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Everything posted by jff

  1. Impeachment was and is never going to happen to Trump, and probably never will happen again to an R. It's extremely likely to happen to most D's, however, for at least as long as baby boomers run everything.
  2. Good credentials. Unfortunately, authors and books, and tweets by authors of books, don't move the needle. How many books by (and tweets by) heavy hitting authors came out during W's first term, and what did it get us?
  3. Based on what we know so far, It didn't turn out bad for Trump in any sense of the word. This is the biggest win of his entire life. This is what he'll be remembered for, forever. His favorability rating will probably skyrocket in the next round of polling, and stay higher than it has ever been to date. The democrats will be widely seen as overplaying a losing hand and the ongoing investigations will backfire. And he's virtually guaranteed a second term now. It causes me physical pain to believe even one of those things, but I firmly believe all of that.
  4. If they sneak out a new album and it gets a reasonable amount of attention it'll help. The press from the book and Jeff's solo album has died down and probably isn't going to help sell Wilco tickets. If there's not a new album or some sort of new gimmick we haven't seen yet, I wouldn't be surprised if they do smaller venues. In any case, I certainly don't see them moving up in venue size unless there's a new album and it gets raves.
  5. Wilco is a far more desirable ticket. NIck Lowe is great, but he plays for 1000 people a night. Wilco plays venues three times as big, sometimes selling out two nights.
  6. Thanks for the review. I started seeing them towards the end of Al's tenure, and kept seeing them until they split up. I haven't really been interested in seeing them since then because I'd be preoccupied thinking "this isn't NRBQ," but I think enough time has passed that I'll probably go see them if they ever come back to the South. At this point, I'd probably consider it a Terry show and not be bothered by comparisons to the old band.
  7. Pavement had a lot of off nights. Prior to their reunion tour, live performing seemed to be something of an afterthought to them, and practicing together as a band was a logistical impossibility for much of their career.
  8. After posting that I went online to watch a few songs, since it's been a number of years since I last heard them. The vocal infection that puts me off wasn't as prevalent in the songs I watched as I remember from hearing them in the past, but he did it a couple times. For example, he sings the (edit) song word "begin" in one song and sings it as buh-geee-ooon. I don't know why that bothers me. Like I said, it's irrational. I've heard other singers do that, too, so maybe it's a regional thing. To their credit, I liked their sound in general. Good use of multiple guitars, and solid, un-
  9. I'm exactly the same. On paper, I should love this band. But one of my irrational musical pet peeves is vocalizing vowels as "eee-awwwwwww," which seems to be prevalent in his music. EDIT: Oops, didn't realize I was responding to such an old post.
  10. I found it believable. Having been in bands, there are houses all over Atlanta where I've practiced, played house shows, recorded, etc. Even when I've had a dedicated practice space (as close as I'll ever come to having a "The Loft"), I still ended up playing in people's houses all the time. I don't think it'd be all that much different for Jeff or for Wilco.
  11. Don't know the street or address, but it's this house, and it looks like this episode will air again next week. In the pre-rehab segment of the show there are a couple electric guitars and an amp in the living room, so it could be that the Wilco-related person was still living there. https://www.hgtv.com/shows/windy-city-rehab/episodes/historical-headache
  12. Not sure if this counts as "out and about," but I was watching Windy City Flip on TV on Saturday and they said Wilco wrote and recorded a song from YHF in the house they were renovating. It was a house in Ukranian Village. Maybe Jay Bennett's house?
  13. I think after Solid Sound (if they haven't blown up and become everyone's favorite band before then) there will be a lot of buzz here about them.
  14. It's stunning how talented this group is. I felt bad for them because they were booked in the worst venue in town (I almost didn't go because of the venue, but I'm glad I did) and there were probably only 20 people there. All 20 were enthusiastically supportive, but there should've been 100 at least, and there would have been if they had been at one of the venues that typically hosts indie types of bands. Definitely see them if you get a chance.
  15. jff


    Aprl 13. Hmmm. I see Jeff is playing a festival in Atlanta that day, and Nels will be in Atlanta the following day with a trio. Wonder if they'll cross paths and do something together.
  16. My guess is that the Cure are huge among Wilco fans, and Wilco is pretty strongly connected to the jam band world. Talk Talk is probably pretty obscure comparatively. Still, that's a sad loss. I don't really know their music, but a lot of people I know (who also, curiously, happen to be probably the biggest Cure fans I know) have very strong connections to their music, and 64 is way too young. If this were a Cure page, I suspect you'd have threads on Andy and Mark, but not Kofi. If this were a jam band page, you'd have Mark and Kofi, but maybe not Andy. It'd be an interesting venn dia
  17. Video has surfaced of Rep. Mark "I found one black person who says Trump isn't racist...wait, sobs, did you just call me racist?" Meadows (R-N.C.) repeatedly being racist against Obama. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/02/28/video-mark-meadows-saying-send-obama-home-kenya-resurfaces-hours-after-hes-accused-racist-stunt/?utm_term=.30c8b2516401&wpisrc=nl_most&wpmm=1
  18. I'm pretty sure season 2 is confirmed. I've read that it was pitched as a three season show, but I guess there's no way to know if that's how it will play out.
  19. "Mr Cohen, why did you record your conversations with Mr. Trump?" Uh, because he's obviously a sleezebag and I knew I'd need it when he eventually turned on me.
  20. This is my situation. I guess at this point I have most of what I want that's old. I mostly buy new releases now. Sometimes I buy used stuff in stores, but I can't remember the last time I went in looking for a specific used record and actually found it. The early '90s were sort of the glory days for that. That's partially because I didn't have nearly as many records at that point, so I had a longer want list, making for far better odds, but also back then just about any record store would have had used copies of just about every Zeppelin, Floyd, Hendrix, Neil Young, King Crimson, Beatles
  21. This is probably the most appealing lineup to date, but I won't be able to attend. In addition to WIlco Cate Le Bon Buck Meek Ohmme Julian Lage Feelies Lithics Anything Nels does Jonathan Richman Tortoise (they sometimes leave me cold, but it'd be fun to see them again) All big winners to me. and I'm sure I'd like many of the other acts. I've heard good things about Wand.
  22. As an Atlanta guy, I used to see Oteil all the time with the Aquarium Rescue Unit, but I only got to see Kofi once that I know of. It was at a Mars Music in-store drum clinic by Butch Trucks, Jaimoe, and Marc Quinones of the Allman Brothers. The drummers did their thing for half an hour, and then brought out Jack Pierson on guitar and Kofi on hammond organ and flute to play Hotlanta, a little bit of Elizabeth Reed, and a couple of jams. That lineup was as good as anything I ever saw at an Allman Brothers concert. I knew of Kofi, and knew he had to be really good, but I was really knocked o
  23. jff


    That's awesome. Congratulations! My wife and I have the same goal, and we're closing in on it fast. We'll pass through ND via Amtrak in a few months on our way to Montana. Later in the year, I'll pick up Colorado and Utah, leaving only Hawaii for me, and Hawaii and Louisiana for my wife. Then we're done and on to whatever our next goal is.
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