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Everything posted by jff

  1. Trump's claim that Comey had lost the trust of FBI workers has been officially contradicted by the new FBI head. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/11/politics/andrew-mccabe-hearing-senate-intelligence-committee/index.html
  2. Let me put it this way: Every time I've seen him, I've left saying I will never miss a Watt show when he comes through town. (Even though I haven't been able to live up to that.) I wish the Watt/Puppets tour was coming through Atlanta. I'd be all over that.
  3. Thanks! My wife saw that tour in Miami. 1989, or something like that. They still had Rat Scabies on drums, but he's no longer in the band. I really like them, thanks to her, but she goes back way farther with them than I do. I'm concerned that they haven't told us what time to be there for the soundcheck/VIP thing. I'll be bummed if we don't get to meet Dave Vanian and Captain Sensible. My wife has prepared some things to say to Captain so that she doesn't get the starstruck muteness. I've gotta say I'm kind of smitten by that, so if the VIP thing goes off without a hitch it will be a gr
  4. The Damned! We splurged for the VIP package (soundcheck, meet & greet, free records and poster) because this band has been really important to my wife for a really long time. Now, if these jokers would just tell us what time to show up.
  5. Don't worry. Trump sent a certified letter to Lindsey Graham stating that there's no connection to Russia, so that settles everything,
  6. As a Georgia resident, I hope I'll get to vote for her for senator or governor in the very near future.
  7. Stating an opinion of what people should do or think is in no way authoritative. If it is, then I'm the world's least effectual dictator.
  8. You're the one who got sanctimonious right off the bat. But feel free to explain what the concern is with taking money for speeches. Also, learn the definition of dictate.
  9. What was your criticism, again? That he's giving a speech for money? I honestly couldn't care less about that, and neither should anyone else.
  10. You know the conversation we're having right now began with me, an admirer of Obama, criticizing him, right?
  11. Or maybe he was reeling from the bombshell announcement that...SPOLIER ALERT: Turn away now unless you want your opinion of Obama to be permanently sullied... ...he had a girlfriend before he met Michelle. And (NSFW material below. Steel yourself for this).... ...they had sex.
  12. Did anyone else watch Obama's speech last night at the JFK library? He phoned it in. It was super boring and monotone. Maybe he was trying to show that he can deliver a speech while falling asleep and still be more coherent than this new guy.
  13. Yeah, I remember really enjoying his playing. I've only seen a few of the songs from that DVD, but I'm impressed by what I've seen. I consider Jason Bonham adequate, but kind of generic and sort of plodding.
  14. Today is very likely to be one of the worst legislative days in the history of this country.
  15. That's one way of looking at it. Another is that he preferred fulfilling his prophesy (so to speak) to having his family and friends witness him dying in a hospital bed. But this is all IF you believe he beckoned his death.
  16. Oops, I guess I missed your link. I agree about not watching it. I had considered going to this show, but now I'm glad I didn't. I know he didn't technically die on stage, but he collapsed on the stage and never got back up. That's more than close enough to dying on stage, as far as I'm concerned. It would have fucked me up, maybe forever, to see that.
  17. Dying is the worst, but this way sure beats lying in a hospital bed, wasting away. Who could ask for more than spending your last few hours on Earth joyfully surrounded by colleagues, family, and fans who have gathered in your honor? I remember in the early '90s Hampton retired from the Aquarium Rescue Unit because they were touring a lot and his health wasn't up to that kind of rigorous lifestyle. But since then, he's been more active than ever. He's put together loads of new bands, continued touring, acted in films, most notably Sling Blade, but he's also in a new one with Fred Wilard c
  18. Col. Bruce Hampton, singer for the Hampton Grease Band, whose phenomenal Music To Eat album is noteworthy for being the second worst selling record Columbia ever released (beaten only by a yoga album), and spiritual father of jam band musicians and fans everywhere, collapsed on stage at the Fox Theater in Atlanta during the last song of a concert in celebration of his 70th birthday. He passed away shortly after the concert ended. I got to see Bruce several times, and it was always an unpredictable, funny, mind-bending, and thoroughly fulfilling experience. He had a knack for finding great
  19. I guess the beard, gray hair, a blown back hair made him look different to me.
  20. Is TP using a new bass player? Check out this photo gallery from last night's show in Atlanta. This does not look like Ron Blair to me. http://www.creativeloafing.com/music/media-gallery/20859755/photos-tom-petty-and-the-heartbreakers-at-philips-arena
  21. I don't think that is accurate. I have no idea which songs you feel are the hardest rocking of their repertoire, but having attended a bunch of Allman shows, the audiences were equally rapturous when they played Blue Sky, Dreams, etc. as they were for, say, Whipping Post,Trouble No More, etc. I've never felt you could pin their fans into any box, as their catalog of music is about as wide ranging as it gets.
  22. At least in their case they actually throw in one or two lesser known songs now and then. The last time I saw them they played Circumstances, and I believe they played A Farewell to Kings on a recent tour. Those are both pretty deep cuts.
  23. Who is Alex? Alex Van Halen?
  24. Hmm, I only saw him on the Echo tour, which I thought was a pretty amazing setlist. All the hits, plus new material, covers, and a healthy amount of ad-libbing. Not by the numbers. At least, it didn't feel like they were going by the numbers. Maybe I'll sit this one out.
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