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Everything posted by jff

  1. Probably not, and that's a good thing. The more idiots they have spouting off, the easier it will be to win this fight.
  2. "I knew he had five or six; I didn't know what kind they were. It didn't matter what kind of guns they were. I have guns. I respect guns as long as they're handled properly, safely. And one of the stipulations before moving in was to have a gun safe before he moved in," James said. So this clown pretends to advocate for proper and a safe handling of guns, but he doesn't know know what kind of guns are in his house, or how many. Sounds really proper and safe to me.
  3. A new Drinks (Cate Le Bon and Tim Pressley) record is coming soon. Should be pretty weird and wonderful.
  4. I'll be seeing Cracker at a private event in Atlanta tonight. I don't think I've seen them since the '90s, Not sure why I neglected this band, but glad to get to see them again.
  5. I shouldn't take such a cheap shot at the parents of the victims. I know they wold make change if they could. It's their (my) generation in general, and my parents generation who continue to demonstrate, opinion polls notwithstanding, that they don't give a shit.
  6. Don't give up on the classmates of those kids. Their parents might not be willing to force change, but the kids who actually dodged the bullets and watched their friends die are rightfully furious and they'll be voting age before long. I think young people are about to start cleaning up a whole bunch of different messes older generations, including my own, have created.
  7. Don't sell yourself short. It'll continue after you die.
  8. jff


    It might seem that way, but my last two bands were ten year affairs. Quitting was probably overdue in both cases. I guess before that, all the bands I was in ended after a couple years just because we were at the age when people go away to college, have kids, get careers, or just hanging it up.
  9. jff


    Yes. I think I made my exit diplomatically and with no hard feelings. Now I need to get another band going. Hopefully something drastically different, which is what I've always done when changing bands...and I seem to be the only person I've ever played with who was willing to quit a band. It's always me who quits.
  10. jff


    Today I quit my band.
  11. What was the last Malkmus record? Was it the one with that stupid Senator wants a blowjob song? Definitely looking forward to the new Dr. Dog. I've never been able to see them in concert for one reason or another, but I have tickets in hand for this tour.
  12. I'm surprised this didn't get more attention. What a great idea. I only got to listen to a little of it, here and there, and what I heard was mostly slow acoustic stuff. It seemed like, based on the handful of songs I heard, maybe the covers portion was arranged in order of increasing tempo and rockingness?
  13. I've come to the conclusion that if that happens, nothing will happen to Trump's presidency. There is no bottom. No point at which his base will abandon him. No point at which republicans in general will abandon him in numbers large enough to matter. But I'm very interested in why you think it will bring down his presidency. Not saying you're wrong, I just can't get there after having seen so many outrageous scandals go nowhere.
  14. I think they were going for "more standing ovations than Obama ever got."
  15. I just came across this article about Nels and his twin brother, Alex. Includes a nice photo gallery and a video of them absolutely wailing on some Hendrix/Band of Gypsies. https://www.allaboutjazz.com/nels-and-alex-cline-50-years-in-the-making-nels-cline-by-jonathan-manning.php?page=1
  16. I've heard Nels talk about this music before, but this link is very cool because we get to hear him play the parts he's talking about. I never picked up on him using Marquee Moon parts in Handshake Drugs.
  17. The coming nuclear winter will be all his, though.
  18. Thanks. We were definitely big fans of Thinking Fellers.
  19. At that time, I was in a band called Ladies Night (goofy name, I know.) We were an instrumental band who crammed as many different parts into our songs as we could. Our show with Neptune was at a place called Eyedrum in Downtown Atlanta. I was the drummer. Here's one of our tunes. https://soundcloud.com/jeff-patch/ladies-night-reptilicus
  20. I was in a band that played with Neptune when they came to Atlanta. I had forgotten about their homemade instruments, but now that you've mentioned it my memory has come back pretty vividly. I remember liking the band a lot. I still have a Neptune sticker on a filebox I use to store show flyers, photos and other ephemera.
  21. I might go to that, mostly because the last time I saw ABB was around the time Dickey left. It'd probably be a good nostalgia show for me.
  22. You have all made some excellent points, and done so in a way that is better/clearer than whatever I would have said. As an aside, I notice that many of you mention that Tweedy isn't a "technically" great singer. I would agree with that, and it makes me wonder how many singers I enjoy listening to in rock and pop music who are technically great singers. I'm certain that is a very low number. Getting back to Jeff, I always notice in his interviews that he answers whatever question is thrown at him in a straightforward and honest way. Never any bullshit or head games like you get in many
  23. This is pretty obviously a political move by the Ds to show that they have the moral high ground on this issue, and "women's issues" in general. It's a good move, however unfortunate it might be. It's not like they're losing a seat. I think this is also why we saw Trent Franks, a total nobody R, resign immediately after Franken. The Rs see what the Ds are doing and are sacrificing him in an attempt to neutralize this issue.
  24. Franken used the word "her" during his statement when referring to his potential replacement. Any guesses who might replace him if his replacement is a woman?
  25. I think we have way too many versions of Hear My Train A Comin already.
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