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Everything posted by jff

  1. Also if he didn't throw away some potentially great Willie Nelson stories by saying "Oh, I was just wondering if we ate at the same BBQ restaurant near there." Sort of a funny throwaway line, but we didn't get to hear anything about Willie or his studio.
  2. jff

    Jeff Spring Tour

    It'd be cool to see Jeff in a venue that small. Obviously at least 520 people agree.
  3. jff

    Jeff Spring Tour

    Largo is tiny, right? I think that's where Nels used to play when he was struggling so bad he almost quit music.
  4. jff

    Jeff Spring Tour

    Yes, that was priority #1 on my first visit (with lunch at H&H Soul Food, where they used to get fed for free until tour earnings came in and they could pay for their meals), and it was well worth the trip. They were my favorite band at one time. If you're a fan, or any kind of music nerd, it's a must see. Not a day goes by that I don't use my souvenir guitar picks that I bought there. There are some Otis Redding sites I want to see next time, and a few other things. The drive from Savannah to Macon is super boring, but could be done in a day trip.
  5. jff

    Jeff Spring Tour

    Macon, GA. That's pretty cool. I might drive down for that. There are a few sites there that I've wanted to see but missed the last couple of times I was there, so it'd be worth a trip. I like Buck Meek, too, so that's an added bonus.
  6. That's true, and I have found that to be the case with virtually all musician memoirs I've read. Almost like there's a template in the book publishing world that all artists must follow. I suppose Tweedy has had more time to think about and gain perspective on the distant past than the recent past/present. But I'm equally, if not more curious about the current experience of being in Wilco as I am about other periods of his life/career, and it would have been interesting to read more on that. On the plus side, at least we didn't have to slog through 150 pages about six generations of dista
  7. I felt there were some topics left out, too. In addition to your list, I was hoping to hear a little about Jeff's guitar lesson with Richard Lloyd, which was a gift Sue gave him. Richard refuses to talk about it, saying that "private" lessons are private. Fair enough, but if I have my timeline correct, Tweedy's playing changed markedly after that lesson (as noted by the exponentially greater amount of lead playing he did beginning on AGIB), so it would have been interesting to hear his thoughts on how that lesson changed his approach to guitar playing. One could argue that's something more
  8. I went to public school and learned about Rush and Van Halen and classic rock in general, and later when I got a skateboard and started hanging out with the punks I learned about Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, etc. Then I got kicked out of public school and my parents sent me to catholic school, where I learned about the Cure, REM, and new wave. I don't know what it is about catholic high school kids and the Cure. The public/private school dichotomy turned out to be a pretty good way to cover my bases musically (plus being in the school band at both...that's probably an incalculably large fa
  9. That's a fair critique. I just finished it last night, and it does read that way. I enjoyed it a lot, but it was basically a long form bio written in Jeff's voice. I don't think most people who use this forum will be surprised by any of the content. But I will say, if you've already read the rehab chapter that Rolling Stone published last week, don't skip over that chapter in the book. The Rolling Stone version was incomplete, and left out what, in my opinion, are some of the most moving parts of the book.
  10. I'll be heading up on Tuesday morning. That'll be the only day that I have free time during daylight hours, so, weather permitting, I'm planning on walking from the Drake Hotel to the area around Millennium Park via the Magnificent Mile. I want to see the Tiffany dome in the Chicago Cultural Center, and the mosaic ceiling (also Tiffany) inside the Macy's/Marshall Field building. Next to that is the Picasso sculpture. My wife tells me we saw that last time we were there, but I must have been experiencing sensory overload, because I don't remember it. I also plan to stop in and see what I c
  11. I admire your confidence. I don't think she'll make it through (I hate myself for even saying this) Trump's likely second term.
  12. RBG has fallen and has three broken ribs. I'm pretty confident we're fucked.
  13. Thanks for the tips! All of this sounds great. Apologies if I'm asking for things that have already been covered. I'll make time today to look through the rest of the thread.
  14. Hey all, I'll be in Chicago from Nov. 13 to 16 (leaving at lunchtime) for a last minute work conference. I'll be staying at the Drake Hotel and will be tied up in meetings there until 4:30 or so. My only time to do much of anything during daylight hours will be the day I arrive (the 13th.) I've been to Chicago a couple times and have been to many of the big attractions, and spent some time in Wicker Park and Oak Park. This time, the only things I know I want to do are take a quick look at the Tiffany dome in the Cultural Center, see the wooden block alley, maybe take another quick spin thro
  15. City Springs, I think it's called. Sounded like part of the city hall complex from what little I could find online. I live in East Point, so it's a bit of a slog to get here for me. Either 1/3 of the way around 285, or right through the middle of Downtown. But I suppose I can take Marta and Lyft from the station.
  16. I don't know about a website. Hell, the venue they're playing is some place nobody has ever heard of or knows anything about. So the whole thing is a little mysterious.
  17. I've been meaning to listen to it. I guess it just fell off my radar. And now it's back on, thanks to this movie. I enjoyed seeing them playing on TV when it was new, so I'm sure I'll like it.
  18. Ah, so these are not tracks from the Tweedy album? I suspected that, but I've never heard Sukirae all the way through and wasn't sure.
  19. I watched the movie St. Vincent yesterday. There are a few songs in it that Jeff Tweedy sings that I've never heard before. I couldn't tell if it was Wilco, Tweedy, or something else. Anyone know what these songs are? The movie was worth seeing. It's on Netflix, but I think they're taking it out of their lineup it in the next few days,
  20. Marty has been using the Clarence White guitar as his main electric with his Fabulous Superlatives band. I just discovered his TV show, and it's been really good. His band is as good as country/roots music get and Roger/Chris were very wise to do this tour with them as their backing band.
  21. The fact that he backpedaled at all is telling. That's not something he does, so you know he's feeling some heat.
  22. Now that Trump has backpedaled and claims he misspoke, ask them again. Which version of events do they stand by?
  23. I'd love to be wrong about everything I said but, just to offer some examples to explain where I'm coming from: lifetime appointments can't be corrected with an election. Public lands that are given away are extremely unlikely to be given back with the change of leadership. Fouled air and water can't be cleaned anywhere near as quickly as it was polluted. The damage done to families torn apart at the border isn't going to be corrected immediately, and maybe not ever, when these families are reunited. You can betray a trusted ally with a single word, but it takes a lot of time and action to
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