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Everything posted by jff

  1. What is the parallel between Jerry Lee Lewis and Ryan Adams? I get the underage thing, but that's only one detail among many in the accusations against Adams. If I recall, Jerry Lee, admittedly a terrible human being for many reasons, didn't lure underage girls into relationships with him in exchange for career services using his name and influence as leverage.
  2. I hadn't considered that. Wilco has always carefully selected venues, and tended to play historic theaters that are full of character and top out at around 4000 seats. It's a major part of the charm of their shows. Everyone can see. The sound is usually good. The band can see and interact with the audience. But if that kind of venue isn't big enough anymore, are there venues that they'd want to play that are somewhere in between that size and sterile sports arenas? I can't think of any in my part of the country. They might go to a multi-date per city touring schedule rather than playi
  3. I don't think I'd pay more than, like, $60 (before fees) to see Wilco, so I hope they'll keep prices down. Maybe NYC is higher than other cities. I don't remember ever paying more than $50-ish in Atlanta, but I've missed some of the recent tours.
  4. I remember finding out what that was sells for in the morning one day at work. I couldn't remember if I still had it or if I had traded it in long ago. It was torture waiting for the end of the day to see if I still had it. I've never bought anything with the intention of flipping for profit, but I'm not passing up $400. That was right before it got reissued, which probably didn't hurt the value of the original, but probably eliminated some potential buyers. That thing sold within an hour of listing it.
  5. Those really were the glory days for record buying. I grew up in the '80s, listening mostly to 45s and cassettes. It wasn't until around '89 or '90 that I really got into buying LPs, and that lasted through the entire '90s (and continues, but I don't go on buying rampages anymore.) You could find just about anything used and near mint for $5 or less (with some exceptions...Zappa was always $10 and up, for example). A lot of labels were still pressing new releases then. You could still get every Pavement album, for example, new for $9 until the end of the '90s. My best buy back then was
  6. I prefer Reverb LP to Discogs by far. It's much more of a visual experience, and more similar to looking through crates of records. Discogs is better if you'r looking for a specific pressing of a record and you know the catalog number. But all in all, I find Discogs to be a miserable website to use.
  7. Yeah, nothing against Spencer, but reading that gave me feeling that Glenn might be on the way out, or that there could be another major shakeup in the lineup. I can't fault Jeff for wanting to play with Spencer, and for taking advantage of in-house talent, but something seemed a bit off about that to me. It wouldn't surprise me if this is the last Wilco album from this lineup.
  8. That must have been where I read that. I think that approach worked well for Star Wars. Not as well for Schmilco, if that was made the same way. That one sounds more like a Tweedy solo album to me. It's the Syncronicity Side 2 of WIlco's discography.
  9. Ever since Sky Blue Sky, my impression is that their studio approach has seemed to be getting more piecemeal, with Nels increasingly becoming an auxiliary player who adds his bit after the tracks are mostly recorded. My impression could be totally wrong, but I believe I've read somewhere that this has been their process on the last couple of records. I suppose they could do a whole record with no instances of the entire band playing together at the same time. That's how many records are made, but it's weird to think of a band, and particularly one like Wilco, who are such a unified ensembl
  10. Thanks, I'll see if I can hunt them down.
  11. You're right, and I'd think this is especially true now that they are no longer managed by Tony. Whoever their new management is is going to do things a little differently, isn't going to have the same relationships with venues, promoters, etc.
  12. Where would I find this? This is something I'd enjoy. Russian Doll Best TV show I've seen i a long time. And short episodes are a blessing.
  13. Gross incompetence at Relix Magazine.
  14. It's not about a bong, or else they'd be way bigger on the jam band scene.
  15. I don't know. I never watched Twin Peaks.
  16. I was watching We Bare Bears last night, and I kept seeing a commercial for Butt Heads (Jingle: "Butt-Heads, their heads are butts"). Id this a real thing, or does Cartoon Network run fake ads?
  17. The previous one is equally good, imo. (except for the last song, Rockin' Back Into Your Heart, which is a little too Andrews Sisters for me). Technically it's an EP, but it has 8 songs on the vinyl. That's full length, to me.
  18. Cool, I'l look for that one in addition to the new one. Ohmme is coming here (Atlanta) in March. Hoping to see them.
  19. I don't really know William Tyler's music, aside from being aware that he's primarily an acoustic guitarist. I'll be in Burlington, VT for a couple days in February and he's playing there, so I got tickets. I need to pick up his records. (I've decided I like Can, but can't really stand the vocals most of the time.)
  20. The Zeppelin comparisons are not in their ability, but in what they're trying to do. The silly outfits, the physical mannerisms of the singer, the exact replica of Bonham's drums, Zeppelin style guitar and bass rigs (which had become the standard a long time, but isn't very common anymore), and the recording production style which is clearly going for that sound. They don't have the ability to get close to it, but they're going for it. As for vocal sound, I hear much more Heart than Zeppelin.
  21. I thought their second album had some good songs, too. It's been so long I can't remember which ones they are. I guess it had signs of what was to come, but by the third, they were totally unlistenable.
  22. I think their SNL appearance did them more harm than good. I don't like them, but I was hopeful that they'd do something that surprised me. To be fair, I guess I was a little surprised they went the Poison power balled route on their second song. I still hope they'll grow into something worthwhile, but after that performance I'm more doubtful than I was before. In related news, I'm the guy who said Kings of Leon had the potential to become one of American's great bands. That turned out to be dead wrong.
  23. I wish I could somehow get an accounting of how many of my Sunday afternoons as a kid were spent playing with Legos and listening to Caey Casem's American Top 40.
  24. I used to love Stompers. Do they still make those? There was a dirt patch in my yard where my dad had to get our septic tank dug up, and that was the perfect place to build all sortf of obstacles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEkKJCvibdA
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