighboring cities as most of the NE is, making touring a bit harder and more expensive. I wonder if there's a reason he skips Boston.
  8. I saw the Strokes right after their first album blew up. They took almost two hours after the openers were done to get on stage. That really pissed me off, but I figured maybe there was a reasonable explanation and cut them some slack. Then I saw them a second time, maybe a year later, and they pulled the same shit. That was it for me. I will never be interested in anything any member of that band does ever again.
  9. That's too bad. I haven't seen them since the first run of Star Wars shows, which I thought was terrific, but yeah, they've been a consistent lineup for quite a long time now. Maybe it is time for a reinvent. With Nels's career doing really well, I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to move on and concentrate on that.
  10. I don't mean this as a "Talk Sh!t about bands" thread. But the reality is that sometimes a concert is so disappointing, for any number of reasons, that you give up on the band. I'm curious about your experiences with this, and I'll start off by sharing one of mine: Friday night I went to see Dr. Dog. I got into them when their album We All Belong came out. The best songs on that one, in my opinion, can stand strong against anyone's best songs. I didn't follow their career after that closely all, but I would occasionally hear a newer song that I really liked, so I figured they were still
  11. Thanks. I'm definitely going to watch some of that next time I hang out with my friend who is a Zappa nut. Hopefully he hasn't already seen it.
  12. Airline to Heaven...if the Mermaid Avenue songs count. EDIT: Oh wait, I thought I was posting in the Least Favorite thread. Haha!
  13. NK is savvy enough to know that the vast majority Americans don't want Trump as president. And the whole world knows he is a dangerous, incompetent fool. So, dropping a couple minor wins in his lap is one way to increase the odds that he stays in office for another term (and possibly the rest of his life), thus damaging the USA and its reputation around the world without having to actually do anything.
  14. Neil has commented on Poncho's absence and eventual return, but only in vague terms. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/neil-young-plots-new-crazy-horse-gigs-with-nils-lofgren-w519538 "Life is an unfolding saga," Young wrote on his Neil Young archives newspaper The NYA Times-Contrarian. "A few months back we started talking about playing some remote clubs and getting our feet wet again. Poncho is unable to join us right now but we all hope he will be back ... I think it will be the beginning of another beautiful chapter in our long, enriching and life changing Crazy Horse story."
  15. That'd be great. I've only ever seen the Poncho/Neil/BIlly/Ralph version. I'd love to see them incorporate piano and other instruments and do some of the After the Gold Rush or Everybody Knows... deep cuts.
  16. Poncho is on record saying he wants to do a farewell tour. I think Neil said he "wasn't able to be here this time." That could mean pretty much anything, but it doesn't sound like Neil fired him, or anything like that.
  17. AXS TV aired a Van Morrison performance last night. He has a new record with jazz organist Joey DeFancesco and his band backing him up. Sounded pretty solid.
  18. Rockateens & Superchunk
  19. I'm not a local but I've been to both several times, and I will second Radiatortunes' opinion that Vancouver is where you should spend the larger portion of your time. But definitely spend time in both locations.
  20. Rockateens - Sixth House https://www.npr.org/sections/allsongs/2018/04/24/604382192/the-rock-a-teens-cabbagetowns-vibrantly-weird-rock-band-is-back
  21. I go to Waffle House a lot. Been there hundreds of times, at dozens of different locations. Based on that, I'm slightly surprised that the cook didn't calmly walk over and chop this motherfuckers head off with a knife. Most of the people working there are not to be trifled with. But I suppose that gives a little perspective on how scary and insane a shooter situation is, and how even folks who have seen and experienced some real shit and are hardened by life become powerless when confronted with these horrible killing machines.
  22. The first time I went to Vancouver was when TV and film production was really taking off in the area. We were having an ice cream, and Chris Kattan went walking by on the sidewalk. You should have heard the squee-ing from the girls working in the ice cream shop. For Chris Kattan, if you can believe that.
  23. I've been to both a few times. I don't know if these things are do-able with a toddler, but in Vancouver we really enjoyed the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park (easily accessed by public bus) and a bike ride around the Stanley Park seawall. in Victoria, we loved hiking part of the Juan De Fuca trail out to the coast. Not a particularly long walk, but lovely...and a good way to get away from the cruise ship people. That required a car rental, but was worth it. I always like to go to Fan Tan Alley when I'm in Victoria. It's a very narrow pedestrian street with neat shops and a good recor
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