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Everything posted by jff

  1. Nothing against Alex, but I like that it's just Geddy. It'll allow Dan Rather to dig deeper than just Rush topics, and based on the clips I've seen, he does.
  2. The Loft facebook page posted a photo today of Geddy Lee visiting Jeff Tweedy/The Loft. I think it'd be pretty cool if Geddy wound up recording a solo album there with Jeff producing, and it'd probably bring out something new in Geddy's music, It'd be funny if Geddy incorporated the non-Xanadu sounding parts of Spiders into one of his own songs.
  3. KING CRIMSON! I can't remember the last time I was this psyched for a show. I saw them on their Construction of Light tour and I thought they phoned it in. Prior to that, I saw two nights of the Thrak tour, which was phenomenal. Both of those lineups mostly played '80s and newer material. This version of the band plays a lot of '70s stuff, which is what I'm most into.
  4. Now Trump says that's fake news and he can prove it. Knowing full well that he'll never have to prove it because communication between a president and a grieving widow is not something that can or should be made public. Meanwhile, the Trump apologists are claiming that it's a compliment to say that line to the family of dead soldiers.
  5. Nels sat in with the TTB a few days ago. They performed the Allman's Ain't Wasting Time No More, and a wicked jam on Miles Davis's Ali, and another song I'm not familiar with. A TTB original? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy8XgOt6luQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1OK3NbD2yU
  6. I remember that story from the WTF podcast (although I thought he was talking about Kenny Wayne Sheppard, or one of those other SRV Jr. kids). I think Derek and his dad overheard Joe ordering his own dad to fetch him a coke, which lead to Derek's dad saying to Derek "If you ever start treating me that way I will beat your ass."
  7. Yeah, that bugged me. He had loads of protest songs, and songs with clear societal messages, and then lies his ass off about just trying to be an entertainer for people who he claims couldn't care less about the messages in his songs. Easily disproven loads of bollocks, all of it. I'm just so sick of this cagey obfuscation and dickheadedness towards everyone. I got my fill of that as a youngster in the '90s. I can't take it anymore. I wish I hadn't rewatched this film.
  8. Tickets are so expensive because he attracts the Donate $500 to PBS so you can get a Tote Bag and a Moddy Blues DVD crowd.
  9. I saw Don't Look Back on TV a couple weeks ago. That whole Dylan/Time Magazine interaction kind of made me hate him. He was a raging asshole and liar to everyone outside of his clique at that time, and maybe always has been. He redeemed himself somewhat in my eyes, via Tom Petty's death, thanks to my listening to Traveling Wilburys so much over the last week. He has a sense of humor on those tracks that is sorely lacking in Don't Look Back.
  10. A roundup of Petty covers. I'm glad I was wrong earlier and everyone is not just playing The Waiting. https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2017/10/heres-a-comprehensive-collection-of-tom-petty-trib.html
  11. Sister Rosetta and Link Wray are musts. MC5 and the Meters should be in. I couldn't care less if any of the rest of them, many of whom I enjoy and respect greatly, ever get in, but If RATM gets in before MC5 it'll be an absolute disgrace.
  12. I'm glad to hear everyone's not just playing The Waiting. The Waiting is a great song, totally worthy of being covered, but just like when Bowie died and everyone was playing Space Oddity (sorry Wilco, but you're guilty, too) it got a bit tedious. I don't mean that as negatively as it probably seems. Petty has dozens of great songs. Bowie had dozens of great songs. Spotlighting that fact is a better tribute than everyone playing the same song.
  13. I only got to see Tom on the Echo tour. What a show! I remember when that album was about to come out and they were scheduled to play on SNL. I was only a casual fan of a TP fan at the time, but I had never been so excited about a music performance on TV. I guess I was really craving some good old fashioned rock and roll after having gone through most of the '90s as an indie rock listener. I thought they absolutely slayed that night, and it made me love Tom and his band so much. They played Room at the Top and Swingin'. Swingin' is OK, but kind of a goofy song, but when they played the
  14. You are correct about that. In my defense, it's difficult to read that as sarcasm when it's the default position taken by far too many people after these killings. But I suppose in a way that was your point.
  15. Flap, Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel, Edgewood Saxophone Trio - Avondale Towne Cinema
  16. He hasn't been elected to the senate yet. Last night was a primary. So there's still some hope that he could still lose, but this being Alabama, it's almost a sure thing that he'll win.
  17. Roy Moore. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2017/09/27/a-short-history-of-roy-moores-controversial-interpretations-of-the-bible/?utm_term=.87e4e078fb8c
  18. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard w/ Nest Egg
  19. I never got to see him perform, unfortunately. It was clear that he was an amazing person who never took his success for granted. RIP Charles.
  20. Don't pop the cork on the good stuff just yet, but McCain says he'll oppose the health bill.
  21. Yeah, that'd be a good story. We've mostly only heard the rehab story from that time period. I remember reading part of an AGIB article in Spin, or Magnet, or something like that when I was at a mall bookstore. The part I read focused on the unorthodox recording process they were using at the time, and talked a bit about the Wilco Book recordings. I wish I had bought that magazine. It's probably the closest thing to the "AGIB story" that I've come across. Anyone know what magazine I'm referring to?
  22. In my limited experience, these are better when they're about artists/albums who don't already have a bunch of books written about them.
  23. I've read several of these. They vary widely in quality. Some are song by song analysis, some are fan fiction, some are long form band bios, some are cultural commentary, some are about the author more than the subject. I enjoyed Marquee Moon, Paul's Boutique, and Forever Changes. I felt like I learned something about why and how these albums came to be. Doolittle and Piper at the Gates of Dawn were pretty good, but I felt like I'd read it all before. Trout Mask Replica was pretty good as a Cliff's Notes version of what happened during the making of that album. Worth reading if
  24. I want to believe that the new Husker Du box set gave him a little bit of happiness before he passed. 56 is way too young.
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