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Everything posted by jff

  1. Good points. Related to this, I've been seeing a lot of pro-gun folks arguing that if you don't use the right terminology or have a thorough working knowledge of guns, you aren't entitled to an opinion on the matter, which is patently absurd.
  2. She is a fabulous guitarist. Good singer, too. I used to live in a neighborhood that held a bluegrass festival every year,and I tried to get the organizers to book her, but they said her fee was too high.
  3. Apparently Wal-Mart and Kroger (a grocery store chain) have raised the age to 21, as well. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/business/kroger-firearms-fred-meyer.html
  4. Sorry to quote myself, but to follow up on this, my disappointment over not seeing Kenny and Scott was for naught. Julian's band were terrific, and Julian's playing was absolutely dazzling. Just unbelievable perfection. I have no idea how a musician gets to that level. He is as good on guitar as Charlie Parker was on sax. Kudos also to the audience. I gripe frequently about Atlanta audiences being chatty and indifferent, but this crowd was dead silent when it needed to be and wildly enthusiastic at all the right moments.
  5. Sorry, just saw this post. It was the Buckhead Theater (which used to be The Roxy), I didn't even know they had closed, but apparently it was sold recently. They painted the interior a reddish color, which looks nice and is an improvement over the boring light beige. I think they also brought in new sound equipment. Other than that I didn't notice any changes.
  6. Georgia can't take much more embarrassment this week.
  7. Julian Lage Trio I'm a little bummed he isn't touring with the guys on his record (Kenny Wolleson and Scott Colley), but continually promotes his tour by posting videos of them rather than the guys who he'll be playing with. I'm sure they're great, but that's misleading.
  8. Ike Stubblefield/Grant Green Jr. Trio
  9. I've never been to a Dick's store, but I will be doing all my Christmas and birthday shopping there this year.
  10. Amazon has (or had until yesterday) Georgia on it's short list of places to open a new headquarters, No way that's gonna happen now. And Georgia is a MASSIVE state for the film and TV industry. That's in jeopardy now, too. So this petty extortion attempt, coupled with non-stop attempts to legislate religious bigotry against gays, is going to cost Georgia incalculable damage. All because certain types of people feel like their being oppressed when they lose their privileged status. As a Georgian (proudly not by birth) this is extremely embarrassing, but I'm glad it's getting national at
  11. Keith Morris from Black Flag/Circle Jerks did some good screaming.
  12. To be fair, he does have so much orange makeup and hairspray on that it'd be tough for a bullet to break skin.
  13. Yes, that's partially what I'm basing my opinion on. They were overly shouty on the vocals and it's doesn't work for me. Maybe I just don't care for Marty as a live performer.
  14. I will definitely read Jorma's book. Hopefully Jack will do one, too. I like Jefferson Airplane a lot, but I've never cared for them as a live band, just based on their live releases. I never got to see them. Hot Tuna is the opposite. I like them as a live band, but not as much on record. And I have seen them.
  15. It's so obvious that history is being written right now. And it couldn't be clearer who will be the heroes and who will be the villains, for all eternity, in this story. And yet, people are still refusing to stand with these kids. They'll outlaw "bump stocks", but the gun manufacturers will just change the name of them, make them come in two pieces that you have to put together, and they'll do the exact same thing.
  16. I thought they were really good. My friend who got us into the show is a devoted fan/friend of the band and said they went pretty heavy on the oldies, which makes sense since I recognized many of the songs despite not paying attention to their career since the early '90s. This show was sort of an invite-only open bar/free food tax write off type of event celebrating the reopening of a local theater in the wealthy area of Atlanta, so I guess they wrote their setlist with an older, richer audience in mind (it was a very old crowd, but they were enthusiastic). They seem to have a new Athens, G
  17. That's good news. Hopefully she'll do some more touring.
  18. Probably not, and that's a good thing. The more idiots they have spouting off, the easier it will be to win this fight.
  19. "I knew he had five or six; I didn't know what kind they were. It didn't matter what kind of guns they were. I have guns. I respect guns as long as they're handled properly, safely. And one of the stipulations before moving in was to have a gun safe before he moved in," James said. So this clown pretends to advocate for proper and a safe handling of guns, but he doesn't know know what kind of guns are in his house, or how many. Sounds really proper and safe to me.
  20. A new Drinks (Cate Le Bon and Tim Pressley) record is coming soon. Should be pretty weird and wonderful.
  21. I'll be seeing Cracker at a private event in Atlanta tonight. I don't think I've seen them since the '90s, Not sure why I neglected this band, but glad to get to see them again.
  22. I shouldn't take such a cheap shot at the parents of the victims. I know they wold make change if they could. It's their (my) generation in general, and my parents generation who continue to demonstrate, opinion polls notwithstanding, that they don't give a shit.
  23. Don't give up on the classmates of those kids. Their parents might not be willing to force change, but the kids who actually dodged the bullets and watched their friends die are rightfully furious and they'll be voting age before long. I think young people are about to start cleaning up a whole bunch of different messes older generations, including my own, have created.
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